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  1. Like
    ChrisvK got a reaction from kimkong in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Been ages since I posted on this forum, don't really know why since I have been lurking every now and then. Guess i've been more into real life outside world thingies and started university again.
    Anyway a friend of mine put this on my leg. Just to get some panties in a twist: this was not done in a shop, but in a bedroom.

    edit: It's about 2 months healed
  2. Like
    ChrisvK reacted to mtlsam in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Session two with Dave C. Got a lot done in about 2 1/2 hours. I was nervous going into this sitting as we had just done the outline last week. I was a little worried my psych wouldn't be there, but in the end it went pretty well. Glad not to have more ribs after this though.
  3. Like
    ChrisvK got a reaction from joakim urma in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Been ages since I posted on this forum, don't really know why since I have been lurking every now and then. Guess i've been more into real life outside world thingies and started university again.
    Anyway a friend of mine put this on my leg. Just to get some panties in a twist: this was not done in a shop, but in a bedroom.

    edit: It's about 2 months healed
  4. Like
    ChrisvK got a reaction from Tornado6 in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Been ages since I posted on this forum, don't really know why since I have been lurking every now and then. Guess i've been more into real life outside world thingies and started university again.
    Anyway a friend of mine put this on my leg. Just to get some panties in a twist: this was not done in a shop, but in a bedroom.

    edit: It's about 2 months healed
  5. Like
    ChrisvK got a reaction from CultExciter in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Been ages since I posted on this forum, don't really know why since I have been lurking every now and then. Guess i've been more into real life outside world thingies and started university again.
    Anyway a friend of mine put this on my leg. Just to get some panties in a twist: this was not done in a shop, but in a bedroom.

    edit: It's about 2 months healed
  6. Like
    ChrisvK got a reaction from sophistre in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Been ages since I posted on this forum, don't really know why since I have been lurking every now and then. Guess i've been more into real life outside world thingies and started university again.
    Anyway a friend of mine put this on my leg. Just to get some panties in a twist: this was not done in a shop, but in a bedroom.

    edit: It's about 2 months healed
  7. Like
    ChrisvK got a reaction from polliwog in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Been ages since I posted on this forum, don't really know why since I have been lurking every now and then. Guess i've been more into real life outside world thingies and started university again.
    Anyway a friend of mine put this on my leg. Just to get some panties in a twist: this was not done in a shop, but in a bedroom.

    edit: It's about 2 months healed
  8. Like
    ChrisvK got a reaction from hogg in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Been ages since I posted on this forum, don't really know why since I have been lurking every now and then. Guess i've been more into real life outside world thingies and started university again.
    Anyway a friend of mine put this on my leg. Just to get some panties in a twist: this was not done in a shop, but in a bedroom.

