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Posts posted by irezumi

  1. Oh yeah.

    Real life awaits us « Occult Vibrations

    Things got really weird.

    But the appearance of (the admittedly radiant) Martha Stewart upped the odd quotient and sort of made the night blissfully off kilter.

    Martha is one of the coolest women in the universe. I feel lucky to have hung out with her and spent a day going to different spots in Bmore for her to take pictures of.

    That woman is not scared to do anything or go anywhere. YGG.

  2. Thanks for posting that for me Hogg. Too busy for computer time yesterday.

    @brimstone: He just called it green when i ordered it from him. he didnt have any other greens at that time. grass & lime came out a bit later, so if the name has changed then i am still in the dark about that. ask him about it; he didnt have every single color on a some of the occasions i've called him, so it might be the case that whats made up at that moment is whats available. of course the best information would be from him not me.

  3. I tattoo people's GF or BF's name on them all the damn time and that's a much bigger fail than a hand or neck tattoo. I'd rather tattoo a (fill in the blank) on someone's hand anyday over doing some dude's name on a girl's chest or whatever other spot.

    People are gonna make bad decisions. That's life. If someone is determined, no matter what, to get a star on their hand and are gonna get it from me or go to some other shop a bit down the road, well I got a light bill to pay so sit in the chair dumbass. At least it'll have straight lines and a solid fill.

  4. Looks like Thomas Hooper has fallen afoul of some of the controversy around this symbol : Anyone else on his newsletter? He posted a picture of himself wearing a new t-shirt with the asian 'repeat pattern' described in this thread, and later sent out an apology message because he got complaints...

    i dont get his newsletter or blog updates. in his message, did he include info on what the sayagata is?

  5. people should be actually be looking to the colours used by the nazi,has artists we all know what colour can do,with the red has a deep background white circle and black line,even a good old smiley looks menacing

    Colors have absolutely nothing to do with what we're talking about, and has nothing to do with racism or otherwise. Nazis were not the first to pick those colors, they are bold and eye-catching. Just look at any ads, street signage, or even the Coca-Cola company you mentioned.

  6. "I feel I made this painting because I just felt like adding a few more needles to Joe camel's back so to speak. Not for some kind of pro-nationalist statement or an affirmation of some kind of bloated illogical racial idea but because I felt like saying fuck this easygoing softness in us. I want the viewer to reaffirm their commitments. I want them to think past the fleeting pathetic pre-programmed plastic knee jerk television has drummed into them. I want the viewer to connect to the painting in a manner that causes either anger and resentment or praise and adoration. And ultimately I want the viewer to emerge from the moral no man's land that so many in today's world apathetically wonder through recommitted. I want battle lines to be draw so we can bring last centuries tired arguments and the beginning of this centuries short comings and false promises to a close.

    In essence I want the house of cards to fall."


  7. Fancher, I feel like if you are sitting on your hands now in a shop with a front that people can find and see, then you will be even slower when you have no walk-by traffic, no advertising(assuming you are no longer going to be in a phone book or professional listing online) and losing other factors you have going for you in a street-level shop.

    If you have established clients that are willing to seek you out (even when they cant easily find you) then they will come see you if you are in a shop or not. Basically, unless you have a big name that commands people to come find you, a regular shop setting is wiser. IMO.

    There are blogs, forums etc. dedicated to "good" tattoos. With those resources at hand (and with more experienced people encouraged to get involved, like here), the taste and discernment of people wanting tattoos can grow. If you spend any time on one of the numerous forums or blogs, you quickly learn that fly-by-night operations are not

    For every 1 client that spends time online looking at portfolios and reviews and researching info, there are easily 30 other clients that walk into a shop looking for a tattoo, no prior online research involved. To exclude those people because they can only find you online is a big mistake. To rule out normal people like that will involve even more sitting-on-hands. IMO.

  8. Yeah Ursula, It blew my mind too. When I saw the pics from the gallery i was wowed by the size of it. I really really wish I could see it in person.

    His other stuff is cool too, but I am much more into his quilts & drawings than I am into his ceramics.

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