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Joe Stratford

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    Joe Stratford got a reaction from Henrik in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Latest session, two and a bit to go!
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    Joe Stratford got a reaction from SeeSea in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Latest session, two and a bit to go!
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    Joe Stratford got a reaction from gougetheeyes in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Latest session, two and a bit to go!
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    Joe Stratford got a reaction from kylegrey in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Latest session, two and a bit to go!
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    Joe Stratford got a reaction from kimkong in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Latest session, two and a bit to go!
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    Joe Stratford got a reaction from Delicious in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Latest session, two and a bit to go!
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    Joe Stratford got a reaction from real meta in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Latest session, two and a bit to go!
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    Joe Stratford got a reaction from TrixieFaux in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Latest session, two and a bit to go!
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    Joe Stratford got a reaction from Cork in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Latest session, two and a bit to go!
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    Joe Stratford got a reaction from 49531 in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Latest session, two and a bit to go!
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    Joe Stratford got a reaction from ironchef in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Latest session, two and a bit to go!
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    Joe Stratford got a reaction from Iwar in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Latest session, two and a bit to go!
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    Joe Stratford got a reaction from Hands On in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Latest session, two and a bit to go!
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    Joe Stratford got a reaction from Boxing Gloves in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Latest session, two and a bit to go!
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    Joe Stratford got a reaction from JoshRoss in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Latest session, two and a bit to go!
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    Joe Stratford got a reaction from Rikhall in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Latest session, two and a bit to go!
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    Joe Stratford got a reaction from suburbanxcore in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Latest session, two and a bit to go!
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    Joe Stratford got a reaction from Graeme in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Latest session, two and a bit to go!
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    Joe Stratford got a reaction from beez in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Latest session, two and a bit to go!
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    Joe Stratford reacted to HaydenRose in Views on these tattooists please   
    Claudia is very high on my dream tattoo list :) Her work is mind blowing. Not familiar with the other artists, but for London you can't go wrong with Frith Street.
  21. Like
    Joe Stratford reacted to Eilin in March 2014 Tattoo of the Month Contest   
    Finished my leg by Marius Meyer yesterday, we managed to finish it in only three sessions and I'm very happy with the result!!:o
    Cat lady on the front is by Chris Conn

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    Joe Stratford got a reaction from JBluewind in Plainskins say the darndest things...   
    Pahahahahahahaha, just found this on t'internet. Troll? Or do you think there are people who really feel like this?
    Has anyone been to frith street tattoo in soho?
    what was your experience like? what artist did you have and when did you go? all answers will be really helpful. thanks
    Best AnswerVoter's Choice
    Truth answered
    no, I have never been there, and I would never go. All tattoos are ugly and repulsive--they are desecrating the living bodies of human beings. Your body is not a canvas for so-called art--it is the living shell that your spirit resides in. It is to be protected and cared for, not abused by the filthy hands of the tattoo predator injecting ink into your skin. Here is why you should avoid tattoos like the plague they are:
    1) Tattoos are an urban blight. They offend most people who see them. They are ugly, like graffiti. Like graffiti, they lower the quality of the environment. Tattoos lower the quality of life, for everyone who has to see their ugliness.
    2) The whole concept of tattooing is wrong--the way these hideous cartoons are inked into the flesh of people through bloodletting and pain, possibly resulting in infection and disease--if they are "art", they are a dark and evil “art”.
    3) Tattoos are closely linked to other forms of self harm, like cutting, piercing, drug use, incarceration, etc.; they are hand-in-glove with these destructive behaviors.
    4) Evil people encourage our vulnerable children to get tattooed so they can make money off of them. They do not care that they are causing harm. And yet, these evil ones, these tattoo predators, with their cruel eyes and dark hearts, are even admired by their deceived victims. What a sick world we are in!
    5) Young people are fooled into wanting tattoos by degenerate Hollywood and their degraded “movie stars” and musicians, and promoted by the prostitute mass media. Our deceived children think tattoos are cool and cutting edge, but over time, they wind up hating their tattoos. Far worse, they wind up hating themselves.
    6) Weak parents and older people abandon their duties to lead their young even though they know better. They are so afraid of being disliked, so desperate to be “liked” that they say nothing against tattoo. Worse, some completely abandon their responsibility to provide sound guidance and even encourage the young ones to get tattooed.
    7) How it hurts so see the deceived young one so angrily defensive about what will ruin and hurt them--their right to get tattooed.
    8) The Lord of Hosts, creator of mankind, clearly commands against them. "Do not cut your bodies… or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the LORD” Leviticus 19:28
    9) As far as tattoos being “art”, that is garbage. A tattoo is NOT "a work of art". The human body is not a canvas and the abusers and mutilators who desecrate it are not artists. Most of their so called "art" is little better than comic book drawings.
    Young people, express yourself with your words and actions, not by inking graffiti onto your living flesh. Avoid this disastrous mistake that will damage your spirit and ruin your life. Like drinking, and taking drugs, and practicing self harm, getting tattooed will ruin you, not right away, but over time. There are many predators and enablers here, who encourage young people to abandon decency and live self indulgent and destructive lives. Know there is no such thing as a tattoo "artist"--there are only tattoo predators who seek to hurt you and take your money. The tattoo industry is full of abuse and negligence. Tattoo removal is a growth industry. Tattoo lawsuits are soaring due to the harm caused by the tattoo predators who abuse the young people who mistakenly trust them. If you were tattooed as a minor or while intoxicated, take the tattoo parlor and the tattoo predator who ruined your body to court. Make them pay for what they have done to you. God bless you. Young people-- stay in school, do your best there, avoid drinking, drugs, tattoos and piercings, and avoid those who have them. Go to college, study science, mathematics, or business, and avoid liberal arts, unless you are wealthy and do not have to support yourself and your family.
  23. Like
    Joe Stratford reacted to Hogrider in Tattoos and the workplace   
    I put way too much thought into this, in the end I wound up going with a full sleeve and am glad I did. I bought some shirts with the sleeves an extra inch long for when I need to mix with the big shots. My company is on the conservative side so I'm really pushing the envelope with the pony tail. They would shit if they saw my back!
  24. Like
    Joe Stratford got a reaction from cltattooing in Custom Tattoo Website   
    What the fuck is this? What the fuck is a 'Tattoo Designer'?
    More importantly I had a look through their Instagram Instagram and I can see work regramed/reposted by Tattoodo from
    Chad Koeplinger
    Horiyoshi 3
    Tim Hendricks
    Scott Sylvia
    Stewart Robson
    Etc, Etc.
    (not sure how to tag names on here - help? mod?)
    I'm pretty sure none of these artists would be happy about their work being passed off and associated with this sort of thing.
    In the murky world of the internet this is going to be rife. Still really fucks me off, even more so after watching the FST: Shoulder of Giants film seeing the hard work, passion and love for the industry that these artists have spent years working toward and seeing people break it apart with diluted souless actions as these.
    It blows my mind that people are willing to pay $300 for a 'design' over the internet?!
    Makes my blood boil.
  25. Like
    Joe Stratford reacted to Johannes in Custom Tattoo Website   
    i can now offer even cheaper tattoo designs!!!! just give like 100 bucks and i'll draw something cool and unique for you! (yes, you!)
    i draw any style, like tattoo style and not so tattoo style!!! cheap!!! good!!! design!!
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