The infoamouse Spider Web Elbow...Getting Pretty Tired of Folks who know little to nothing about Tattoos jumping in (during a general convo) and saying it means "you did time" or its a "jail house tat" BS! If the History books of tattooing are correct (Pretty sure they are!) with they're dates Bob Shaw was sleeved by Bert Grimm at 16 and both of his elbows are Spider webs. Did Bob Shaw do time at 15 come out go to Bert and say hey man just got out the pen so i need to get some spider webs tattooed on my elbows? I doubt it! I mean even when you google Spider Web Elbow everything states Aryan Brotherhood, Jail, BS, BS, BS. Sure maybe in Jail thats what it means. But here in the real world its just cool filler and I'm willing to bet when Bert Put them on Bob and whoever else. Dude was probably thinking just that "Hmm Spider webs now thats a cool idea for filler...I don't know if this was touched upon earlier in this thread but Said (During general convo) took place recently and it kind of sent me over the edge.