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Dan S

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Everything posted by Dan S

  1. I had to travel after I got mine done, left a trail of scabs from Chi to Seattle and back.
  2. Got both of mine done in the same sitting, pretty much solid black over the entire kneecap. Took a good month to heal completely, and maybe a solid week before I could walk comfortably.
  3. Five years of surgeries, rehab, etc. He's still alive, went totally batshit crazy maybe 20 years ago, and is living on the streets. Shit happens.
  4. Just an update, I've had a few of these up in my garage, and the kids all have them in their vehicles. Most excellent! Long-lasting, fights even the funk-ass stick of my garage, what more could you ax for?!
  5. Very true, but at the speeds it runs, and in the close-quarters typically found in self-defense situations, hollow-points consistently fail to expand, whether because they are through the mass before they can, or because-and this is more common-they are clogged with textiles before they can. I would never tell someone NOT to use a 9, it's strictly a personal preference thing. I saw a friend of mine take a 9mm Super-Vel sjhp centerpunchin the belly from about three feet. He doubled-up, ran down a flight of stairs, across two front yards, up two flights of stairs, and blew away the shooter with the .357 he recovered from his room. That kinda soured me on them. Saw some similar things over the years that reinforced that feeling, but again, it's strictly a matter of personal preference.
  6. Times have changed with credit cards just as they have with everything else. We accept cc, not in a tattoo parlor, but a tool store, and don't have a terminal. Everything is handled in our computer. Type in a cc number and away you go. There are other options, such as The Square, that allow you to accept transactions on any smartphone. Pretty simple. As far as the charge, that typically maxes out at around 2 or 3 percent of the transaction-not a killer. My rule is that while I may use a card for payment, rarely, I tip in cash, always! I'm sure that NO reputable tattooer would evade or avoid paying taxes on his/her full income, so I know THAT'S not why some places prefer cash!
  7. alles ist klar! - - - Updated - - - Damn...see, now this is why I don't visit the gun-forums too much. Personally, I won't have a 9mm, but I do like .380ACP for carry. Too much danger of over-penetration with a 9, and the advantage it gives you over a .380 with modern ammo is minimal. The one exception, for me, is 9mm Largo. Beautiful round, better ballistics than a .357, and about zero recoil in most weapons chambered for it. The .45ACP is a wonderful round. Forget all that about putting someone down with one shot to the pinky, but yeah, it has a much higher chance of stopping someone than a 9mm does. FWIW, very, very few LEO carry a .45 as their primary duty weapon. "Most" departments won't authorize any single-action weapon, out of fear of liability. If I did have to pick one handgun to rely on for everything, it would be a 1911A1. All that said, there is no reason to get all bent out of shape about this shit. Mike P. tried to make a coupla points, one, that maybe you should put forward your own opinion, based on your own experience, and two, that most active-duty LEO never fire their weapon except at the range. Both valid points. Disagreement is fine, but no need to get abusive. Oh, and in-country, very, very, very few people used a 9mm handgun-or ANY handgun, as much of anything but a lucky-charm. That's simply a statement of fact, not an attack on your Dad, or anyone else that had the pleasure of participating in the S.E.A. war-games. If we are going to engage in semantics, you "shoot" a target, you discharge ammo, you fire a weapon. Now...can youse kids quit yer fuckin bickering?@!
  8. Y'all will be more than happy with Nick, both for his work and "just" as a guy...good people to the bone.
  9. A. I didn't make any comment about measuring his skill level by the age of his customers. B. It's legal to marry your first-cousin in Illinois...that doesn't mean it's the smart thing to do. C. Reading comprehension is a wonderful thing.
  10. Had to go back and read your intro... SIXTEEN?!?!?!?!? Dude. Forget the tattoo, work on your designs for AT LEAST two more years. Bare minimum. You want to work on sleeving yourself, then you need to do your homework and get your design squared-away. What can I say, all my kids have got tattoos, but all of them waited till they were eighteen to start...can't even begin to imagine what they would have gotten at sixteen, but I do know they changed radically in the two years betwixt then and turning eighteen. You will too. Anyhow. If you look at his work, and you think it's good, that's what it's all about. I don't think a yard-n-a-half is radical cheap, even for the big city. You don't need to pay four-hundred an hour to get good work. As far as appointment times, if he means he can fit you in somewhere, well that isn't a warning signal to me. If he flat-out doesn't have any appointments, well that might be! Hate to beat a dead horse, but I usually call Nick Colella like a week before I want to get tattooed, tops. Have gotten a lot of work at CTC just walking though the door. SOme street shops pride themselves on taking care of walk-ins and last-minute customers, and you may have found one of them. Anyhow, look through his portfolio, look at any of his work you can find to look at in-person, people that work with him, his own ink, like that, and if you like it, and you are happy with his design, well, GO FOR IT!
  11. Ain't that the troof! Take a look at the pic he just put up...talk about some portraiture!!!
  12. bist Du Soldaten oder Polizei, oder Shweiz? - - - Updated - - - Compliments of my pal Jimmy, known as JBW on the Enfield boards... Brass/origin: Jamison/USA, Bertram/Australia, or reformed CBC-Magtech 24 gauge brass hulls/Brazil. All are Boxer primed. (CBC brass uses lg. pistol primers) Powder: ffg (2f) black powder 75 to 85 grains by weight, or BP 2f substitute by VOLUME measure.The 577-450 doesn't care for lighter charges due to the bottleneck design. Bullet: From .468 or .470 diameter. 405gr. or heavier. Again, the MH doesn't care for lighter weight bullets for reasonable ranges. Liquid alox lube prevents crud ringing when using sub-powders. .458 to .460 diameter bullets need to be paper patched. Beeswax 'cookie' beneath the bullet for lube. Overpowder filler: Carded wool, Cream of Wheat (COW), or shredded surgical cotton. Carded wool is difficult to locate in smaller amounts. COW compresses in the bottleneck (at least in my mind's eye) so I've been using sterile cotton. No oils or perfumes to contaminate the powder. Shred apart and use enough to lightly fill the void. Contrary to popular opinion BP doesn't need to be compressed as tightly in a cartridge the same as in a muzzleloader. There are no cheap loadings money-wise. Cartridge and needed components won't allow for it. However a "soft ball" load for under 75 yards for plinking and/or pest control cosists of using a .480 diameter swaged round ball in lieu of a bullet. There is also a smokeless for black loading which I have never used. Different loading rules which involves IMR 4198. No data from me. Just a heads up in case you may be so inclined to persue that route. It's out there.
  13. It's a pretty vague set of pricing POLICIES, not a hard and fast quote of pricing, so I wouldn't sweat it.
  14. Now, if it wasn't Saturday night, the admins would PROBABLY have your new title up in lights already! You deserve it, Young Lady...you've put in some serious hours getting some serious work, and it is paying off bigtime.
  15. She is about hogging-up some major heavy ink, isn't she?!?!?!?!
  16. If it's an IMA rifle, double-check to make sure it was manufactured AT the BSA arsenal, and isn't one of the ones made under license! I'll get you some loading stuff from my friend, he has been loading for his for quite awhile.
  17. Who is Levi's beard?
  18. @jade1955, you're absolutey correct, sir, and you know what's totally freaking pitiful, the Bill of Rights was to a large extent informed by the Magna Carta and its' guarantee's of personal security and the sanctity of the home. And they are both down the tubes.
  19. Dan S


