The early red inks used iron in them, and they caused what was known as "red reaciton" in some I said, it could get ugly. When they stopped using that, there was a period when red was iffy, they were experimenting, and that's when those were done. The later red, as on the elbow, is no problem.
As far as "nordic" type stuff, all of the sleeve-work came from historical texts. The top piece was a shield device dug-up in what's now northern Germany, and the World Serpent is from what's now Ireland. My family is Irish and German, so I picked them all to reflect our lineage. The pic of Wotan and Slepnir is an old woodcut, if I had to pick a belief system to identify with , I guess I would say Wotanism. It's as good as any creation legend, and at least it's from my ancestors.