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Dan S

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Everything posted by Dan S

  1. Dan S

    Cold Dogs

    Ain't that the troof!
  2. Dan S

    Cold Dogs

    So, this definitely doesn't have anything to do with tattoos, but I thought y'all might get a kick out of it. This was Monday evening, around 18.30. The temp was like five degrees, an it was heading south to minus five Fahrenheit. Cold. We had just finished dinner, and my oldest boy and his daughter and dogs were leaving to go home. he let his dogs out, and stopped to fire-up my car so it could warm-up. When he turned his head to do that, the dogs made book. Now, the dogs. There are two, the older one is a dawg, maybe 75 pounds, short hair, curly tail, yellow looking thing, kinda resembles a dingo. He's a real nice dog, but has a screw loose about running away. When he puts his mind to it, he's fast as hell, and if he decides to go, you aren't going to catch him till he's ready to come home. The other one, the little fella, he's a boxer pup, maybe four months old and 35 pounds, skin n bones. Anyhow, the dogs took off, and by the time my son noticed, they were out in the field already. My place is on the middle of about 500 acres of corn, so it's pretty dark at night. We all got in separate cars and went out looking for them...no sightings, and really, no chance of coming across them except by sheer luck. All of our spotlights were burned-out, batteries cashed, and the cars weren't digging the temperature. My oldest had walked our road, about two miles, both ways a few times, and saw nothing. About 24.00 we packed it in, and hoping that at least the little guy might be holed-up in a barn somewhere, went home. 06.00 Tuesday my oldest gets a call from a Lady, asks if he belongs to a couple of dogs. Yes he do. She was driving up from Illinois to go to work, and when she got to the state line, she noticed sommething odd in a deep ditch. Stopped, backed-up to it, and saw it was two dogs curled up together in the bottom of the ditch. Couldn't tell if they were dead or alive, but she went down and check on them. When she got close, the older guy got up an made unfriendly noises at her, but when the dogs saw the door to her truck was open and the motor running, they decided maybe it would be better to bite her AFTER they got warmed up. Sums it up. She delivered them to my son who had been busy trying to resign himself to them being dead...but was sure 'nuff glad they weren't. They spent the next day racked-out together in my office, the old fella is a bit TOO old for that kind of thing. Thought this was decent...
  3. Outlaw Motorsickle CLUB. Best o luck, Chris, and watch yer back out there!
  4. That one's easy. Get tattooed.
  5. There is pain beyond what can be imagined, almost beyond what can be felt...and it ain't fun, and a tattoo ANYWHERE doesn't even come close.
  6. Let's amend that to "the worst TATTOO pain a human being could possibly feel." Tell you what, there are whole other levels of pain I hope y'all don't ever find.
  7. Den Yakovlev...look him up on FB.
  8. Brock, old son, I could intro you to some people up there...
  9. Absolutely, completely, totally freaking outstanding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Welcome to LST. Divers n sharks, eh?!
  11. Aren't both of those "take what you can get when you can get it" types of services? I tried using Priceline some time back, but had to book the room I wanted without seeing the hotel or type of room...pass.
  12. Dan S

    Sort of new

    I hear that, eh!
  13. I hear ya, Brock...next time, lemme know when ya want to go and I'll see about visiting customers then. - - - Updated - - - It's just like the big city, they got buses and everything! - - - Updated - - - Check this for your 'zact dates... http://www.enterprise.com/car_rental/location.do?transactionId=WebTransaction1&selectedLocationId=44V3 - - - Updated - - - Yeah, but that is the Cinci airport of choice. Ya take the ferry an you're downtown in 20 minutes. - - - Updated - - - Yeah, but that is the Cinci airport of choice. Ya take the ferry an you're downtown in 20 minutes.
  14. Dan S

    Sort of new

    Nice portfolio, Azara! Welcome to LST, I hope you enjoy your stay. Will have to stop in an say hi next summer when we head to St. Germaine.
  15. Dan S


    Re-up..why does that remind me of RUN AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - - - Updated - - - Honest, son...we'll get you another stripe, you'll pull the last two months in a supply post, and with your training, gosh, you could do anything! But here...burn these shit-barrels first, wouldja?!
  16. I've got a pretty large chunk of arm covered in 3-needle work, done in 1984, and it still looks as good today as it did then.
  17. Brock, you can fly GB to Cinci for $525, or Milwakky to Dayton for $375...might be worth the few extra bux to skip the drive!
  18. Tell him to wear his own damn long skirts.
  19. None so blind as he who won't see. I was all fixated on the extra "i". Nevermind. Move along now, nothing to see here!
  20. What am I missing here? Struggling/strugglin'//
  21. Hard not to like yer first tattoo. no matter what.
  22. Brian, you mean to tell me you wouldn't tattoo a completely correct solar system betwixt an elbox and a shoulder in an hour or two?!?!?!?!? I never even figured on someone actually doing it, but to just answer someone, yeah. But hey-if ya don't need the work, or if it's totally off-the-wall, jok 'em if they can't take a ficke!
  23. BrianKelley, this one from Loxodrom's guestbook is even better... Hi Ich bin vom 21. 08-35.08.12 in Berlin und möchte mir ein Tattoo stechen lassen. Das Tattoo soll ziemlich klein werden und ich denke es fällt unter den Mindestpreis, wie hoch ist dieser bei euch? Bin aus der Schweiz. Seid ihr sehr ausgebucht wegen einem möglichen Termin? Laurence
  24. ihren Tattowieren sind kostenlos? If you are in business, and you want to tattoo people and continue to be in business, it's probably best to respond when someone wants to make an appointment. That said, I THINK the attitude towards e-mail is different in Europe than it is here. Here, I would have no qualms about sending an e-mail to a shop asking if they could fit me in within a few months. And if I didn't get an answer, I'd have no hesitation about writing again, or failing that, calling them. That's business. If they refused to answer, no problem, I'd just go somewhere else. In contrast, when I e-mail my partners in Germany, they will at times take up to a week to respond. Personally, I always figured if I work for someone, whether it's digging ditches or writing papers, I should work for them. Whatever benefits the company benefits me. Sounds like you should find a different shop to work in.
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