Another angle of my elbow. Dale Grande did this to tie together two other pieces on my arm, and it has distracted a few people in the ring long enough to connect with their noses.
Dragon in the clouds cover-up done by Mark Miller at CTC in the late-seventies. Pretty crude by today's' standards, but it was hot stuff then. The head was taken from a sheet of flash, and the rest drawn in with ballpoint.
Wind, waves, and lightening work around my elbow, done by Dale Grande in the late seventies or early eighties to tie together two pieces he had done for me.
Miles Maniaci sleeve. Top of the sleeve is a rendering of a shield device, worked in gold, from about 900 A.D., unearthed in what is now northern Germany, near where my family is from.
Used to have a whole slew of different weapons, everything from little hideout pistols, the Kel-Tec P3-AT is my favorite, to full-house .44 mags, to M14s, and everythign in-between.
They all got stolen in a break-in about a year ago, I swear!