    Terence, Old Son, I go away for a week and the youngsters here forget their freakin' manners and just ignore a newbie, I ask yez, what's up with that?!?!?!? Anyhow, a belated welcome to LST, I hope you enjoy your visit, and find all that you are looking for here. That said, any chance of a few pix? Maybe some of your work, some of your machines???
  20. Mark, Nick has probably one of the premier collections of traditional tattoo designs extant in the States today. I'm sure if you give him an idea of what you like, he'll hit on something slick-enjoy!
  21. Hope you're thinking traditional! To that end, get your hands on a book of Sailor Jerry's stuff and have at it! Many times people think of traditional as strictly old-school sailor type work. I may be deviating from accepted definitions here, but I would put Sailor Jerry's Japanese-style work in with traditional, as well as CLiff Raven's Japanese-inspired stuff. It may have been radically different back in the day, but now, it's recognized as having set the stage for that type of tattooing in the States. To my mind, that makes it traditional! Anyhow-enjoy, and say hi to Nick for me.
  22. Ya know, I used to think that it was just noise, but I gotta say... THE ONLY SOLUTION IS ANOTHER REVOLUTION And it's gonna happen. Might not be tomorrow, but this country is toast. The America that I grew-up in is long gone, and the collectivists are intent on pushing through their vision of a new, "redistributed" world for us to inhabit. Part of that is regulating the private ownership of firearms to the point that it becomes non-existent. Trouble is, when people start tampering with the Constitution, and attempting to limit the rights of American Citizens, then the "law of unintended consequences" will kick in. Basically, you have collectivists preaching that firearms are terrible, nasty things, that commit violent acts, basically without any human involvement. To see just how far collectivists are willing to twist and distort the truth, look no further than the Sandy Hook shootings and their aftermath. Before the smoke cleared, collectivist politrickians were dancing in the blood of the victims, calling for a ban on evil "assault rifles". Much was made over the fact that "an assault rifle was used in the shootings". Well. Not so much. The shootings were done with a 9mm handgun, the rifle, which was legally purchased and then stolen, was NEVER OUT OF THE KILLERS CAR. Now that's flat-out lying, something our collectivist overlords are quite good at. So keep pushing, keep squacking about how "hunters don't need more than seven shots", and see what happens at the end of the day. The Second Amendment isn't about hunting, rather, it is about ensuring that Citizens have the tools they need to overthrow the government. I'm not too bright, I'm not even a college graduate, but here's what I can very easily see happening. The current regime passes laws requiring all firearm transfers to go through a licensed dealer. Millions refuse to abide by these rules, as they refused to abide by Canada's long-gun registry. In the face of mass civil disobedience, the regime outlaws the possession of certain firearms. More civil disobedience follows. The Oligarchs, sensing a threat to their legitimacy, send in the Waco Killers. Teams of ATF and FBI goonies confront outspoken gun-owners and arrest them, in the process, terrorizing their familes, destroying their homes, and brutalizing any who resist. As this happens with more frequency, more Citizens resist, until finally their is a series of firefights in which heavy casualties are taken by both sides. As the fighting escalates, the Oligarchs order their troopers to crush the budding rebellion, and they respond with increased brutality. Oh wait! How can you be more brutal than burning 54 innocent men, women, and children to death?!?!?!?!?!! Then the fun will start.
  23. Ian, you don't need any luck going there, just ducats!
  24. OUCH!!! Yeah, I can totally see that! We've got a new scratcher operating up here, I'm not sure if he's opening a shop or just working out of his kitchen. I've seen three girls that have been mutilated by this assklown, absolutey lousy script-work on the chests. Guy doesn't even have the decency to practice on something that isn't out in the open.
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