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Dan S

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  1. Like
    Dan S got a reaction from Brock Varty in A nice story!   
    Righteous work. Now all he needs to do is go back to the first place, bust up all his equipment, and do the roadhouse hop on the tattooers head.
  2. Like
    Dan S got a reaction from slayer9019 in My first tattoo idea and I need lots of help!!   
    So, to start, your tattoo is going to cost you, probably, like $1000, for one lousy word! Most decent shops have a minimum charge for tattoos, in the places I've sen in major cities, it typically runs about a hundred bux an hour. You will get charged that regardless, one letter or the entire dictionary.
    Add that to the drawbacks you list above, maybe think about getting "wanderlust" tattooed on you in whatever language you find the locals speaking...English, German, French, Liverpudlian, whatever. Pick a spot, maybe on the legs, since they motte you everywhere you travel, and make a band of the words?
    Just an idle thought.
  3. Like
    Dan S got a reaction from Jack in A nice story!   
    Righteous work. Now all he needs to do is go back to the first place, bust up all his equipment, and do the roadhouse hop on the tattooers head.
  4. Like
    Dan S got a reaction from semele in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    Yeah, I had to go to my lawyer's office yesterday, too.
  5. Like
    Dan S got a reaction from else in My first tattoo idea and I need lots of help!!   
    So, to start, your tattoo is going to cost you, probably, like $1000, for one lousy word! Most decent shops have a minimum charge for tattoos, in the places I've sen in major cities, it typically runs about a hundred bux an hour. You will get charged that regardless, one letter or the entire dictionary.
    Add that to the drawbacks you list above, maybe think about getting "wanderlust" tattooed on you in whatever language you find the locals speaking...English, German, French, Liverpudlian, whatever. Pick a spot, maybe on the legs, since they motte you everywhere you travel, and make a band of the words?
    Just an idle thought.
  6. Like
    Dan S got a reaction from Graeme in My first tattoo idea and I need lots of help!!   
    So, to start, your tattoo is going to cost you, probably, like $1000, for one lousy word! Most decent shops have a minimum charge for tattoos, in the places I've sen in major cities, it typically runs about a hundred bux an hour. You will get charged that regardless, one letter or the entire dictionary.
    Add that to the drawbacks you list above, maybe think about getting "wanderlust" tattooed on you in whatever language you find the locals speaking...English, German, French, Liverpudlian, whatever. Pick a spot, maybe on the legs, since they motte you everywhere you travel, and make a band of the words?
    Just an idle thought.
  7. Like
    Dan S got a reaction from Steve in Hello Everyone!!   
    Damn, Andrew! Five days and none a these hosebags has even said hi to ya?!?!?!?!?!
    Welcome to LST, hope you enjoy your stay on the boards!
  8. Like
    Dan S reacted to Graeme in My first tattoo idea and I need lots of help!!   
    Welcome to the board. I like the sentiment behind the tattoo, and I think you have some valid concerns about it, and I'd suggest that you rethink the idea and maybe instead of getting ten letters individually done on your travels, when not get ten tattoos instead? Kind of like how when you look at old pictures of sailors and their tattoos and how there's a story there if you know how to read them. There are so many great tattooers all around the world you could end up with a really amazing collection that will remind you of the places you've been and the things you've experienced there.
  9. Like
    Dan S got a reaction from slayer9019 in A nice story!   
    Righteous work. Now all he needs to do is go back to the first place, bust up all his equipment, and do the roadhouse hop on the tattooers head.
  10. Like
    Dan S got a reaction from Pleadco in Sleeve length   
    If people around you are judging you based on a little bit of tattoo peeking out from under a sleeve, then you're most definitely hanging with the wrong crowd.
  11. Like
    Dan S got a reaction from slayer9019 in Sleeve length   
    If people around you are judging you based on a little bit of tattoo peeking out from under a sleeve, then you're most definitely hanging with the wrong crowd.
  12. Like
    Dan S got a reaction from todguy in Old "Far Side"   
    Might get a minor chuckle out of this one...

