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Posts posted by ZachZanone

  1. Seems like alot of these storys are when people we're apprenticing.. Well in that respect my story's the same, This was maybe my 5th tattoo in the shop i apprenticed at. I was tattooing a friend of mine that i knew from a boxing / kickboxing gym in the mission district of San Francisco back in 2001, I am maybe 30 minuts into this tattoo and some big guy comes into talk to my boss (it was just him & i that worked in the shop) So no big deal right?.. They go outside & i continue tattooing listening my Sepultura Arise cd blasting on the shop stereo. I am all consumed by this tattoo trying to make everything as perfect as i could When the guy im tattooing says he thinks something happening outside, So i stop and look up over the partition i didnt see shit so i get back on the tattoo then a couple seconds go by and i hear my boss yelling for me to "GET THE GUN!!" so i tell the guy im tattooing to stay there & i grab the big ass long barrell .45 revolver we had in shop, I'm on my way to head outside to see what the hell is going on when The guy i was tattooing asks me where the phone is, he's going to call the cops.. So i give him the phone & get the gun again. Then the guy i was tattooing says "whats the address here!??" i put the gun down AGAIN pull a card off the wall give it to him, as soon as i turn around there's 6 guys running into the shop two of them already have knives out and the damn gun is on the chair about 10 feet away from me with the hammer back.. These guys we're already striking distance away from me with knives out yelling this and that b.s. and im thinking to myself "ok this sucks but if it comes between me getting stuck with this knife or them seeing the 45 on the chair i got to make a move for the gun" i look over at my friend the kickboxer he's standing there like a statue, & instead of maybe getting ready to fight, or worrying about them stabbing him in the neck or stomach.. He has both of his hands over his balls.. hahaha even in that situation i remember thinking to myself w.t.f is he doing and finding it really funny. So anyways the boss comes running into the shop all bloody from getting jumped outside there's a couple other guys running after him so finally there's my distraction.. I make my move for the gun everybody see's me doing it, they bolt out of the shop going faster than they did coming in i give the gun to my boss i grab a hammer and we run after these guys as soon as we get outside he starts shooting.. unloaded the revolver.. These guys are understandably running like bats out of hell scattering everywhere.. Well no one got shot and after dealing with the cops and all that mess i finished up my 5th shop tattoo.

    That may be the BEST tattoo story I've seen on this whole website so far! hahahaha

  2. As of late, teens have been getting STUPID tattoos because they are "hip" or "in". Give an example, and a picture if possible, of the dumbest tattoo you've had to do recently. For me, I'm going to be doing a Narwhal tattoo on some rave chick this week... I'd normally like to think it's due to the excessive use of drugs, but unfortunately it's just one of the tattoos become popular with the "hipsters". Let's hear them!


  3. I think it's important to wait until 18. I grew up in a military family where I was threatened daily that if I got any tattoos or piercings they would be ripped out, etc. Due to this, I thought over the tattoos I wanted for years and years. Now I'm 21 and every tattoo and piercing I have was thought through and planned out. Though I hated my parents for it at the time, I'm glad they did that when I was younger. Now I don't have any stupid rainbow colored owls or anything dumb like that hahaha.

    And also I have to say, all of that time I took researching tattoos and looking up meanings turned into studying and building interest which lead to the tattoo career I'm working on now. Now I have respect for all of the older tattoo artists and tattooed people. All of these kids and "hipsters" nowadays just get whatever tattoo they want, or is "cool" at the time without any thought. Anyways, rambling! You get my thoughts haha


  4. Yeah I actually have been watching the videos on YouTube for awhile and decided to join when I finally got some time. I'm just soaking up all of the information I can, wherever I can. And this is an awesome place for that I must say! Thanks!


  5. I'm new and wanted to say hello. I started an apprenticeship a year ago (luckily no money was involved) with a guy I was friends with and he dropped off the face of the earth. Luckily he taught me the basics so I was able to practice here and there. I've basically been hanging around shops here and there, learning what I can, getting tattooed, and looking for a good shop to apprentice in. I wish I could just get apprenticed the traditional way. Get treated like shit and ordered around for a few years. But unfortunately nowadays you just pay your way in for a quick 1-2 year apprenticeship. Either way, I just want to learn. I've had many jobs, was in college for film, and none of them made me happy. Since I've found tattooing I've never been happier. If I stayed broke and paying my bills late from now to the day I die I wouldn't care. I'm happy.

    If anyone has any advice, critique, anything, I'll take anything I can get. Thank you all for your time! Peace


  6. I think it's funny seeing all of the stupid drama they feel the need to throw into the mix. I'll watch it if it's on and I'm sitting down drawing, but not anything I'd go out of my way to watch. But at least they've been tearing the contestants up for all of their errors. American Idol tells all of their contestants how good they are when 9 out of 10 of them suck.

  7. Honestly, fairies and stars and all of that shit are pretty fucking annoying but I have to say the tattoos I hate doing the most are tribal, any kind of armbands, etc. Luckily they aren't really that common of a request anymore but every time I'm asked to do tribal I cringe. I actually have to do a tribal tattoo from the elbow to the wrist in the next week or so.

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