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Everything posted by oboogie

  1. Bless her heart. šŸ¤£ Agree. As with many newbies with their panties in a bunch, I just hit the ignore button and move on. šŸ™‚
  2. Proofread* It's my job, not my hobby. TL;DR Gosh, I can't imagine how you didn't get along with your tattoo artist. šŸ¤£ Right on!
  3. The crazy just keeps coming. They had to lock another newbie thread because she didn't hear what he wanted to. YIKES. It must be a tough time to be a tattoo artist. šŸ˜³
  4. They all heal differently. It's still new. Just let it heal.
  5. They won't tattoo over a scabbed area. It looks like you might be putting too much lotion or something on it. Just keep it clean and let it heal. Don't put anything on it. That's what i would do, anyway.
  6. My Richard Stell signed and personalized Porkchop sheet. I''ll always treasure it.
  7. Also, my leg was jumping involuntarily yesterday. So. Annoying.
  8. I got the outside of my right thigh done yesterday. Some black and grey peonies by Josh Henderson at Brainstorm Tattoo.
  9. I use Creme de Corps by Kiehl's. I used Aquaphor for years, and it works fine. Just use a very small amount. Same with CeraVe Healing Ointment. They work well.
  10. My calves are covered, and they always take longer to heal. Of course, it is different for everyone, but this happens to a lot of people. It's not just me sharing this experience. šŸ˜‰
  11. No. But Iā€™m not a doctor. My infected tattoo was oozing green junk and covered in thick scabs. Yours looks a little Irritated.
  12. Just let it heal and quit putting so much stuff on it.
  13. My friend Richard Stell died today. I saw him last Saturday. He didn't look well, but I thought he might hang in there. Please send your thoughts and love to Jennifer Stell and all of Richard's family and friends.
  14. Welcome! I don't have any ideas right off hand, but it's a very creative idea.
  15. The tattoo location is farther from your heart. Lower leg tattoos always take longer to heal on me. I think you're OK. Still early days. šŸ™‚
  16. I had an actual infected tattoo. Trust me when I tell you that yours looks fine. šŸ™‚
  17. Because that's what it is. Glad you get that, @Wolves.
  18. What is with the influx of these latest people? Ugh. Know-it-alls are the worst.
  19. I agree with @Hogrider. I can't believe you are going back for more work on that when you haven't been to the doctor for that. It doesn't look right. We can't tell you anything more. We aren't doctors.
  20. You are simple. I tried to be nice. I wouldn't want to have anything you have tattooed on your arm. I think it is instagram rubbish, but unlike you, I tried to act with grace and be kind. Clearly all lost on someone like you. I hope you have a good weekend. You clearly have a big Friday night planned since you are arguing with a complete stranger on the internet. Me? I'm still at work. Bye now! šŸ˜‚
  21. @pinhead91 Apologies. You have a great tattoo there, and it is easily covered up. You'll get used to it. I'm sorry it was such toil to get it.
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