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Dan S

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Everything posted by Dan S

  1. whoa...a panther on 'ludes...
  2. A drunken clam...uh-uh, I ain't gon touch that one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Hopefully the tip results in some broken fingers.
  4. Hey, as long as it wasn't by a "friend of a friend", and you didn't have to put out!
  5. She may technically be a "consenting adult", but at 18, 19, 22, whatever, getting your face covered with the name of some scumdum who has already disfigured AT LEAST one other Woman is just not too bright. And why do I get the feeling that the very people who defend this shit would be the first to say how terrible it is when a scooter-Lady gets a "Property of ---" tattoo?!?!?!?!? What can I say...if I was that girls' daddy, I'd blow the tattoer's head off.
  6. I read the article before commenting, and the first thing that struck me was if they are so much "in love", maybe the hot ticket would be to wait, oh, I dunno, maybe three or four months before tattooing shit all over her face? I think the guy is lame, and would bet money he moves on right quick, now that he's made his mark, as it were. Just cause it's new and different doesn't mean it should be done. And FWIW, I was an 13 y.o. with a pierced (left) ear and tattoos in 1967, and an 18 y.o. with a pierced nipple and even more tattoos in 1972. Believe me, things were WAY different back then.
  7. Not another single visible tattoo, yet she gets her face inked, and inked in a way to guarantee her trouble in about any city. Oh yeah. I'm sorry if it makes me old, or lame, or judgmental, but the tattooer that dreamed this up should be shot. .02
  8. Hatchet man flash...for those who suffer from CWB syndrome.
  9. First timer, eh?! Not to worry, we're gentle... Welcome to the boards! Hope you find what you're looking for regarding a tattooer...if you're into Sailor Jerry flash, there are a handful doing it well enough to please old Horismoku himself.
  10. Lochlan, check out the paintings that Erik Gillespie is offering, and the white on black work that Nick has out now. Also, I think Nick has a book of flash out now... Anyone who hasn't seen it should def make the trip to CTC, even if it's just to scope the walls...there is some serious, serious historical and new stuff there, guaranteed you'll find something to blow yer little mind! They've got flash, shit, you want traditional? They got stuff in there was on the wall at CTC 40 years ago when I was first getting into "real" tattoos. And if you REALLY wanna get radical, check out this book of Cliff Raven flash sheets...heavy stuff. http://chicagotattoo.com/artwork/154048_Cliff_Raven_Flash_Set.html
  11. 10. Thou SHALT freak the fuck out if you get a microscopic tattoo on your pimple. 11. Thou shalt not EVER get tattooed by a friend of a friend in his kitchen, motel room, truckstop, etc. Use ONLY reputable tattooers working in actual shops.
  12. Character count? I don't got no problem with no stinking character count! Character count? I don't got no problem with no stinking character count! Character count? I don't got no problem with no stinking character count! Character count? I don't got no problem with no stinking character count! Character count? I don't got no problem with no stinking character count! Character count? I don't got no problem with no stinking character count!
  13. Can I open a few of those sweet spammer accounts so I can "like" @lving4today's work more?!?!?!?!?!? Dude...it's been said before-winning @ life!
  14. Jessica, give it a solid month to heal. Even then the skin will be sensitive...remember, you basically wiped-out a whole big chunk of fairly tender skin, so it's gonna take a bit to heal.
  15. But just think...as we type, whoever has that on them is bragging to someone about the badass tatty they got.
  16. Shouldn't hurt it, @ailsa, after the scabbing, you will often see flaking or peeling, as noted, like a mild sunburn.
  17. Why did that boy get a pic of Obama on his arm????? Whoa...here's some extra characters for ya!
  18. Turn off yer electric brain-sucker and ya won't hafta watch that shit.
  19. gruessle, Michael, u wilkommen bei LST! hofenlich ist interesant fur dich.
  20. What you need is a set of good indelible markers. Pick a color, say, red, and fill in the parts of your work that you want colored. That way, if you don't like it, you can change it, and maybe find what's right for you.
  21. Know it well, got some fambly round there, n ran around the 95th n Cicero area quite a bit back in the day. 31st n Halsted here.
  22. First things first. TELL your wife what you are doing. If she objects to the size, I'm sorry, but that's her problem, not yours. Seriously, if this was a Lady getting some work done, no one would be like "oh, you better tell your man first!", they'd tell her to just go for it. .02
  23. Back under the bridge with you, troll.
  24. "Prayer won't help ya, cryin won't do ya no good" Don't be afraid to ask questions out on the boards. There are several people posting here that are involved with laser-removal, and are very knowledgable in that field.
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