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    Chris1 got a reaction from bongsau in Hi from Chris   
    Thanks for the detailed response despite my initial karma problem. ^^
    Totally. I think it's quite a decision to make. That's probably the one thing that amazes me the most (at least on a meta level) about tattoos. There you have a decision to make that you actually have to live with the rest of your life (removing again should imo never be considered an option). There are not many decisions like that you have
    to make in your life. Most of them can be changed later without a trace. And you can't even blame someone else when it doesn't work out.
    That's also why I agree with the rest of your response. I'll definitely take my time.
    @marley mission
    Oh, I'm definitely not there yet (maybe ever?). But Chad definitely has an really cool style. You probably have to wait a long time for that guy. ^^
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    Chris1 reacted to bongsau in Hi from Chris   
    tattooing isn't a race (despite how the internetz can make us feel)
    if you aren't sure what to get...DO NOT get the tattoo, you aren't ready.
    be sure of what you want...whether you've been manifesting the idea for years or just picking the flash off the wall with like 'yeah that's the one'...be sure of what you want.
    myself...i get a rough idea of what the tattoo is to be of and where i want it to go (at this point in my journey, placement comes first). my inspiration is life, art, music, culture, being and breathing. air, water, fire. blackness and emptiness, technicolour and psychedelia. simple ideas. complex ideas. concept ideas. stupid ideas. the ideas just happen when i am ready to accept them. my first one was 6 years in the making. my last one was 4 months and the one before that was 5 minutes. you just know. it feels right. i can look at myself in the mirror and see the new tattoo THERE on the empty skin. like looking into the future. that's when i know i'm ready for the next.
    tattoo is not a trivial thing as the internet and pedestrian people have fooled the mainstream into believing. there is more to it than what can come across on a 2"x2" smartsphone screen, an algorithm and app. tattoo, you gotta be it and do it.
    good luck to you Chris1 :cool:
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