    edit: It's about 2 months healed
  9. Like
    ChrisvK reacted to joakim urma in Tattoos as a luxury product / the things we are willing to put effort into   
    "Tattoos are luxury products. It's not something that anyone really needs."
    I remember reading it just like that somewhere for the first time and I have heard people expressed the idea since. I've thought about it a lot since and tried to formulate my thoughts on it. I'm not sure yet that I have a definitive comeback that I'd let people quote me on but let's explore the theme for a while.
    If you talk about different sorts of needs, in most cases I'd say tattoos are not fundamental to life in the way food, clothes and shelter are. Getting tattooed probably ranks pretty close to the top of Marslows pyramid of needs for most people. Of course there is circumstances where having certain tattoos could save your life (or make you lose it), just think of prison culture in many parts of the world. Many of us have seen the sensational documentary about tattoos of the criminal Russian subculture. You could also argue that sometimes tattoos can help in sexual interaction and from some evolutionary perspective help the poor genes in your body keep life going past your death.
    Then there is all the sociological aspects of in-groups and out-groups and how most people try to fit in someplace, if not in the mainstream then somewhere else. Some biologists talk about how having a sharp intellect is an aid in evolution, that it's an important factor in the sexual selection. The intellect in turn would be expressed in external symbols, status symbols, titles, behaviors, the clever words we use to impress each other and tell the world who we are. I've read people arguing that often art: both appreciating (the right) art in front of others (or symbols there of) and the performance/creation of art (or the symbols there of) is also a evolutionary strategy in order to find a mate and make children.
    Of course us humans enjoy thinking of ourselves, and humanity, as something more complex than that. At the same time sex and violence/love and death is at the core of both art and the human experience. Right now I am reading a book about evolutionary theory and one of the main points the author makes is that we have to bridge the gap between biology and the humanitarian sciences. Religion and art for example, has it's roots in evolutionary processes but has in part branched out and become so complex over time that often we forget it was created by the human brain, which was in turn formed through evolution.
    Maybe that was sort of a side track, decide yourself. Truth is you can not eat your tattoos, they won't shelter you from the elements and keep you warm. (But many people have in different ways made money from making tattoos or having tattoos, to put food on the table in their cave or hut) If I was really running low on cash, say I lost my job, getting tattooed would pretty quick be had to put on hold. So I could eat and pay rent. However, I suspect most people who do get tattoo regularly, especially those LST-forum members, can probably afford to live a pretty comfy lifestyle by a global standard (or even just comparing with people in their own country) and on top of that spend money on this kind of luxury.
    Sometimes I can feel guilty about it, like this money could pay for "real things" that could prove helpful. I know my parents think I should be saving money for an apartment to own, and such things, as if I wanted their way of life. Or just put money in the bank for "the future". Once my aunts man asked me how much I paid for a tattoo on my arm and when I told me he exclaimed "But that money could get you a moped!". But I don't want a moped... I said. I think many are provoked by heavily tattooed people for this reason, to different extent.
    A funny scene to illustrate this happened last week. By chance I ran into my friend Olle (some people might know him as @tattoo_pilgrim on instagram) outside of Systembolaget (state owned chained of stores in Sweden, the only one who legally can sell alcohol stronger than %3,5) We ended up standing right in front of the store, talking for 10 minutes. All the time people are going into the store to spend money on alcohol. Both me and Olle have tattoos showing, and right next to me sits a Roma woman, begging the shoppers for money. On my foot next to her I have a tattoo of a sleeping bum with a cloudy speech bubble containing the acronym C.R.E.A.M. I don't know exactly how it ties to what I am writing, maybe not at all in the sense of language, but I thought it was an absurd scene to be part of.
    I think most middle class people, and even working class people in some countries, can afford to spend huge sums of money on objects, interests and pursuits that are not crucial to their day to day existence. One example I often find myself using is that it is not considered weird to want to spend 20.000 euro on a car, or to lust after a watch for 500 euro. In fact it's culturally sanctioned and encouraged by advertising and other instances of our society.
    For me tattooing is great joy on so many levels. I would not be the person I am today without the tattoos, impressions, thoughts and experiences I've collected since 2009 when I got my first piece. I could never have imagined then what it would spiral into. I remember the first time I formulated for my father that tattoos could be a hobby even if you are not making tattoos, or to my new friend in Italy that tattooing was art. It was strange to put those words in my mouth then, I was not sure if I really had thought it through enough. But now, years later, I know that this what I think and feel is good for me.
    So spending that money and effort is all worth it. In the same way people enjoy fancy cars, travel the globe to see their favorite band perform, slave away at the gym, put hundreds of euros a month on clubbing, alcohol and drugs, and all other things that may or may not be luxurious to indulge in. And maybe in a way we are doing it because we believe that in this culture it will set us apart in a way that allow our genes to live on. So even if the acts are "un-natural" or superficial, the motivation is very human and basic. It's up for debate
    Hmm.. maybe this blog post-length rant is not going anywhere really. As I wrote, this is like a loosely weaved net of ideas that is still shifting in shape and content. Feel free to discuss whatever I wrote or introduce your own ideas tied to the theme.
    PS. I studied sociology for a while, but probably not enough to make any sense, perhaps you can tell D.S.
  10. Like
    ChrisvK reacted to SStu in Young tattooers currently killin' it!   
    Our own @Chelsea Shoneck should be on this list:

  11. Like
    ChrisvK reacted to peterpoose in Healed & New Pics   
    Sorry folks but heres the 6 monthly update on how my sleeve is holding up lol :)
    2.5 years healed now and I still have not noticed any difference :)

  12. Like
    ChrisvK reacted to blackdots in Homemade and Jailhouse Tattoos   
    I don't really like taking pictures of my tattoos, but I'll contribute to the thread :P
    one pizza with heart shaped pepperonis and one noise punk tribute
  13. Like
    ChrisvK got a reaction from Johannes in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    having the best summer in a long time traveling around germany with awesome company. Will travel around here till the weekend and then I hitchhike back north to sweden to hang out with @Johannes again. Never would have thought that someone started talking to on this forum will turn out to be one of the best friends i ever had. LST is truly something special
  14. Like
    ChrisvK reacted to Patrick Bateman in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Last Sunday I had an appointment with Deno. Got this on the back of my left leg. Sorry if the pic is too big.
    @CultExciter - Gave him the SOIA dragon and asked him to do his version of it.

