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Dan S

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Everything posted by Dan S

  1. Yes it is, Androosh. The man is a master! I'm fortunate to live within driving distance of CTC, so take advantage of that whenever possible. Heading there in a few hours-it's my youngest son's 18th birthday, so time for the traditional tattoo.
  2. Don't know why, but the second one, the cat-n-bones, wasn't nigh as painful as the first, and it's durn near healed..go figger.
  3. You can only edit your posts for a short time. I would suggest hitting the button marked "sign out" and just moving on from there.
  4. Any drugstore in Kanada...but ya gotta take a handful for em to do anything!
  5. Dan S


    Welcome to LST, Katie, I hope you find inspiration, ideas, and friendship here!
  6. @JesseBlunt, with all due repect, there were no conflicting opinions given, everyone here basically told him to go see a doctor. I hear what you're saying about going to his tattooer, but if he is that worried about it, the doc is the way to go.
  7. An here I thought that was a hella Chi thang.
  8. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I thought that was pretty polite.
  9. Very kool! Hope you're replacing that Hunnert n Worst piece, too!!!
  10. Most of the times that I've had to wait for the tattooer that I chose were the result of scheduling conflicts. When I had my arm sleeved, I did it in 5-7 hour sessions. That said, we had to work them in when possible. I think the first sitting I had to wait maybe a week or two after finalizing the drawing. Other than that, I just call and see what day Nick is working, and away we go. I have heard that Miles, the gent who did my sleeve, has a hellacious waiting list now, but I believe that is due to his only working on large pieces, i.e. sleeves, backpieces, like that. And he's worth the wait-man is a major, major tattooer, and a hella artist. http://milesmaniaci.com/pages2/progresspage.html
  11. I had to wait almost twenty minutes for Nick to get set-up last week...
  12. Dude, you got serious answers from the jump. No one can diagnose you over the 'net. You got advice to take it to a doc if yer worried about it. What else do you want people to say? Everyone heals differently, it's impossible to tell from a low-res snapshot what's going on with it. Nothing else to say. You got zits, or work that isn't healing, or whatever. There's your serious advice. GO SEE A DOCTOR OR WAIT TILL IT HEALS ON IT'S OWN
  13. Give it a chance.
  14. I feel ya on the balance. Here in Wisconsin the "native-american' thing is a big issue, with maybe a little different spin. As far as the whole 'native-american" thing, my friends who are members of various tribes refer to themselves as "indians", unless there's an "outsider" around. Hey-I'm a native-american too-I was born here! I guess I'm kinda old-school Chicago. I don't get bent if someone calls me a kraut, or a mick, and I don't expect them to get bent if I call them a polock! Be's that way here, at least for the most part. As for tattoo blogs, hey, as long as whoever is running it is legitimately doing it to further the art of, and understanding of, tattooing, I got no problem with it. When pencil-necks try to push their own agenda by bending things around to their own viewpoint and putting that on the whole "tattoo community", then we part company. It's all good...
  15. ummm...washed yer 'stache lately?!
  16. xbox, you got a zit. You'll live.
  17. Racist...I'm sorry, DJ, and no diss intended, but man, that's the most overworked word in the english language. Tattooers, of everyone in the world, should get the idea that Political Correctness is bullshit. That doesn't, by a long shot, mean that actual, real-live racism is okay, it just means that I would think people who typically operate on/in the edges of mainstream society should realize that PC is a political construct designed strictly to enslave people, and to ensure they do their master's bidding. If you say something the least bit non-PC, you are "racist", or a "nazi", or my favorite, a "Hater". I'm just glad I spend most of my time in Chicago, where a spade is still a spade. No matter what country it came from.
  18. What is Egyptian lettering????? Rock/fish/fish/fox/sun/planet/ibis...
  19. Just think of it as terrain enhancment...maybe the Pyramids, with a caravan approaching...
  20. Five natural kids, a step-daughter, and a granddaughter. My pops always said "kids are gods way of teaching you humility". And hey-nothing else to do when you don't have cable! The eagle is a piece of old Cliff Raven flash.
  21. Yeah, kinda like last month...this month's contest was won, I think, the first day. And if it wasn't, there are enuf other crazy-good pieces to fill a years worth of "best of" contests. The piece I posted isn't anything special to anyone but me, just my way of holding my kids a little closer to my heart. Thanks, Lochlan, and all of you posting these most excellent pieces!
  22. Over the counter - in Kanada - Aspirin with a little codeine.
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