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Posts posted by irezumi

  1. I do remember checking out a shop near Baltimore around 21yrs.ago.I think it was Tux's shop.The shop was in a small strip mall,and I remember it was filled with all this old time flash all over the place.

    Yeah sounds like the spot. At that time there were about 3 shops in the surrounding area ; Tux's, Dragon Moon, and Gypsy's; your description fits the shop location Tux had at that time.

    Right on man.

  2. This is my take on it, I use them occasionally and I'll say that the tattoo still hurts like a mofo, you're just in a more relaxed state to deal with the pain. If it's going to make it a little easier for me and much easier for my tattooer, I'm all for it.

    As far as earning my tattoos, I've got plenty a sober tattoo in some painful areas so as far as I'm concerned, i've earned the right to get tattooed how I damn please.

    I was trying to sum this up in the numb-y thread but you nailed it right here. I don't feel the need to prove how tough I am to myself or anyone else. All my most painful tattoos so far were while I was sober, but I have no problem taking meds to keep myself relaxed, which is more important than pain relief imo.

  3. Guen Douglas

    I love her work, definitely has a defined style. Met her at the Montreal show a few years ago, really fun person. Super talented.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Zack makes some amazing tattoos; super smooth. Works at Anonymous Tattoo in Savannah. Super nice guy too.

    He has a lot of stuff on his IG, follow him at zackspurlock

    some stuff here too:

    Zack Spurlock | tattoos

  4. Saw this all over IG yesterday. I don't think it will happen.

    Also, if the best argument from the person proposing the bill's argument is this

    Roberts said it is meant to save body art consumers from permanent consequences they might come to regret — particularly if they seek tattoos or piercings while drunk or otherwise impaired.

    “They can’t be responsible for themselves, as well as the person doing the work on them,” she said. “We’re making sure when that decision is made that you’re in the right frame of mind, and you don’t wake up in the morning . . . saying, ‘Oh my God, what happened?’ ”

    Most reputable tattoo shops turn away customers who are visibly intoxicated, Roe said. Codifying that practice, he said, would make more sense than preventing sober and consenting adults from getting tattoos or piercings on demand.

    then it won't be too hard for it to just be rewritten as a regulation pertaining to tattooing visibly intoxicated people, not to everybody that wants a tattoo whether sober or not. And I would be fine with that regulation if that's all it came down to.

  5. Closer to a recognizable Rogers frame, definitely. One that he based off of a Percy Waters frame. Bulldog should have a different shape to the back, more upright. Good eye.

    I'll bet from a business sense using a key word like bulldog machine gets more hits than rogers or percy waters machine, or maybe they just don't know what they are making.

  6. You can lighten it up by disassembling it and drilling some holes in the frame. Voila, re-assemble and you're good without buying a new machine. Try it!

    I also am not sure you will sell that on this forum, no offense intended. I've never heard of this company before and they do not seem to be tattooers, thus making 2 strikes against them for myself and others. Good luck though.

  7. image_zps04834e9c.jpg

    My view from the front door for the 3 weeks working in Breck


    The scenery while riding a bike from Copper to Frisco to Breck


    Boreas Pass


    My friend seems to think this sign means downshift and accelerate.



    Guanella Pass


    This should not need a caption


    Oh yeah no guardrail and a big big big ass drop nbd. Hailstorm hit right after this picture.


    Independence Pass / Continental Divide


    Hailstorm rainbow FTW



    View from the campsite at Twin Lakes/Aspen area

    Taking the monster truck to the mountain to the lake, load up and row the canoe across the lake and make camp in the other side.

    Camping got realer than I thought it would.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I love seeing all this great stuff, @irezumi. I'm really happy for you, buddy.

    Thanks man this has been a long time coming, (the move/job that is)

  8. Oh god. I've met this douche before; he has his head so far up his own ass its unbelievable. A few years ago a regional southern living for young people magazine based in Savannah did a spotlight on a few local tattoo shops with little quickie interviews. This pompous prick had the gall to say that he is the best tattoo artist in Savannah. Went on to say that all the other artists in town were hacks and junkies.

    On a rock poster forum (where as far as he knows he's the only tattooer on there) he showed a before and after pic of a tattoo he went over to 'fix' it; which was basically where he blasted white on top of some shitty line work and shading. Good job man, that will hold up well over time.

    He can eat a dick and I would say the same thing to him myself if we were in the same room at the same time. Whatever this asshole has to say means little to nothing to me or any of the accomplished tattooers in Savannah.

    If he thinks there have been no gallery openings that focus on text or lettering he is oblivious to talented artists such as Chaz, Big Sleeps, Retna, Defer2, Steve Powers, Seen, etc. that list could go for an entire page.

    Sorry Shawn, nothing personal or against what you do on your blog; I have always enjoyed it before and will continue to.

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