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Everything posted by lving4today

  1. You just get used to it. Most times it's people just checking it out and you get over it, but at first it can be weird. I've yet to get a bad reaction, but if I do. Fuck 'em.
  2. just noticed this page they added.... Remove from TattooDonkey
  3. Similar to my next few in the want list. Ive got an odd spot on my leg that a torch would fit perfect I think. It's also cool that a torch upside down can mean something different then the right side up way. Overall I just think torches look badass
  4. Hm let's see I have 1 panther, 2 skulls, 3 roses, 3 lady heads and a couple of snakes on the ladyhead medusa.. I clearly need more panthers. Hell, I might just turn this whole leg into a lady head leg.
  5. Better picture of my arm
  6. I thought this would become much easier, but now that my professional career is beginning I can take the plunge to get my arms finished. only problem is I have so much room and too many ideas. panthers and skulls everywhere I guess
  7. Don't care to prove non existence or existence, just know religion is not for me. Don't agree with giving a mystical anything credit for my hard work. I believe in myself and my abilities to overcome.
  8. I like the idea of having negative space as the filler, but filler looks good too Definitely wait though
  9. I graduate in one week (thursday to be exact :) ) so with worthwhile paychecks come badass tattoos. I'm leaning towards getting my arms finished since I talked to the boss lady/lead tech at the hospital and tattoos won't screw me out of a job. I'm thinking I'll a couple of smaller tattoos by mike before I start my chest. I still have so much space to cover and I can't keep a solid idea for my chest.
  10. Any word on Wilson's arm and getting back to the grind?
  11. Two of the people that tattooed me from my town are going. Darren Anderson and Megan Fernandez, check em out
  12. I wonder if the "majority of the entire world" rejected the idea of tattoos, would you still be on this forum?
  13. Well let's just say that it's a damn good thing it's Tom Gabels decision and no one else's.
  14. Yea please no one misunderstand my statement. I was apalled by hunters close minded statement. I'm a huge against me fan and supporter lgbt communities. My previous statements were only meant as insult to hunter, not the specific topic at hand. @Abellve
  15. Exactly. The idea, like hunter implied, that someone just chooses this lifestyle as a 'fetish' is gross to me.
  16. The attitude that someone would choose a life of ridicule willingly grosses me out. If he's happier, then good for him and fuck the rest
  17. Just saw this in horitaka's book. Fucking breathtaking man.
  18. I have the same thing feeling with webs. I think a web with a spider looks tough as shit. Just hoping it looks just as tough on a knee. Geometric/circular tattoos are more appealing to me for some reason on knees. I dig animal heads, just not on my knees. I do like those black cats up above. Sick!
  19. I'm shooting for webs on both of mine. I've been letting this idea simmer for a while now and it excites me every time I think of it. Probably a spider with some sort of variation on one and then another insect, I have in mind, on the other. The left side of my calf and shin are tattooed, so I think I'll fill the right side before, but damnit i want my knees donneee
  20. I like the part of leaving the shop with the wrap on and you're like "yeaaaaaauh" then you move and you're like "fuckkk it's gonna suck sleeping tonight" Healing blows
  21. Baphomet is fucking cool, Satans cool, 666 is a cool number. Who cares, people get offended by tattoos still, might as well make them actually offensive. My tiny Satan offends people which I don't get because he's got a sweet mustache and seems like a stand up dude
  22. I love seeing these on instagram and then realizing they're on fellow LSt'ers. That's bad ass! @Reyeslv
  23. That sounds horrid. I'm thankful I can keep to myself and jam out to some born of asiris or lucero while x-raying. But it's back to my hometown hospital in a week where radio pop rules all. Oh the horror
  24. Pandora stations mostly. Bumfuck hospitals are so damn slow. Neon Indian, Johnny cash, lucero, skrillex, Amon Amarth stations all on repeat, all day
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