If you don't understand art, fucking learn to. Jesus fucking Christ. No one was born with this skill. Look at good art, well painted or drawn works that respect scale and color, not some chick's deviant art. The entirety of the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art is available to view, for free, online. There are all of the Tattoo Age videos you can watch to see great tattoos and tattooers. If you won't learn to fucking understand art, we're not going to teach it to you. This isn't high school, we're not being paid. If you want to get a big boy tattoo take some goddamn responsibilities.
You have repeatedly asked the same questions, and seemingly just thrown out anything you see at us. We are not your filter. We cannot and will not hold your hand.
There is a time to ask questions, and there is a time to reflect, and read, and research. To try for yourself to understand something. You need to do what Graeme said and lurk more, read old threads here. There is so much information on here that if you are thorough there will be no need for you to ask any of these kinds of questions.
Please listen to me. Don't continue to badger this already haggard community. Take this into your own hands.