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Everything posted by oboogie

  1. I work in an ad agency, and no one cares about my sleeves. It really depends on what industry you work in.
  2. The adhesive bothers my skin, but I think it works well on the whole.
  3. I'm glad you are feeling better. It's a lovey tattoo. 🙂
  4. I had my arms like that for a long time, then I turned them both into full sleeves. Nothing wrong with that.
  5. It happens. But if you have anxiety issues, I wouldn't get any more tattoos. They are never going to be perfect, and you won't do yourself any good obsessing over them. You will just drive yourself crazy. You have a nice tattoo there. Just enjoy it.
  6. Also, don't show the artist the tattoo on Pinterest. Just tell the artist (if he is good enough to do hands well) what you have in mind, and let them give it a go.
  7. It happens. Just live with it, and you'll be fine.
  8. It means what you want it to mean. Just get it.
  9. It's a nice start. I look forward to seeing more. 🙂
  10. If you read the whole thread, she got over it.
  11. oboogie

    Having anxiety

    I am a woman, and I felt this kind of thing when I finished my first full sleeve on my right arm. I got over pretty quickly, then I completed my left sleeve. You'll get over it.
  12. I have a much larger version of Prince's symbol on my left arm. I got it the day he died. You can cover it with something bigger, but you can't fix blowouts. Still. It is far too soon to tell.
  13. THIS. Hahaha. I covered my first tattoo with a better one when I was 40. Now, I'm 48, and I have two full sleeves and my lower legs are both covered. I also work in a professional office environment (ad agency), and no one cares about my tattoos.
  14. You'll be fine. I felt the same for a few days when I got my first visible tattoo. @Theralex
  15. Take some Benadryl and just let it heal.
  16. Lots of us have uploaded photos. Just go look at the photo albums.
  17. God, people are dumb. It's just fine. Tell people to F*** off.
  18. It looks like it's still healing. Too soon to tell Also, quit putting so much stuff on it. It is waaaaay too shiny. That means you are over-applying.
  19. Why? I don't understand what you need. Have an artist draw it up.
  20. There is nothing wrong with how it healed. It just needs a touchup. A lot of tattoos need touchups. They aren't perfect. After getting this touched up, I strongly suggest you do not get any more tattoos. This is all part of the process, and you don't appear to like or understand the process.
  21. There is nothing that is going to unify a paw and moons. They are incongruous. Just get more tattoos.
  22. We really do need an auto reply.
  23. Too soon to tell. Still healing. Just stop looking so closely at it.
  24. Laser. Or cover it up.That's it.
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