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Everything posted by PhilB

  1. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/08/07/health/07real.html
  2. Yep. That is the going rate for most shops around here.
  3. I'd love to see that thread, if you have a link.
  4. Don't worry, they are opening two new shops "this week" (for the past several weeks now), and "The Master" still does housecalls.
  5. Not according to this: Forum Runner - vBulletin / XenForo / myBB / IP.Board / phpBB Forum iPhone App I'm presently downloading the free version on my Android phone. If I like it, I'll gladly pay the $1.99 for the non-ad version.
  6. Walked by the "shop" yesterday. The French doors that were leading into the garage have been replaced by proper roll-up doors. No more signs out front advertising the shop, and 5 or so mattresses in the driveway. I guess the rumor was true.
  7. Welcome. Where are you from, and what other language(s) do you speak?
  8. My recursive wolf coverup (wolf covered up by a bigger wolf!): You can see the before here: Coverup
  9. So, you're currently working, then? At a shop? You're not the only employee, are you? Surely, there are more experienced artists there. See what I did there?
  10. Update from his "The Dirty" page (To the Point Tattoos Charles Parent):
  11. Squats, deadlifts and bench (add shoulder presses and rows too) rule for a reason. For me, there is no substitute for large compound exercises.
  12. @Scott R what confrontation? @Mush had to go check out their other location. It is several thousand miles away from me! I will be curious to see if they do indeed have new locations, though. I strongly doubt it.
  13. Oh, man, that was a horrible spot when I reached the crease at the bottom of the butt cheek. Couldn't find a way to get comfortable for a few days. I empathize.
  14. For crude but realistic looking prison tattoos, Chopper
  15. I call that part "The reveal". It's my first real look at what the artist saw in his head when mixing colours. I've never not been pleasantly surprised by it. Besides that, yeah, healing a new tattoo sucks.
  16. @Avery Taylor You were so right, I even managed to get disappointed. I went in today, hoping to get some details on tomorrow's contests. I was then informed that the the contests were only for people who got tattooed at the convention. Lame. I won't be back tomorrow.
  17. PhilB


    The shop I talk about in this thread: http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/forum/war-stories/2126-sometimes-morbid-curiosity.html often advertises on CraigsList. I also see all kind of "deals" on their Facebook page. Their latest: Yeah... They also claim:
  18. Fair enough. I also have really low expectations, so it should be hard to get disappointed!
  19. @Mush Did you ever check out the St Thomas location?
  20. To be honest, everything points to them being rather...less-than-totally organized. People I know at a local shop were trying to get booths, and told they are mostly sold out, because something like 75% of them went to vendors. People who did get booths cannot bring in *any* food, or even bottles of water, so they have to buy them at the venue. (the above based on hearsay, but told to me by someone who is getting a booth there). Also, I have been asking them repeatedly for months on Facebook and now Twitter what the schedule for the contests is on Sunday. It is the only day they allow kids, and I'd therefore like not to have to be there all day to enter the contest (because I'd rather go on the non-kids days). They have a schedule/times for the pinups and vixens on the two previous days, but nothing for the actual tattoo contest? I only want to go because I've never been to any convention. As a bonus, I get free tickets. @Avery Taylor Have you been one of the past years when it was at the PNE? Why aren't you going?
  21. We talked a little about that article in this thread, starting here: http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/forum/tattoo-101/1837-ink-masters-page36.html#post32098
  22. PhilB


    Thanks for giving me my new favorite reply to that question.
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