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Everything posted by oboogie

  1. Yeah. I really hate the crowded roses on the arm. Sorry. But if you like it, you do you! We can't decide for you.
  2. I'd go with no roses if you want it on your arm. @SStu is right—you need to go a lot bigger to use the roses. It's too cluttered when it is small enough to fit on your arm.
  3. I wouldn't monkey around with it. It is pretty as it is.
  4. It's a bit busy for me, but if you like it, go for it. All that matters is if you are happy with it.
  5. I am very sorry about your brother. Tattoos don't have to mean anything (mine don 't—I just get tattoos I like), but if you want to memorialize our brother, I'd research artists in your area, share your story when you find a good artist, and ask for ideas. The dreamcatcher has become a bit of a cheesy tattoo over the years, but if that's what you want, talk to an artist about it. They can help you come up with something.
  6. It won't stay that dark. So don't judge him based on that.
  7. Cool to see an update five years on. Well done for keeping at it!
  8. If you are happy with it, that’s all that matters. Enjoy it. 👍🏻
  9. The reason I sounded confident that it is a blowout is that I have one on the inside of my left upper arm. It was covered up with "filler" when my artist finished my sleeve. He was so pissed that it blew out, but it is the only one I have in all the tattoo he's done for me (and that's 99% of my tattoos). It's not a big deal. As @Hollie said, almost no one will notice it except for you.
  10. Good for you for going about learning tattooing the right way. It looks good. 🙂
  11. I had bruising on my upper arm, too, come to think of it. It disappeared after a couple of weeks. Maybe yours will go away. Wait and see.
  12. Looks like it could be blowout to me. Nothing you can do about it, though, so just enjoy your tattoo.
  13. I'm guessing it is a really far away photo so we can't see the detail? Can't really tell anything from this.
  14. Still healing. Just let it heal completely before you start worrying.
  15. Looks like a pretty shoddy tattoo, to be honest. Don't go back to her. Go to someone else, and get it covered with something better. Look on the bright side—at least it is light enough to cover.
  16. HIs work is really, really good. Damn. Looking forward to seeing what he does with your tattoo.
  17. Just fill in the spaces with stuff you love. My legs are covered in unrelated tattoos. I may eventually add stars and dots to fill in the tiny spaces.
  18. Just let it heal. It's fine.
  19. Yes. Yes, they do. What is up with that?
  20. Both of mine look like they were done all at once even though they weren't. It is possible. 🙂
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