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Hogrider last won the day on March 3

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Profile Information

  • Biography
    Got my first tattoo at the ripe old age of 54.
  • Interests
    Music, Motorcycles and my wife (not in that order of course!)
  • Occupation
    Project Manager

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  1. Go big or go home. I got this in 2015
  2. At least they aren’t posting a link to their shitty web site!
  3. Nice! I love fun tattoos.
  4. He’s not the brightest bulb on the porch.
  5. How come every post you make is a self serving advertisement? This is a forum for tattoo enthusiasts, not a yard sale site.
  6. Nice! The shin is no fun
  7. That is rough. Don’t let whoever did that near you again. You don’t need fancy or special creams, just use plain cocoa butter. Not too much, just enough to keep it from drying out. Too little is better than too much.
  8. I’d skip the “deep, meaningful that represents blah, blah, blah” part. Just pick a cool image that you both like. Dragon, tiger, panther, ying/yang, skull, etc.
  9. Tattoos can take 4-6 weeks to heal, longer if they went in rough. Give it a couple of months.
  10. Don’t mess with a good tattoo. Whoever told you that you could “remove” parts of a tattoo was being extremely optimistic. You have a better chance of ruining it than improving it. Leave dates of birth and script to the tourists.
  11. Holy shit, that’s rough. As bad as it is though, all of my friends who were blindsided (myself included), were much happier after the dust settled and we had the distance to reflect back on what we’d been through.
  12. Nice!
  13. Who told you that they use thicker needles for old school tattoos? I have all Japanese style tattoos and my artist uses the old style machine. They ALL vibrate. Sounds like you've been listening to a bunch of bullshit. Tattoos hurt. If you're afraid of pain, don't get one. Also, tattoos don't make you a tough guy. I know tough guys with no tattoos and I know pussies with tattoos. You're either a tough guy or you're not. It doesn't sound like you're cut out for tattoos, but if you really want one, find a GOOD shop and go talk to someone. Be honest about your concerns and see what they say.
  14. Hogrider


    This is not a forum to get advice on HOW to tattoo. There are shaky lines and blowouts in that tattoo. You can’t fix them.
  15. That is really rough. Nothing you can do now except wait a couple of months to see how it heals. I wouldn’t ever go back there.
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