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Dan S

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Everything posted by Dan S

  1. I believe you are seeing things a bit out of context. In the first place, if we say as a fact that the Third Reich ended-up killing six million assorted peoples, then how is the swastika more of a "hate symbol" than the Hammer and Sickle, the insignia of the Stalinist regime that was responsible for the death of over sixty-million people? As for the "Black Power" movement, you should do a little research. There were a fairly large number-not in the millions, certainly, but a fairly large number, killed by those espousing it. Maybe read-up a bit on the Nation of Islam, see what their early teachings regarding the White race were...and to a large extent still are. Azatlan...now that's a real good one. The "Reconquista". Check that out and feel the love. Last but not least, I will reiterate two points. One is that many people used the swastika without ANY political or racial connnotations in the not-too-distant past. It was actually a very common thing for bikers, especially, to either wear it or have it tattooed on them. The second point is that if the work was done in a prison, it was quite likely to have been done in order to survive. Whites are a distinct minority in almost every prison in this country, and there are groups such as the BGF to name but one, who would dearly love to see that nminority erased. Once inside, many Whites band together for protection, and the swastika is a very common symbol of those groups. White Power, Black Power, Brown Power...I put them all on the same plane. A racist is a racist, no matter what color he is.
  2. No, man, you wouldn't be an asshole, you'd be standing up for what your beliefs are, and that's NEVER wrong. The racist thing did strike a nerve, as I mentioned, a lot of people used the swastika with absolutely no connection to "White Power", or nazi-ism, or any other political belief. Bottom line-you gotta look at youself when you shave every morning, so if you don't feel right about doiing it, just tell the man "I don't do any work on swastikas". It's honest, it's non-judgmental, it's just your thing. I would bet he'd just walk it off.
  3. Oh yeah-don't misspell "Racist" if you tattoo it on someone.
  4. Woulda just out this in the "Pet Peeves" thread, but since I'm not a tattooist... Reading through all of that, man, I felt bad! I've never gone to a shop in any but an immaculately clean condition, wouldn't think of trying to tell an artist how to do his thing, nothing like that, but you know, in the last three or four months, I've probably done some of every pet peeve on there. Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa. I get tattooed at CTC exclusively. No big news there. I've got six kids, and they are all fascinated by tattoos. My oldest, 25, disregarded my advice and went to a local "shop" on his 18th birthday. He has kept the thing as a reminder not to go there anymore. When he was 16, I brought him and one of his buds into CTC with me to watch part of a six-hour session I had booked with Miles Maniaci. I asked if it was kool for them to come back and watch a bit, and was told it was all good. They watched for maybe a half-hour, then split, then came back later for another maybe half-hour. That one has gotten two fairly decent-sized pieces from Nick Colella at CTC since then, and was talking to me the other night about how he'd like to have Mario do some Oriental-style work on him. My 18 y.o. son has gotten some good pieces from Nick as well, and both of them are planning on getting more. When my Lady and I went into CTC to get a matching piece, I had spoken to Nick and e-mailed back an forth with him about the piece we wanted, and he drew it up. We got there, and it just didn't light us up...the execution was great, the idea was just not that good. My Lady spotted some old Sailor Jerry stuff, and we both liked it immediately. I apologized to Nick, and asked if he would do that for us instead. He agreed, and didn't want to hear about being paid for the sketch he did. I went back last month and had Nick do an old piece of Cliff Raven flash, I had e-mailed him and told him I wanted that, but customized with my kid's names and some other things, asked him to run with it. No pics, just gave him an idea. Went in, took my 14 y.o. daughter and my Lady with me. Asked if they could watch, and again, was told no problem. Looked at the thermo, laid down on the table, and never looked back. Killer piece. So last week I went back, this time with my 16 y.o. daughter, my 17 y.o. son, and my Lady, got a fairly large chunk of my ribcage done-still hurts like a mofo-and again, asked if they could come back and watch. Again, no problem. I told the kids they had to split if it got crowded, and to stay away from the other artists work stations. I suppose I'm one of those guys who watches every line being done. Not because I can't wait to see