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Dan S

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Everything posted by Dan S

  1. The SS wan't real big on having troopers, let alone officers, pose for pretty-much-nekkid pictures, so I'd guess the gent didn't want his Uncle to see him. Great stuff, Kyle...but you have to ask yourself why a Schutzstaffel Offizier would have an Ami flag tattooed on his chest, and why his tattooer would have it on his wall as flash in wartime!
  2. TSA guys are no different from any other red-blooded male...just can't resist a Lady with some nice tattooing!
  3. One thing I don't understand is why so many seem to be afflicted with hoplophobia. Taken statistically, incidents of homicidal rampages are pretty even in any mixed-society, and only a weapon in the hands of someone who knows how to use it can end one. .02
  4. We're having fun with that too, homer...you need to get out more and look around. ATF destroys anyone and anything they feel could be a threat to them or their masters, and there are more and more cameras every day. http://chicago.cbslocal.com/2011/02/08/aclu-blasts-chicagos-network-of-cameras/ And now we have drones in the air HERE spying on us. http://news.yahoo.com/midwest-ranchers-lawmakers-protest-epa-flyovers-080146368.html "From time to time, the Tree of Liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots"
  5. Bud, you obviously haven't met the BATF!!! You have no freedom, only whatever illusion of freedom it suits the Perfumed Elite to allow. The first time you step over their invisible line, their alphabet-soup agencies will take you down most rickey-tick.
  6. So, shortly after Maniaci does the sleeve on my right arm, an old friend drops into the school for some sparring. he sees my arm and flips, "where'dja get it done?" I told him, and he said "I want to get one like it." Told him to call Miles, or go on down to have a consult, and he says "NO! I want one EXACTLY like it!" Had to convince him that duplicating my older work and then doing the new stuff wasn't gonna look so hot on him.
  7. Just to give credit where credit is due, even northern Euros and Celts and Picts were getting tattooed, llong before any voyages to exotic clime. Epridermal enhancement seems to be hardwired into those of us who are NORMAL.
  8. Naaaah...I think the guys that have chicks names-that they will NEVER know or meet-tattooed on em are way kreepier than green aliens!
  9. I hear that!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Yeah, but Hunter Morrow with Elvii tattooed all over him, now THAT'S kreepy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. I browse all of those from time to time...like the WTN site as it's a bit less bloggy. I've wrenched on Hogs since I was 17, but all of my work is confined to older models. Got associates in certain clubs, but I don't gt to ride much, and I haven't worn a Patch in years. And turf wars? Come to Chicago. We taught the rest of the world how it's done. With the Orwellian anti-gun laws the Aussies have allowed to disarm them, it's no wonder the shootings make big news...hell, here, it's in the charter of most Patches that it's member's own weapons. When a certain western club tried to establish a presence here, what was described by the ATF as the "largest car bomb ever detonated in the U.S." exploded outside their clubhouse in Chicago...I mean, their EX-clubhouse. "How many pallbearers are there at an Outfit funeral?" One...to slam the trunk lid.
  12. This is where I get most of my news on it from. A lot of the Brothers who post on here are Aussies, so the comments are usually pretty str8. The media is having a field day for sure, and now that there has been at least one large-scale patchover, it should get more interesting. News - White Trash Networks
  13. That is a sweet piece!
  14. Watup @Duffa...what's the real deal?
  15. Saw that one...how do you spell "ONE SICK PUPPY" boys and girls??????????????????????????///
  16. This might be too sensitive a subject, if so, I would ax an Admin to delete it. Watdafuk is going on in the tattoo world in Oz? Every day I read about shops getting shot-up by this club or that club, that type of thing. Do the M/C's have a lock on tattooing there? Are "independant shops hassled? What about artists, can an artist just work, or does he have to worry about whose turf he's on, etc.? As I said, if that's not stuff people want aired, it won't hurt my feelings any if this thread just goes away, I'm just curious if what I read and hear is being exaggerated.
  17. I'm not sure what an "american crest" is, but I don't see how you c ould go wrong with ANY American imagery. Nothing wrong with a little healthy Nationalism...about the only places that it's deemed gauche are the States and Deutschland.
  18. Anybody that lives in a city and hasn't had a gun pointed at them at some time in their life, doesn't really live in the city. .02
  19. Dan S

    Hi everyone

    So Kate, could you hook me up with a cake with a dragon over a map of the world, maybe with a reaper and a sword threatening a rose in a sparrow's beak?!?!?!?!? J/K, welcome to LST, and I hope you enjoy it here. Dan
  20. Got about six feet of vinyl, everything from fifties doo-wop n pop up to the early eighties. Blues, oh yeah, a ton of that, jazz, all kindsa shit.
  21. Congrats IWAR!!! Beautiful work, all around.
  22. Man, Nick Colella does a frkn MEAN chest eagle-check his instagram. Heathenist, I'll be happy to pick you up and take you over there, long as you aren't stayin in like, Gary or sumpin!
  23. Dan S


    You can post em directly to the iste in a thumbnail, but you get a much better pic if you use Photobucket or a similar hosting service. If you have trouble with it, let me know and I'll walk you through it.
  24. No contest-get tattooed! You've got at least a week to heal before you hit the ancestral homelands.
  25. Just goes to show...never trust anyone with a nekkid face and no tattoos!
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