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Dan S

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Everything posted by Dan S

  1. Dan S


    Knees are so much fun. So, whereabouts (roughly) are you, Junge?
  2. Well hell, that doesn't surprise me, y'all paid Teddy the K's salary for how many years?!?!?!?!?!
  3. Just curious, Hank, but I've never heard of a guy wearing a "tube-top"...how does that work. As an empoyer, if one of my employees wanted our insurance to pay for a sex-change operation, they'd be down the road. I couldn't care less what a persons sexual proclivities are, but I wouldn't participate in financing them. .02
  4. Dan S


    Keep it clean and dry, see how it comes out. If you get a recurring yellowish-green scab, wipe it BRIEFLY with hydrogen peroxide then wash with soap and water, allow to dry. You may end-up having to get it touched up, but it shouldn't be too bad. .02
  5. Dan S


    altmodisch Allgauer, Kalknis. Ich hat im Kempten gelebt. tschuss!
  6. Dan S


    Hard to tell where the swelling ends and the tattoo starts. First thing is to stop using the Bacitracyn...nasty stuff. I know everyone prefers something different to heal a tattoo, but Bacitracyn seems to dislike ink strongly, and tries to get rid of it. Not sure if it's the type of antibiotic in it or what, but I had a very similar reaction to it once, discontinued it, let the tattoo dry out, and it healed just fine. So. Stop using it, let the work dry out completely. If you need to use anything at all, just use a LITTLE Aquapher, or something similar. Good luck!
  7. Dan S


    gruessle, Kalknis, u wilkommen an Last Sparrow! hofenlich Du kannst seite u post interesant hier findst.
  8. Looks like standard stuff for the Eurozone. I've read through all the news releases I could find in the local press, and this is what I got out of it. The museum, i.e. Hank, got work done by the company, Partners aan het Werk, and for whatever reason, their employees were not paid. Partners aan het Werk has filed suit against Hank, claiming he owes around 1.5m Euro (about 2 million USD), and has locked him out. Partners aan het Werk is a program designed to teach unemployed workers more marketable skills in the construction and mechanical trades. They typically invest their own money to get projects rolling, much of which come from the government, and then take a payback, if possible, out of operating profits. Usually, whoever they are working for is responsible for the payroll of the workers. Gonna be hard to fight city hall on this one. UPDATING Found some more local news, and it throws a slightly different spin on things. Apparently there was money, like grant money, obtained to get the museum going. The funding and budget has been handled by Jeanette Seret of Partners aan het Werk. She claims that the rent, utilities, and other neccessities had to be paid before any payments could be made to the "employees", but the article isn't clear if by "employee" she means the Partners aan het Werk workers, or the people running the museum. I would guess she means the people running the museum, cause if you had a program for the unemployed and didn't pay them, the local Big Brother would have your ass in a heartbeat.
  9. Ya mean I gotta take my velvet Elvis down?!?!?!?!
  10. As has been noted, there are threads about whiskey, food, cars, bikes, guns, just about everything...why not about piercing? The reputable piercers I know of around here all work out of tattoo parlors, so there is a connection. And if you don't get into it, you can always click right on past. PErsonally, I wouldn't get any of the facial stuff, but I find ot interesting.
  11. Brock, make sure you scope the St. Vincent dePaul stores...always our first stop, they seem to get the good stuff!
  12. Keep on drawing. Stopped in a shop near Sarasota a few weeks back, and both of the guys working there were just sitting zoning at the computer. Now, yeah, I mighta caught em in the few minutes they weren't workiing feverishly, but I don't think so. Shop had NO flash sheets up, nothing on the walls except a few cheap-ass movie posters, and there was no protfolio, only a looseleaf binder of "ideas" in the counter. Now, if thisw was a start-up, okay, but the guy tells me they've been there over four years. Why the hell weren't these two doing some damn thing to make their shop look like a shop? One of them intro'd himself as the owner, so you'd think at least he'd want it tight looking. Anyhow-draw. Then draw more. Then when you get bored, paint. Repeat.
  13. ANYTHING but Jenny!!!! Has a VERY bad connotation inside. Maintain, Jen...remember, their gig is to break you down and try to make you feel as bad about yourself as they feel about themselves. If you don't let them, you win. As for all the cop-lovers, yeah, there are a few decent ones I've met over the years...a few. And I've met frkn thousands of em. And it takes a special kinda scum to put on a green suit and work as a hack. That hurt your feelings? Well, you know there's an old saying in the shop..."did that hurt your feelings? Well...FUCK YOUR FEELINGS!" Just saying. - - - Updated - - - In many places here, yes, it happens everyday. All depends on what profile you fit. In a small town, out-of-state license plates, nice ride, tattoos, etc., etc., that'll get you rousted in a heartbeat.
  14. FTF / FTP Our Nation is being run by a Mandarin-class of Oligarchs for their own personal enrichment, and they are supported by a private army of Alphabet-Soup terrorists and local bullies. Nothing new there, but I'm sorry you had to deal with it, and I hope your shonskie is able to get things worked out for you. Many moons ago, a friend was riding through Tejas and got rousted. Cops found a roach in his saddlebag, and he got dropped for twenty. Ended up serving almost fifteen years of that...for a roach. Aren't you glad the seventies are over?!
  15. Ya kno...he doesn't even look like a real teddy-boy, or Greaser, as we used to call em here. WAY too much hair.
  16. My rib-piece was about 4.5 hours, and I didn't much enjoy it...but I'll be doing the other side, so it wasn't THAT bad. But Ray, I GOTS to know-any relation to Alvin???
  17. Bourbon...back when I drank the stuff, my favorite was Knob Creek. Righteous stuff. As for Scotch, personally I wouldn't touch anything but Laphroig. The ten year-old will run you, around here, about $40 a bottle, and worth every penny. If you want a compromise betwixt the two, try him on some Irish, Jameson is always a good bet.
  18. Ribs do kinda suck, don't they?! Not looking forward to having my right side done...I've got the design good to go, and I guess I could afford it, but I'ma give it a rest for a minit. Gotten so much work done in the last half-year I kinda want to heal a bit.
  19. Okay...as, I think, the oldest guy posting here, I'd best to act as the voice of reason. You need to go out and find as much on Japanese body suits as you can, and then start working with Korey to get yours drawn up, cause buddy, you been had.
  20. Back-Bacon, eh?! Prices are supposed to double on bacon pretty quick anyhow, can't hurt to stock up.
  21. Boy could hook-up with the girl that got the "Obama" tattoo during the last selection, er, election, and they could REALLY do the talk shows.
  22. Good man...if you really wanna get paranoid, get yourself a Katadyn water filter and you cana always use gutter water!
  23. A man after my own heart! C'mon...add a few cases of the gallon jugs of Ice Mountain water and you'll be all good to go. Oh, and double the rum, ya just can't ever tell!
  24. That's just the high-points... When I caught the .25, my cuz and I were booking from a rather large group discussion being held under the Dan Ryan by several of the local youth groups. The rollers came up, and everone took off. We got back to the block, and we were arguing about which of us got hit, cause there was blood all over both of our lower legs. Got inside, turned out it was me-hadn't even felt it. Slug was barely under the skin, so my cuz popped it out with a pocket knife, lil iodone and I was all good to go. The .30 cal, well, I ended up in a horsepistol in Mex City for that one, but that's a whole other story!
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