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Dan S

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Everything posted by Dan S

  1. Thankgs, gents...I can only say I yam what I yam!
  2. Dan S


    Shit, you must be older than me!!! Welcome to LST, now let's see that work!
  3. Guess a lot would depend on where you are and where you want to go for these. I don't see anything any competent artist couldn't do, and the style is something most real tattooists could get into and work up original designs for. Throw out your city, or where you'd like to have them done, and I'm sure someone can help you out.
  4. Checked your FB pages there, Brian, and I would strongly urge you to either find someone to apprentice with, or stick to tagging walls. Homaside? How many 187's you down for?
  5. Welcome to LST, hope you find what you are looking for. Please do post your pix, let's have a look!
  6. There is a lot more black on my tiger than you have, old old old design, so it's taking it's time! Thank you for the kind words, but truly, yours is the best, what, "lifelike" tiger I have ever seen! Mine is from a certain era, and they are complete opposites. you shoud be very proud of yours. Chicago has an excellent shop as well. Actually, some people claim more than one, but... If you and 1955 ever get over here, let me know and I'll give you the tour!
  7. Guess that's why they called it the Hunnert n Worst! What falls out of the sky? That stuff down there around the spare tire is a bitch, isn't it!?!?!?!?!?!?!??
  8. It's getting there...just a few small areas where I could lose a pound or two are being difficult! The tail and lower legs are right at my waistband, and no matter how I roll it down, it's been getting rubbed. No major, just the usual "it's always something"! I tend to scab pretty heavily with black, but the color is all healed. Anyhow, now I'm gonna hafta meditate on a side trip to London next time I'm in Germany!
  9. That's a helluva backpiece! But why would ya wanna cover up a Hunnert n Worst patch?!?!?!?!?!?!
  10. 'bout the best tiger I've ever senn...just hope it's healing faster than mine is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Thou hast snoozetht, my son, and yea verily, so hast thou losetht! Hey-it's Sunday, ya kno?!
  12. Hey! I'm just shy of 60, and I'd be happy to dot his eye if he wants to tell me to my face I look "silly" because of my work. Fkn Talking Head p.o.s. And that's the ONLY nice thing i can say about him.
  13. Damn...is that guy even still alive? Who was the other one, BeBe Reboza or sumpin like that?
  14. Started watching that one evening, ended up watching almost two hours of it! You're right, it's addictive. I've driven by that place I don't know how many times, gotta stop in next time I do. What I always wondered, what would happen if this guy Gold didn't have all the security guys around? Used to go into the pawn shops that at one time were all over Chicago, there was actually one about next-door to CTC when they were at 922 Belmont, and it was always just one guy, maybe two...but you knew there was a shotgun pointed at you under the counter.
  15. Detroit...what else can ya say? Guy that got jacked did have at least two pieces, but yeah, it wouldn't instill confidence in me to get tattooed by him!
  16. HATE when that happens!!!
  17. I guess I did the same thing when I wrote it, kinda like the late, great (first) Mayor Daley said, "listen to what I mean, not what I said"! Cha Cha was a decent guy...the YLO were not people to take lightly, but I personally never saw him go out of his way to jack-over someone just passing through. LAst I heard he was in Michigan doing gang intervention after some time of fighting "sleep with the sun and rise with the moon" syndrome.
  18. Where's that lady wanted to do a TV show and was looking for people to tattoo???
  19. Don't laugh...if it itches and you are getting raised lines, try using Preparation H. Once upon a time, it was the hot ticket for any tattoo, and I gotta confess, I still use it if work swells. It will take down the swelling and kill the itch. Only drawback is you'll smell like an asshole.
  20. Me too...and I've got my share of Traditional American work...
  21. The early red inks used iron in them, and they caused what was known as "red reaciton" in some people...as I said, it could get ugly. When they stopped using that, there was a period when red was iffy, they were experimenting, and that's when those were done. The later red, as on the elbow, is no problem. As far as "nordic" type stuff, all of the sleeve-work came from historical texts. The top piece was a shield device dug-up in what's now northern Germany, and the World Serpent is from what's now Ireland. My family is Irish and German, so I picked them all to reflect our lineage. The pic of Wotan and Slepnir is an old woodcut, if I had to pick a belief system to identify with , I guess I would say Wotanism. It's as good as any creation legend, and at least it's from my ancestors.
  22. I think that is the single best piece I have, and one of the best I have ever seen of a human face. .02 Heilsa!
  23. Ealier red inks were pretty unstable, and at their worst, cou;d provoke some REAL ugly reactions in people. The red tehy use now is world's better.
  24. Really, ALL of Dale's work I've gotten has held it's own. That's the main reason I have continued to go to CTC. Dale was trained by a Master-Cliff Raven, and he has trained-up a whole crop of Masters, from what I can tell. That parrot is a coverup, to boot! All the red is gone from around it's eye's, the crest I guess, but that was the ink...
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