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Everything posted by oboogie

  1. That's impressive! My classes include a lot of weightlifting with the arms, and my arm was far too sore to do that. I went back a few days later when it didn't hurt too much. 🙂
  2. Yup. I'm not an old man, but I feel the same. 🙂 NOPE NOPE NOPE.
  3. Thanks, Dan! I was pretty sure I should skip, but I love my workouts (like a weirdo), and I was hesitant to skip. But I am going to skip. I'll go back Friday. 🙂 Thanks again, man!
  4. Got my right arm sleeve touched up last night. I had planned to go work out today at Orange Theory Fitness, but my arm is super sore, and we usually do lots of weight lifting. Not sure what I should do. Thoughts and feelings?
  5. Yep. Nothing allergic about it. White doesn't look the same after it heals. It pretty much totally disappeared on my very first tattoo.
  6. I started my arm tattoos with half sleeves. A lot of people didn't know they were there. In May, I added the lower arm and now have a full sleeve on my right arm. It is clearly a lot more noticeable, but I can wear long sleeves and generally cover it up. My lower legs are also nearly covered, and it took a little while to branch out to fully-visible-all-the-time tattoos. I understand why you're giving this lots of thought. Either do it or don't. It is up to you at this point. 🙂
  7. Both of my feet are done. I just wore sandals that didn't hit the tattooed part until they healed and kept my feet really clean.
  8. oboogie


    I miss you, too, @J.Stell! I'd love to get another tattoo. Need more $$$ for that, but we'll be over that way soon. We are so coming to see you guys! ❤️ Love you, lady. xoxo
  9. oboogie


    Helps that you're gorgeous. No one notices the clowns. 🙂
  10. oboogie


    I have seen them. They are terrifying, and she hates them. Hahaha.
  11. It's fine. Leave it. As @Hogrider said, what you are wanting isn't a touch up, and it won't be free.
  12. Have fun, @Gingerninja! I finished my right sleeve a couple of weeks ago. Going in for touchups and a few additions in a couple of weeks.
  13. oboogie


    Why are you going on and on about the blowout? That isn't the point.
  14. oboogie


    Love you, Jen! ❤️ xoxo
  15. oboogie


    I love seeing you here, Jen. Hurray! @J.Stell
  16. I use it instead of lotion sometimes. Not when it's still super fresh. 😉
  17. Hi, Jen! It's Jen. It's a smell-good product that works well. Ingredients below. Ingredients: Shea, Mango and Aloe Butters, Coconut, Sunflower and Rice Bran Oils, Rosemary Oleoresin, Green Tea, Vitamin E Complex & Mint Arvenis Essential Oil. With Essence of Papaya and Coconut.
  18. It should be fine. Here's a place to buy sleeves to cover your tattoos from the sun: https://tat2x.com/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI2qiikLS92wIVSluGCh2IRwRhEAAYASAAEgJ9F_D_BwE I have a couple. They work well.
  19. oboogie

    Tattoo Peel

    It's blown out. You can't fix that. Luckily, it will fade a lot anyway because of where it is.
  20. oboogie


  21. Just let it heal. Too soon to tell anything.
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