my stylized dreamsickle, but because the craft, the art, the skill, blows my mind, even after all these years of being tattooed. I ask questions about equipment, I ask questions about technique. I wouldn't dream of trying to tattoo in a million years, I am just curious as hell, and am amazed at the development of the equipment-and techniques-that have taken place in the 38 years since I first walked into CTC and plunked down my $20 for my first pro tattoo. Even with all that ignorance, Nick and Mario have never blown me off, always answered any question I've asked, and never treated me like a mark. Last week, I was asking about power-supplies. I had seen a fairly high-end power-supply/regulator at American Science and Surplus in Milwaukee, and wondered if it would be worth buying and bringing in for them. Mario was gracious enough to explain the advancements in power-supplies, and why it was better to use purpose-built units than to adapt others, and he didn't even make me out to be stupid. I've always told my kids to be quiet, to be respectful, and to stay out of the way. When they do come back, I ask where they should sit or stand, and make sure they stay there. If I have a coat, a hat, glasses, whatever, I ask where I can put them so they won't be in someone's way. I turn my phone off, and make sure anyone with me has their phone off. I'll be going back to CTC as soon as my ribs heal to start sleeving-in my left arm. I have a bunch of work on it from Dale Grande, and a bit from Mark Miller. It's all connected, but Nick is going to put it all together for me. I guess I should rethink bringing my kids with, but to us, it's a big deal, something we do together. Guess I'll talk to Nick, and make sure it's okay with him, and with the other artists working there before I do. I know there are a lot of jag customers out there, I've seen 'em. Maybe there's a way to get 'em to go only to the jag scratchers that abound?! Went into a place local up here, I had met the owner's wife where she works. The owners apprentice was the only one there, and I heard about the shop he had that "went under because the assholes around here work too cheap", I hear fuck this, fuck that, fuck the next thing, I got cigarette smoke blown in my face, and ya know, the guy never even asked if I was interested in getting a tattoo. Guess I missed my chance with him.
  5. What would you tell him if he came in with a Clenched Fist over "Black Power", or a portrait of Che Guevara? How about "Viva la Raza"? Would those be racist too? Maybe a nice solid black Hammer and Sickle, is that hateful? If the man got the work in the joint, it was a statement he chose to make, and it took stones, and he had to back it up. It may also have kept him alive. Another thing to think on, the Swastika was, at one time, say, early sixties to late seventies, a pretty common piece, especially for scooter-trash. Didn't have a damn thing to do with nazis or racism. If he had the stones to get it put on, and you hate it, you should have had the stones to tell him to take a hike. .02
  6. Good Morning, YOung Lady! Damn...you follow me everwhar, doncha?! Glad to see you signed on here, make sure you scroll through the galleries!
  7. Well, having moderated a fairly large forum for a number of years, I won't congratulate you, but I will wish you the best of luck! Not a lot of people understand how difficult it is to be a mod in a decent-sized online community, all they see is the "glamour" and the buttons you can push. Not even close. All the best to you!
  8. The Sailor Jerry Collins book is, IMHO, a must-have. So many think that he was all about the flash that is so often seen, buto to see the Chinese / Japanese inspired work that he did as his avocation is stunning, and to be able to read his correspondence with Don Hardy about the state of tattooing and the ways they were working on advancing it is well worth the price. .02
  9. I don't think it's a reaction to the weather, per se, I think there are a lot of things that may cause it...an insect bite, an allergy take your pick.
  10. Youse guys got mosquitos by you? Most of my work is covering old, hand-poked stuff, and when I get bit by a mosquito, say, when it's hot out, if the bite happens to be on one of the old handmade lines, a section, or sometimes the entire old tattoo will become raised. Give a rather spooky effect to see a sword risong out of the center of a demon's head!
  11. That's what it's all about, you ask me. If you have a relationship with an artist you trust, and who trusts you, then it's all golden.
  12. Let me know when, I'll meet you there n buy ya a cuppa joe! You are absolutely right...Nick does amazing work, but then, ALL of the men working out of CTC put out radical work. Take someone like Mike Dalton that's been there, what, close to 40 years? Mario Desa-what an amazing talent! You can't lose. Now, I SHOULD have just posted the pic on the "Best Tattoo of June" thread-it got more likes here than it did there!
