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  1. Like
    Hogrider reacted to InkNewb in Does this look OK?   
    Most definitely, especially when they never seem to heal consistently and everyone has a different opinion on healing etc! Don't get me started on Google, according to Google I should be dead 🤣
  2. Like
    Hogrider reacted to InkNewb in Does this look OK?   
    Hi, thanks for the welcome. It's only 8 days old so pretty early days - the area around it all seems to have healed nice, it's just the one specific line really where it seems to be a bit scabby still, normally mine are all healed up by around the 10 day mark so there's time yet! 
  3. Like
    Hogrider got a reaction from Dan in Extended healing?   
    First post is shilling your site. Wham, Bam, thank you Ma'am, don't even buy us a drink first.
    This is the equivalent of walking into a bar and saying, "Hey, I have a bar down the street, come on down there to drink." It's just Fckn rude.
  4. Like
    Hogrider reacted to Vlad in Did my tattoo scarred?   
    Thanks for your replies. I appreciate that 
  5. Like
    Hogrider reacted to Dan in Did my tattoo scarred?   
    it will probably be fine when it completely heals in a month or 2
  6. Like
    Hogrider got a reaction from oboogie in First post!   
    I always laugh at these dick heads whose first post is shilling their crap and get all butt hurt when they get called on it. Too bad we can’t make someone wait  until they have ten posts before they can post a link.
  7. Like
    Hogrider got a reaction from Dan in First post!   
    I always laugh at these dick heads whose first post is shilling their crap and get all butt hurt when they get called on it. Too bad we can’t make someone wait  until they have ten posts before they can post a link.
  8. Like
    Hogrider reacted to oboogie in First post!   
    People like this dumbass always come back. Hope he stays away. Bye, fuckface!
  9. Like
    Hogrider got a reaction from Blue Tattoo in Whats worse? Bad tattoo shop with great artist or Great tattoo shop with bad artist?   
    I'm not sure how anything is worse than a bad artist, but with all of the tattoo shops out there, I don't now why anyone would tolerate either. If you can't find a good artist in a good shop, you're not looking very hard.
  10. Like
    Hogrider got a reaction from oboogie in First post!   
    How can I miss you if you won’t go away? Take your scabby products with you.
  11. Like
    Hogrider got a reaction from oboogie in First post!   
    Two posts and on to my ignore list. That’s new record. Being an ass hole to the people who have been on this forum for years is not the best way to introduce yourself.  When your first post is shilling your shit product, that tells all we need to know.
    For the record, I don’t have to show you jack shit, and couldn’t care less about your opinions on my ink.
  12. Like
    Hogrider got a reaction from oboogie in First post!   
    Take a minute to read what this forum is about. It’s not a forum for scratchers who want to buy supplies. It’s a forum for tattoo enthusiasts. You’re welcome here to talk about tattoos, you’re not welcome here to market your crap.
  13. Like
    Hogrider reacted to reysero in Mind-blowing tattoo makes man look like machine   
    You're right until the end, that's it.
  14. Like
    Hogrider reacted to oboogie in None   
    THIS. 😆
  15. Haha
    Hogrider got a reaction from Radgal in None   
    I guess it was a specter that removed it. Please feel free to forget this page again, no one believes your bullish!t.
  16. Like
    Hogrider got a reaction from Dan in LST Animal Lovers   
    I love Aussies I adopted a senior Aussie many years ago, one of the sweetest dogs I ever had.
  17. Like
  18. Like
    Hogrider reacted to Dan in LST Animal Lovers   
    Lily is 18 mo now, and the light of my life.

  19. Like
    Hogrider got a reaction from Ditzahyt in Possible infection or allergic reaction to 6 day old tattoo?   
    She’s asking opinions and we’re providing them. I don’t need to be a doctor to know the symptoms of an infection and she doesn’t have them. As to allergies, if you look at the medical literature, the number of actual documented allergies is tiny. The chances that this is an allergy is close to zero. What many of us with years of experience getting tattoos have seen is tattoos like this caused by someone tattooing like they were using a jackhammer.
    When the most likely explanation covers all of your symptoms, it’s probably the correct one.
    Last, YOU don’t set the rules here. If you want to be the big cheese, start your own forum.
  20. Like
    Hogrider reacted to Blue Tattoo in Extended healing?   
    I'm going on 60, I started late.
  21. Like
    Hogrider got a reaction from Blue Tattoo in Extended healing?   
    Absolutely age is a factor. The older your skin, the longer it takes to heal. I’m 65 so I know.
  22. Like
    Hogrider got a reaction from Simong in Extended healing?   
    Absolutely age is a factor. The older your skin, the longer it takes to heal. I’m 65 so I know.
  23. Like
    Hogrider got a reaction from oboogie in Extended healing?   
    At 12 weeks they are usually healed, but older, thin skin can take longer. There doesn’t appear to be anything wrong with it, I’d just keep moisturizing the skin and see what happens.
  24. Like
    Hogrider reacted to Dan in First post!   
    hi and welcome, read here https://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/rules/
    There is a 10 post requirement before you can start your own thread outside of the initiation forum. Please do not go posting a bunch of meaningless posts just to hit your 10 post requirement. If you want to ask a question right away - just post it in your intro thread."
  25. Like
    Hogrider reacted to oboogie in Tattoo pimple or something else?   
    It almost looks like an ingrown hair or something? I don't know. But yeah, I bet it'll clear up before too long.
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