My wife and I too watch both shows like clock work. I think we tune in for the attitudes and the train-wreck tattooing.
On a side side I can't help but feel disappointed that both Oliver and Joe, respectively, lent their names to these shows. I feel that people, who don't deserve to know these two, now do. Don't get me wrong, both of these gentleman need to be house hold names, but not like this! Not because of these drama hyped shows, where the majority of the viewers tune in because of the "Soap Opera" and not the "art". Yes, "ART". Forget Nunez. He sold his soul a long time ago. But Oliver and Joe are two of the guys in our industry, I feel, better left famous in the inner circles and within the craft.
And before anyone fires back with "Money is Money". Its been duly noted, and to be frank, I would do the same thing in a heartbeat.