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  1. Like
    ChrisvK reacted to Tight-Lines in Band or song tattoo(s)?   
    Great choice. Ive been thinking of getting a Jameson bottle with pig tails and blonde hair with "Drinkin' Women, Chasin' Whiskey" around it.
  2. Like
    ChrisvK reacted to Jack in Food and Drink list   
    I played a show and they had free pizza. I stole 5 boxes of pizza and ate it all week. Now I hate pizza.
  3. Like
    ChrisvK reacted to ShawnPorter in Showlist   
    the Lucero show was one of the best nights out I've had in ages. Even though I'm a square. :D
  4. Like
    ChrisvK reacted to hogg in Lifting Thread;training for the tattooed warrior.   
    Congrats, but manage your expectations on that. That is a very sizable jump; most of us would be ecstatic to add 30 pounds to our bench in a year. Having said that, go attack those weights!
  5. Like
    ChrisvK reacted to Chelsea Shoneck in Tattoo age on VBS   
    Can't wait!
  6. Like
    ChrisvK reacted to kylegrey in Lifting Thread;training for the tattooed warrior.   
    Also 225 on the bench ain't that shabby !!
  7. Like
    ChrisvK reacted to kylegrey in Lifting Thread;training for the tattooed warrior.   
    Whatever your mantra - through out all times the discipline of training has been one of the few constants in my life. Mostly It builds a self-belief that lasts, I think because its one thing that solely you are responsible for the outcome .
  8. Like
    ChrisvK reacted to kylegrey in Lifting Thread;training for the tattooed warrior.   
    ''Curls get the girls '' sson !
  9. Like
    ChrisvK reacted to Jack in Job/Work realted tattoos.   
    I have a ladyhead tattoo because i'm a goddamn pimp.
  10. Like
    ChrisvK reacted to ShawnPorter in Ink Masters   
    I sell booze to guys in leather chaps.
  11. Like
    ChrisvK got a reaction from Kev in Lifting Thread;training for the tattooed warrior.   
    benched 110 pounds for 5 times today, new personal best:D
  12. Like
    ChrisvK got a reaction from Kev in Lifting Thread;training for the tattooed warrior.   
    Bloody easter. I was in the mood to hit the weights hard today (totally forgot about easter) I arrive at the gym, the bitch is closed today AND tomorrow. I just NEED some weightlifting now to keep my mind sane.
    Atleast I'm going to a Textures gig tonight so i hope i can let out some of my tension in a good old fashioned circlepit
  13. Like
    ChrisvK got a reaction from hogg in Lifting Thread;training for the tattooed warrior.   
    benched 110 pounds for 5 times today, new personal best:D
  14. Like
    ChrisvK reacted to Scott R in Lifting Thread;training for the tattooed warrior.   
    awesome chris keep it up soon you will be at 150 then 200
  15. Like
    ChrisvK got a reaction from Petri Aspvik in Lifting Thread;training for the tattooed warrior.   
    benched 110 pounds for 5 times today, new personal best:D
  16. Like
    ChrisvK reacted to CultExciter in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    I just finished this yesterday. Two two hour sittings. Matt Brotka, Salvation Tattoo, Richmond, Virginia.

  17. Like
    ChrisvK reacted to PhilB in "The Amateur Tattooist" via Reddit   
    But wait, there's more!
    The Amateur Tattoo Artist is at it again. : WTF
  18. Like
    ChrisvK got a reaction from hogg in Lifting Thread;training for the tattooed warrior.   
    Managed to squeeze in another 10kg on my lat pull down. Did 4 sets to failure (between 10-8 reps) on 65kg. Always feels like a great achievement when i can go heavyer then the week before and keeps me motivated. I started working out to lose body fat, but it has turned into a hobby/obsession now. Love it
  19. Like
    ChrisvK reacted to Hrubarb in Lifting Thread;training for the tattooed warrior.   
    hear is a funny quote from john welborn who runs crossfit football taking a little stab at his/my own ilk
    "Any crowd that shuns supplements, shoes, strength and curls is confusing. Any demographic striving for elite human performance should be looking to increase recovery, muscle and strength. The same confusion extends to the people who won’t wear shoes when they lift because it is not functional or do not think strengthening your biceps brachii through isolated single jointed movements has benefit. If your goal is elite human performance, things like supplements to aid in recovery, shoes to increase your lifts and curls to strength your biceps brachii for pulling movements makes total sense."
    ps - I have been "crossfitting" (don't really like this term as i know it has a dirty connotation to some) for 5 years and love it. I was a division 1 college athlete and have been involved in strength and conditioning for a long time. It's certainly not the only way to train, but it works great for me - Like anything open source, that grows as quickly as CF has, you are going to have good and bad coaches. Somebody has mentioned the mobilitywod.com It is a great source and I am lucky to say that Kelly is my coach at San Francisco Crossfit. If I am not there doing kipping pull-ups you will find me in my garage following westsides conjugate method or running up and down my block dragging chains behind me.
    Peace & Love - Now lets go pick some heavy things up and put them back down.
  20. Like
    ChrisvK reacted to Cork in Lifting Thread;training for the tattooed warrior.   
    Haha, you'll get it eventually. Not to mention the utility of this stance while out camping in the middle of the woods.....
  21. Like
    ChrisvK reacted to chrisnoluck in Knee Tattoooo   
    here's my one knee cap.. hoping to get the other one done here soon.. by brandon montero

  22. Like
    ChrisvK reacted to Reyeslv in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Heading to the airport in a few hours. 4 days of tattoos planned!!!
  23. Like
    ChrisvK reacted to Abellve in Lady Heads   
    Those are amazing! I love the one with the wolf.
    Here's one that's in progress. He told me I could do whatever I wanted. I decided on a girl head...of sorts.

  24. Like
    ChrisvK got a reaction from lving4today in LSTer Skateboarders   
    I wish my balance was better then that of a 3 year old retarded one legged midget. Believe I've tried to skate and broke/bruised all kinds of limbs in the process, but it was more recovering from my retardation with some casts on my limbs, then actually standing on a board. Never nailed one trick (not even an ollie;P) so i decided it's not for me
  25. Like
    ChrisvK got a reaction from Lochlan in LSTer Skateboarders   
    I wish my balance was better then that of a 3 year old retarded one legged midget. Believe I've tried to skate and broke/bruised all kinds of limbs in the process, but it was more recovering from my retardation with some casts on my limbs, then actually standing on a board. Never nailed one trick (not even an ollie;P) so i decided it's not for me
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