  13. Could be...there is a set known as the Southside 50's, but hey, if it's a pic of 50 Cent, and HE hangs there, even more reason to be packed!!!
  14. No exaggeration. If someone has clients like the Southside 50's hangin' in their studio, things can always get exciting. But then again, I go strapped bout everywhere!
  15. Dan S

    Hey, there!

    Welcome...and watch out for Bunny-she'll have you going from feathers on your ankle to a full back-piece in no time! What type of mysticism are you interested in portraying in your future work?
  16. Welcome to LST, and congrats on a badass panther!
  17. My man, if you like his stuff that much, and you got the ching, go for it. I have heard that he is pricier than most because of his clientele, and if I went to his studio, I think I'd go strapped, but hey-I'm paranoid, it's how I got so old! Ultimately, you have to wear the work, so if you find someone you want to have do it, fuck all else, get it!
  18. Thanks a lot...ya know, the damn thing kept looking smaller, and larger, and smaller... When i got there, Nick has the transfer done, and it was about three inches too long for the target area, but is just didn't look proportionate to the sign to either of us. He resized it, and we were both kinda shaking our heads at how small it seemed, and then he started putting it on. All of a sudden, it got a LOT bigger! Gave us both a chuckle for the evening, and I'm really happy with how it turned out. Not everyone's cup-o-meat, but it most definitely ain't yer normal tiger!
  19. Too early for me to have decent pix of this work, I only got it tonight, but if you like Traditional stuff, you may find it interesting. Originally done as an advertising sign by Ralph Johnstone for his parlor in the arcades on south State Street in Chicago, and repainted by Nick Colella as his signature sign at CTC. He's had it hanging there over his work station for I don't know how many years, and in the times I've sat for him, it just kinda grew on me. He told me tonight he's never put it on anyone else, so I guess I got a one-of-a-kind piece of Chicago tattooing history, from one of Chicago's tattooing legends. Nick Colella / Chicago Tattooing Company. I can't recommend Nick enough. He is a wonderful artist, good people, fast, accurate, and skillful tattooist, and an all-around good guy. Anyone thinking of gettinng tattooed in the Chi should give serious consideration to him. I did post this in another thread, so if that's not kool, please, would a mod just delete this. Thanks to all of you who have "liked" my posts here thus far...even if I ahven't personally thanked you all, please know that it is appreciated!
  20. Nick is in all weekend, and I know Mario has some time as well. Someone actually blew Mario off for an appointment tonight, didn't even call in and tell him so sorry! Anyhow, call 'em up and get your time booked-how can you go wrong with those two? LEt me know when you're going to do it and we can have a "junior meet-up" there.
  21. And another...
  22. Ouch. Three and a half hours, more or less. Nick is a fucking wizard. Instagram Better pics when available.
  23. Those guys in Nueve Yorico make house-calls, right?!
  24. Stopped into a shop up near here, I had heard good and bad things about it and decided to see for myself. First thing I saw was the owner doing lines off his workspace counter-had em right up next to his cups. He, and the other two guys he had working there, were all smoking squares, whatever, but I'm not gon sit and have smoke blown in my eyes for hours at a pop. The crown jewel was the guys dad, working as a go-fer and cleaner. He's mopping the floor and wiping down all the work surfaces with a rag...that he was dipping in the mop-water, I shit you not. I decided not to go back.
  25. I hear you, Brother...I see a lot of wannabe stuff around here too, and yeah, as long as they stay away from the real-deal, they're good to go, but I tell ya, I've seen it go south a few times, guy walks into a place all decked out in his homeboy finest, and someone tells him to represent...um, er, uh, well, I just like think the tattoos are kool! Let's dance. Fine-line has been big, at least around places I've been, Chicago, el-Lay, Pacoima, like that, for decades, but looking at Mr. Cartoons portfolio, I saw five different sets advertised, and hey, solo un Gabacho viejo!
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