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Everything posted by oboogie

  1. NO. It will fade as you wear it. They don't stay that black EVER. Quit worrying about it. Please. And maybe don't get anymore tattoos if you are this obsessive. 😉
  2. Just own it. It's fine. Trying to laser that is going to lead to heartache.
  3. Looks good, man. My first use of white turned yellow. (It was my first tattoo and has since been covered.) My tattoo artist doesn't use much of it on me because you can leave open skin, and it looks just as white. 😂 I'm as white as a ghost.
  4. You're right. Clearly, hygiene was a priority here. 😂
  5. Considering where and how you got it done, it probably is infected. Go see a doctor if you're worried.
  6. My legs are covered in smaller tattoos. I have many different ideas and interests, so little tattoos made more sense there. I have two full sleeves, and those are mostly more thematic. I plan to get a Japanese back piece eventually. I like both looks. It's just a personal thing.
  7. A tattoo I had that was infected had every bit of color fall out. Like ALLLL of it. It was a few months before he could touch it up.
  8. We didn't say what you wanted us to say so you deleted it?
  9. Why on earth would you wait a year? That has happened in spots here and there on both of my sleeves, but a few months is more than enough time to wait before a touchup.
  10. Looks fine to me. Like a healing tattoo.
  11. oboogie


    It's fine. As they said upthread, you're putting too much lotion/Bepanthen on it.
  12. Also? That shit is all ugly, no matter the age.
  13. I'd take it off and reapply. Once the corner lifts like that on a tattooed area, I consider it breached. I never use the stuff on high movement areas. It doesn't stay put for me.
  14. When my tattoo was infected, every bit of the color fell out. It was months before it could be touched up. We waited a few weeks and tried, and the needle just went straight through the flesh. It was bizarre. Just give it a few months and with a touchup, it will be good as new. Were you wearing shoes while it healed? I had my feet tattooed (much more heavily than yours) in the winter, but I still rocked flip flops until they healed. Might try that, even if your feet get cold. Or maybe wait until summer to get it touched up.
  15. No idea. Nothing you an do about it now. 🤷‍♀️
  16. I had an infected tattoo. It looked a lot like yours. I had to get a shot of antibiotics, and it took a few days for them to kick in. All the color fell out, and the skin was sensitive and took quite a long while to heal. Just be careful with it and follow the instructions your doctor gave you. You'll be OK. No need to panic.
  17. I imagine it will go away. It's probably just the adhesive and the lotion you trapped under there (even if just a little).
  18. Could be either of those things. 🤷‍♀️
  19. The adhesive causes rashes on me, too. It always goes away. Also, definitely don't put anything under the saniderm. That is contrary to the instructions.
  20. For the record, I said the "crazy keeps coming." I never called you crazy. That was your assumption—your leap. But sure. You keep on posting the same old shit, I'm sure everyone will love you. Good luck. 👍
  21. If you're that concerned, see a doctor. We can't tell you exactly what it is. Good luck.
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