My friends had convinced me to go out, I wasn't up to it because I had a busy evening the next day and an essay to do but i'm easy enough to persuade so I found myself in corp (club in sheffield).
Now corp isn't really a place you need to predrink for because blue pints will have you off your face after about 3/4 drinks (and they're like £2.40 a pop before midnight), however I'd had like a glass of peach schnapps/lemonade before i'd come out
anyway we got in around half 12/1 and I'd got my drink, had drunk about 1/2 and was just waiting for a friend to come back from getting his second. I'll add now i drink incredibly slowly too. ANyway I was st down and decided to open instagram, I was scrolling through and I notice that Antony had posted he had a cancellation the same day at 12pm (it was now like about 20 to 2)
so me being hyped up and tipsy not drunk) enough to think that getting to London for 12 on no sleep was a fantastic idea, emailed to see if anyone had taken the cancellation.
To my surprise they hadn't, so i sent over 1/2 ideas, he was like "i can do the cat". So I told my friend when he got back that I needed to go because tattoo but i'd stay and finish my drink.
Luckily I didn't need to because someone knocked it into me as i was walking into another room.
So yeah my friend found his other friends and I went home and proceeded to drink an insane ammout of water because I know that you're not meant t drink before getting tattoo'd so I assumed if I drank enough it'd flush the small ammount alcohol out of my system or help at least.
Anyway got to london on no sleep or food (10/10 would not recommened) and had the linework and black shading done and then came back a month later to get the colour added
the second sessions I was more prepared and stayed at a friends in London but I was too excited about having it finished so I didn't sleep that time either and even though I ate, 3 bag of crisps are apparently not a substantial meal and i've learnt from my 2nd one that eating a shit ton of pasta beforehand really helps with the pain.