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Everything posted by oboogie

  1. What is with the influx of these latest people? Ugh. Know-it-alls are the worst.
  2. I agree with @Hogrider. I can't believe you are going back for more work on that when you haven't been to the doctor for that. It doesn't look right. We can't tell you anything more. We aren't doctors.
  3. You are simple. I tried to be nice. I wouldn't want to have anything you have tattooed on your arm. I think it is instagram rubbish, but unlike you, I tried to act with grace and be kind. Clearly all lost on someone like you. I hope you have a good weekend. You clearly have a big Friday night planned since you are arguing with a complete stranger on the internet. Me? I'm still at work. Bye now! 😂
  4. @pinhead91 Apologies. You have a great tattoo there, and it is easily covered up. You'll get used to it. I'm sorry it was such toil to get it.
  5. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Again, said with feeling, bless your heart. 😂
  6. Again, I consider that compliment coming from you. It also shows how very little you know about tattoos. But I'm not remotely surprised by that.
  7. I told you it was a nice tattoo and to stop worrying. Did you have a point? I've never claimed to be a removal expert, but you can't delete tattoos and start over three weeks after you get them. That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works.
  8. @SStu, @Hogrider, @Gingerninja I thought you'd all enjoy this. 😂
  9. When did I say he couldn't remove it, by the way? I said you can't laser it three weeks after you get it. You need to work on your reading comprehension. Also, you came to ME and emailed me photos of your tattoo. You really want to talk about insecure?
  10. You are hilarious. Bless your heart. 😂
  11. Nice spam. 😂
  12. We make it worse by not telling you what you want to hear? Bless. We will be honest. If you don't want honesty, you need to step away from the keyboard.
  13. P.S. It slightly dulls the pain. It doesn't entirely eliminate it.
  14. You asked several questions in your post. No one is trolling you. We're just telling you this isn't the first time it was asked. The only time I've had numbing cream was on my feet. You have to wait 20 minutes for it to kick in. I don't know how using it in the middle would work. Again, talk to your artist. Also, maybe try using a period sometimes? It's nearly impossible to read your posts.
  15. Because we've answered it over and over and over? Besides that, you need to talk to your artist, not us. He will be the one with a numbing cream. You don't bring your own to your appointment.
  16. I am always surprised when I see people with hand and knuckle tattoos, and they have very few others. What is up with that? So strange.
  17. From all of the posts we see here every week about some little line they don't like or "is this a blow out?" or whatever, I still think someone with genuine OCD should NOT get tattoos. They are obsessive. It eats them up. They post here and don't believe what anyone here tells them. It's insanity.
  18. Did you search? There are lots of posts about this. 🙂
  19. I have no idea. I feel like maybe people who never would have gotten tattoos are getting them now because they are more mainstream, but then they appear to suddenly realize it is permanent? I don't know, but it feels like 90% of newbies come here to talk about their anxiety over a new tattoo. Sigh.
  20. Never, ever, ever get tattooed again. It will never be perfect. Ever. As Hogrider said, people with OCD should NEVER get tattooed. Put on a shirt and call it a day. Quit obsessing as much as you can. It isn't going to fix anything.
  21. Do you understand that we aren't newbies here? We are telling you, from experience, that trying to laser it twice (hilarious) and blast something over it is going to make it WORSE, not better. Please listen. I've really tried to reassure you. You've even emailed photos of it to me. It's a nice tattoo. Let it heal. If you still hate it down the road, get it lasered extensively and then find a great coverup artist. There isn't a quick fix for it.
  22. A thousand times THIS.
  23. You guys haven’t been tattooed long enough to be talking about lasering. What if you hate the coverup? Just live with it for a while. Honestly, you really shouldn’t get tattooed ever again if it causes you this much anxiety.
  24. My feet were brutal. I have both done. I have very bony feet, so I'm sure that didn't help.
  25. It's going to fade. Just enjoy it. It's a nice tattoo.
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