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Dan S

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Everything posted by Dan S

  1. Welcome to LST, Lori, glad to have you aboard! Some very nice work you have...like the "Rose" piece especially. Hope you enjoy your stay here, and find plenty to interest you.
  2. Chi in the house...welcome to LST, Homer.
  3. Just as a note, it's getting pretty damned painful for Ami's to get into Kanada at all. If you have a speeding ticket on your record, forget it. If you have anything more significant, forget it even faster! Kanadian Customs and Immigration has a computer-ling into NCIC now, and they run all names comming through it. Last time Itried to go there, abotu ten years ago, they came up with a misdemeanor pop for THREE lousy joints in 1973, got a hundred dollar fine and two years probation. Turned me back at the border, then sent me a letter saying that for $5000 I could be "rehabilitated" and get into Kanada again. Passed on that. Fuck 'em...they don't want my money, no skin off my nose.
  4. Raven silhouettes...kinda calls out for Geri and Freki to be put under them, maybe with Slepnir waiting for his Master... Just a thought!
  5. Dan S


    40% coverage in a year...OUCH! Welcome to LST, and remember, you can always stop in your friendly local library to upload pix.
  6. Well, all respects to you, but my personal feeling is that a SkyPilot is an intellectual, first, last, and foremost. I don't see any correlation to a craftsman there at all. The word "artist", applied to a tattooer, has undergone a great change over the last 30 or so years. At one time, GOOD tattooers called themselves artists, more in the way of "artisans" than as in "van Gogh"-type artists, if you can 'ear me on that. That is how the word "tattooist" came into usage, and for a good long while, at least while I was coming up, that was how many tattooers described themselves. Now, tattooer denotes the craft of tattooing and all that goes into it. Big difference. I'm a machinist, first, last, and foremost. Also a toolmaker, a gaugemaker, and a gunsmith, but firstly a machinist. Started in the trades as an apprentice when I was 13 years old, sweeping the floor and cleaning machines. To my mind, when you say "craftsman", or "tradesman", you are talking about someone who makes things, who works with their hands. Anyone who makes their living with words, well, they're something else. Not better, not worse, but not tradesmen or craftsmen...or Women. Now that's just me, I'm old and have pretty set ideas, so if someone wants to think of themselves as a tradesman, and they write books, or ad copy, or sermons, or whatever, hey-who am I to argue?!
  7. Oh hell...anyone recognize this?! Nick Colella, Chicago Tattooing Company, taken from the original Black Cat Firecracker label. One on each kneecap.
  8. Thanks all, I appreciate it...doesn't take much talent to sit in a chair and let a master-tattooer do his thing on you, but it is gratifying to know that people who know tattoos appreciate the work. And @CultExciter and @Reyeslv, next month! Both of your pieces are excellent! Again, thank you.
  9. Just, wow. Absolutely killer...I need to go get some tattoos.
  10. Man, [MENTION=3737]kyle[/MENTION], you score the best pix! That type of dragon was pretty popular around Chi when I was a shorty, saw 'em, like oyu said, forearm mostly. I suppose it was Cliff Raven more than anyone that put paid to that type of work in this area-he pretty much brought Japanese style tattooing to Chicago. Might be old-fashioned, but I like it!
  11. Nothing on my arms has bothered me much at all...getting into the pit on my right arm was kinda tingly, but nothing radical. When I got my latest on my left forearm, I didn't even feel like it was getting tattooed. (see page 4 of this months "Best Tattoo" contest thread. THESE fuckers, tho'... Did that in one 4/4.5 hour sitting, and I really wondered if I was gon make it through, and healing it was a stone bitch. These I got done in one sitting, I dunno, maybe 3 hours, and it was right after this on my chest... The chest piece was a cakewalk, but the kneecaps, man, unreal. It was like not really tattooing pain, but like the needles were rattling on the bone. Guess they were, but it did suck.
  12. Glad to have you aboard, Rob, and look forward to seeing your pix! Personally, I think the easiet way is to open a photobucket account... Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket Sign up, they let you upload right from your machine, and you're good to go. MEantime, enjoy!
  13. Outstanding, Boodah! Now, when you're ready for your Chicago trip, forget about all that Hostel stuff!
  14. Now THAT'S awesome! I'm a machinist/toolmaker by trade, so I can get behind that...I work with hsk tooling and spindles now, tolerances in the 2 micron range-it's a trip. Not my story, but my cousin ran a custom-bearing house. You needed a wierd bearing, they'd make it for you, all one-off shit. They got a call from a Naval type up in, I think, Groton, and ended up making some ongo bearings on an emergency basis. Worked on 'em 24 per till they were done, and there was a plane waiting at Midway to take 'em to wherever. Turns out they were for a nuclear sub...thought that was pretty heavy. CG, are you coming to Chicago for the IMTS this year?
  15. Welcome to LST! A full chest-piece at 17...you KNOW we gotta see this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
  16. Guess I'm lucky...I run my own office/shop, and do nost of my bidness over the phone and internet. Short-sleeved dress shirts with the first three buttons Guido'ed to show-off the eagle n roses on my chest. My oldest mans the front desk with usually a sleeveless tee to show-off the Nick Colella dragon on his upper arm, and number three son has a .30-06 round on the back of each bicep that are REAL obvious with a tee-shirt.
  17. Koi is definitely kool! Somewhere I've got a pic of one of my Brothers, R.I.P., who had a huge-ass Koi by Dale Grande on his upper arm from elbow to shoulder. And he was a BIG boy, maybe 6'4, close to 300 pounds...never heard anyone say anything to him but "what a NICE tattoo! I'll try to find the pic and get it up here.
  18. But ya REALLY gotta watch out for those Japanese pieces with a white chrysanthimum...
  19. Just old, my man! Saw the Doors at the Whiskey, Airplane at the Opera House when they turned into Starship, Lou Reed at the Brawlroom during the Rock-n-Roll Animal tour, burned one off with Bowie behind the Ampitheater during his "Thin White Duke" tour, hung-out at Theresa's at 47th & State an saw Muddy Waters, Howlin' Wolf, Junior Wells, all of them, shared tables n drinks with Albert Collins, Otis Rush...too many to name. Us racists, ya know?! But it's been a party.
  20. Will hafta listen to all of this stuff... Metal-what can I say, I saw Ozzie bite the head off his first bat at the Chicago Ampitheater, saw Zep a few times, etc., etc., but I'm not up on a lot of new stuff...thankx for the recommends!
  21. Dan S


    Damn, Kev...you're old enough to know by now, don't EVER talk about gravity with a Woman in the same vicinity of a discusion of thighs! Gets yer ass handed to you every time.
  22. Thank you, Ma'am!
  23. Dan S


    Welcome to LST, and if you want a critique, man, you came to the right place! Whup it out!
  24. Greetings, Eraldo, welcome to LST! So, tell us a bit about yourself.
  25. Not sure if it's the same ones, but there are "supply" trucks working motorsickle swap-meets, usually with a few "artists" working out of a tent behind them. Not a good thing.
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