  15. Like
    ChrisvK got a reaction from daveborjes in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    After 1,5 years of hitchhiking around Europe im back home in Leiden, the netherlands, now for about 3 weeks. Found an awesome job in a hostel on the beach. Its a bit weird to have unpacked my backpack and put it in a closet but im really enjoying catching up with friends and family again :)
  16. Like
    ChrisvK got a reaction from exume in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    After 1,5 years of hitchhiking around Europe im back home in Leiden, the netherlands, now for about 3 weeks. Found an awesome job in a hostel on the beach. Its a bit weird to have unpacked my backpack and put it in a closet but im really enjoying catching up with friends and family again :)
  17. Like
    ChrisvK got a reaction from TrixieFaux in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    After 1,5 years of hitchhiking around Europe im back home in Leiden, the netherlands, now for about 3 weeks. Found an awesome job in a hostel on the beach. Its a bit weird to have unpacked my backpack and put it in a closet but im really enjoying catching up with friends and family again :)
  18. Like
    ChrisvK got a reaction from Pugilist in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    After 1,5 years of hitchhiking around Europe im back home in Leiden, the netherlands, now for about 3 weeks. Found an awesome job in a hostel on the beach. Its a bit weird to have unpacked my backpack and put it in a closet but im really enjoying catching up with friends and family again :)
  19. Like
    ChrisvK reacted to RoryQ in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    My never-ending front piece by Tomo...
  20. Like
    ChrisvK reacted to tatB in An introduction is in order   
    Your sarcastic remarks are not appreciated. Please let me engage in quality conversation about quality tattoos without further tattitude from you mister tatty mctat pants.
  21. Like
    ChrisvK reacted to tatB in An introduction is in order   
    How much do you charge?
  22. Like
    ChrisvK reacted to Graeme in An introduction is in order   
    You mean tattoo artists, "tattoo design" websites are a scam and a "tattoo designer" isn't a thing.
  23. Like
    ChrisvK reacted to JordanMTB in New guy, huge fan of the site   
    MY pleasure! I am a HUGE fan of Tattooland...I have lived in Anaheim, and really got my first taste of high-caliber tattooing there. Every one there is so talented, professional, and can tell stories for days! Little Roy, Jack, Chris, Stan, Brandy....all top-notch individuals and artists. I intend to have a good number of current and former Tattooland artists/Beatniks contribute to my collection - Hopefully Chuey, Espi, Ben Grillo, Corey Miller, Robert Atkinson, etc.

    Jack Rudy

    Ray Giambrone - Inkhouse - Lake Forest, CA

    Jeremiah Barba

    Zombie Joe - Norco Tattoo

    Dan Smith - Captured Tattoo

    Dan Smith - Captured Tattoo
    - - - Updated - - -
    Yup! Got tattooed at his new shop, Captured....it was beautiful. I was lucky enough to watch Chad Koeplinger tattoo on a guest spot there, and it was just an amazing experience that I won't forget. Dan was through and through the nicest guy in the industry!!
    As for Jack...yeah he's a vampire! I had an amazing time there too, they made me feel really comfortable and there is so much magic in that shop it's not even funny. I think I started around midnight and left around 4 am....so proud to wear his work though.
  24. Like
    ChrisvK reacted to CultExciter in hello! left hander question   
    I'm a lefty. I've learned by watching and most importantly, listening. It doesn't matter where the sideplate faces or what side the desk is on. You just might have to move around a little bit more.
    I'm more baffled that your mentor told you to look online instead of figuring out what he/she should be doing differently on their own. Good luck! Or good luck?
  25. Like
    ChrisvK got a reaction from joakim urma in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    having the best summer in a long time traveling around germany with awesome company. Will travel around here till the weekend and then I hitchhike back north to sweden to hang out with @Johannes again. Never would have thought that someone started talking to on this forum will turn out to be one of the best friends i ever had. LST is truly something special
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