  13. Like
    Dan S got a reaction from Tittleton in Sleeve length   
    If people around you are judging you based on a little bit of tattoo peeking out from under a sleeve, then you're most definitely hanging with the wrong crowd.
  14. Like
    Dan S reacted to semele in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    Took my baby (21 year old) sister to the aquarium yesterday and got to pet sharks. It was awesome.
  15. Like
    Dan S got a reaction from KYboy in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    But what's with the shabby jeans?
  16. Like
    Dan S got a reaction from MsRad in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    Whoa! PArty @ Pugilist & Graeme's new place!!!! I'd SO be there...if they'd let me in Kanada anymore. Ah well, congrats on the new crib!
    But on the Dog four times a week...damn! I haven't been on one in close to forty years, and that's STILL too much!!!!
  17. Like
    Dan S got a reaction from Graeme in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    Whoa! PArty @ Pugilist & Graeme's new place!!!! I'd SO be there...if they'd let me in Kanada anymore. Ah well, congrats on the new crib!
    But on the Dog four times a week...damn! I haven't been on one in close to forty years, and that's STILL too much!!!!
  18. Like
    Dan S got a reaction from Pugilist in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    Whoa! PArty @ Pugilist & Graeme's new place!!!! I'd SO be there...if they'd let me in Kanada anymore. Ah well, congrats on the new crib!
    But on the Dog four times a week...damn! I haven't been on one in close to forty years, and that's STILL too much!!!!
  19. Like
    Dan S reacted to Pugilist in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    Wait what is this and how do I get one? I take the greyhound 4 times a week!
    PS we had a nice quick visit to New York, which ended with being notified, during our drive home, that we got the dream apartment that we applied for on Monday! It is a fucking palace of an abode at an insanely reasonable price and it will finally be enough space for all our books, art and animals!!! There are so many rooms that I'll never have to talk to Graeme again!!! Party at our house!!!!!!!!!
  20. Like
    Dan S reacted to Tight-Lines in Vegan alternative to Aquaphor?   
    But animals LOVE having lotion rubbed on them. Soft, non irritated and freshly exfoliated/non ashy lab mice are often happier than the ones in the wild.
  21. Like
    Dan S got a reaction from Duffa in Hahahahahah   
    But just think...as we type, whoever has that on them is bragging to someone about the badass tatty they got.
  22. Like
    Dan S got a reaction from else in Vegan alternative to Aquaphor?   
    I didn't claw my way to the top of the food-chain to eat grass, but check it out:
    Top 3 Vegan Lotions - Yahoo! Voices - voices.yahoo.com
  23. Like
    Dan S got a reaction from Jack in possible child tattoo video   
    Yeah, but he'll be the coolest kid in (pre) school!
  24. Like
    Dan S got a reaction from KYboy in Upcoming Tattoos   
    Beats me, I haven't hit that point yet!
    Ralph Johnstone was one of the old South State Street tattooers and sign painters. He worked with Tatts Thomas a good bit, and I believe Nick has some of his old stuff there. I know he has a lot of Tatt's work, and other old-time stuff. Man, he's hog for that action, and he'll set you up righteous.
  25. Like
    Dan S got a reaction from YOMONEY in Any cool Christian tattoos?   
    to everything turn, turn,turn...
    - - - Updated - - -
    Probably shouldn't even relate this one, but hey...
    So, what, maybe 32 years ago, young and running wild, had hair down to my shoulders, beard down to my belt, one of my Brothers asks me to help him move some furniture at an old ladies house. Okay, we go there-she was a lady from his wife's church, and turns out she's an artist, works in oils. We move the furniture, and before we leave, she's all agitated, asks me if she can ask me a question. Sure. "Our church has commissioned me to paint a picture of Jesus for the sanctuary, and I've always worked from life...would you sit for me for the painting?"
    Um...you gotta feature, I'm a shiftless scooter tramp, she's like 80 years old, all religious and holy and grandmotherly...what could I say?
    So, if you ever are in a little church outside Chicago, and you think the pic of Jesus in there looks a tad familiar...
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