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Posts posted by irezumi

  1. Then you signed up for the wrong reason. And apparently didn't take the time to read the forum rules/newbie guidelines as well.

    Do not start threads asking about specific tattooing equipment or techniques, LST is not here to teach anyone how to tattoo. Ask your own tattooer, the next time you are getting tattooed. Maybe they'll answer you, maybe they won't.
    Do not start threads asking questions about "breaking into the business" of tattooing.

    Hopefully you come correct next time/future posts.

  2. Ever since I became aware of what the world of tattooing is, I've also been aware of the closely guarded secrets and the policy of not sharing the gold. And it's a good policy. Not everyone deserves to see the end of the rainbow.

    And then there's other times where I see that keeping everything to yourself or the immediate close circle isn't always necessary, or that it's more like brass not gold.

    I also scanned the Rudy interview from the same old copy of TA that I scanned and posted the VyVyn article from in that other thread. I tried to make the scans less crooked this time. Seems to be the best place to post this.








  3. Out of town too often? This is hard work and dedication; what you are willing to sacrifice? Home life? Play time? Traveling? It better be all of those things.

    Have you spent money getting tattooed any the shops you went to? Or are you just going in asking strangers to teach you a trade? Go get heavily tattooed at one of these shops, and maybe they'll take you more seriously. Go every week. Invest in your future career; that is, if tattooing is right for you. It's not for everyone.

    Btw; telling us that you are looking at machines and 'kits' on eBay was about the dumbest thing anyone has posted all week.

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