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    JaniceP94 reacted to Jake in Band or song tattoo(s)?   
    I always love that type writer font
  2. Like
    JaniceP94 reacted to MsRad in New Level of Tattoo Stupidity   
    apparently, that slouching model with no tattoo's is Tattoo Dex and the propieter of this shop, which appears to be just as horrible as any other shop owned by someone who seems to be in the business for the money and not the trade.
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    JaniceP94 reacted to slayer9019 in Dumb Hipster Tattoos   
    after living in Brooklyn for a period.....I hate hipsters! Check out the site to go along with the book! Look at this fucking hipster
  4. Like
    JaniceP94 reacted to Deb Yarian in Walk-In Horror Stories   
    when I first started tattooing a lady came to me with a terrible photo of a man- in the distance , behind a kitchen table.
    She wanted a portrait of him.
    Well, I did it to the best of my limited ability - which at the time was really limited.
    When it was done, she looked at it in the mirror and said " I hope my husband doesn't recognize him!"
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    JaniceP94 reacted to Iwar in Apprenticeship horror stories   
    Tattoo Artist Magazine posted this recently on their blog:

  6. Like
    JaniceP94 reacted to mario desa in Walk-In Horror Stories   
    about 7 years ago, when i worked at deluxe, i was doing a kanji on this chick's lower back. she was doing ok, then got a little light-headed. so, we stopped, i let her sit down, got her some water, her friend gave her candy. waited about ten minutes, she was feeling better, chatting, color came back in her face. she seemed totally fine. so, we decide to finish up( there was literally one minute left on the tattoo.)
    she takes a final swig of her water and takes two steps toward the trash can, to throw out her cup. SHE PASSES OUT STANDING UP. !!!CRACK!!! she hit the floor unconscious, no reflexes, face first. it sounded like a bat hitting a baseball. it was the scariest sound ever, and we were stunned. for a second we all just stood there with our mouths open, then the silence was broken by the chick's eerie moaning. blood was pooling out around her head and she seemed REAL confused and in a lot of pain. she was crying and not getting up.
    so, i called 911, they show up pretty quick, paramedics come in and i tell them what happened. in the most non-challant way, dude glances at her, then back at me and pulls his sleeve up to show me an old armband..."hey bro, how much would it be to fix this up?". i repeated that she was bleeding and in pain and he says "she'll be ok, probably just broke her jaw." his buddy is behind us looking at flash!
    so, they finally take her out on a stretcher and off to the hospital. i start cleaning up the blood, and notice her teeth left an indent in our floor. SHE HIT HARD. so, her friend is on her way out and is quietly giggling, and i ask what is so funny? she says "well, in the last week her boyfriend dumped her, her car got stolen and she got fired. she was hoping this tattoo would turn her luck around." it was the kanji for "lucky".
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    JaniceP94 reacted to JasonWalstrom in For TATTOOERS ONLY - most hated tattoo requests?   
    I like to work.
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    JaniceP94 reacted to dari in For TATTOOERS ONLY - most hated tattoo requests?   
    I second that, best quote ever. Thanks Rob.
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    JaniceP94 reacted to Kevin Campbell in For TATTOOERS ONLY - most hated tattoo requests?   
    Best quote ever.
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    JaniceP94 reacted to Rob_Gilk in For TATTOOERS ONLY - most hated tattoo requests?   
    Hey Folks, Thanks for this thread. Instead of it being a big ole bitchfest, it really has given me a good outlook, stuff to remember when I feel like I have to write a six paragraph bible verse the size of a postage stamp. I tattoo whatever walks through the door, and sometimes it is taxing to my soul, but what is more taxing is the thought of not tattooing.
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    JaniceP94 reacted to Julio Avila in For TATTOOERS ONLY - most hated tattoo requests?   
    I once did 17 lines around this dudes arm. Different colors. I will never do not a single line/stripe around any one ever again. Stupid sweat sock arms
  12. Like
    JaniceP94 reacted to hawk in the glamorous life   
    I'd much rather tattoo the crazies, fatties, etc. and be able talk about killing zombies than inking the over tanned uptown julie browns exhibiting their zanax prescription.
    Case in point;
    I like to derail some people when they are the first timer questioning me to be serious about how much pain is involved minutes before I start, it don't matter what I reply with as they will soon know so sometimes I just say "I compare it to the first time ya have anal sex, that shid hurts!" and it totally derails them and they generally don't reply or the replies will vary between males and females to something so "off the wall". But one time after I was underway after the "no reply/response" this lady stated "You lied! I'd much rather have anal sex than this!" I had to laugh.
    As to the variety of "earthy and real people" we get, I once had a lady in the chair getting a bird of paradise on her should, her back to me, and this guy stopped by needing to talk about some deep marital stuff he was going through and how his Wife left him for ANOTHER WOMAN. I told him that I had once pondered as to "who would know better than another woman how and where to please another woman", now the lady in the chair hadn't said a word since we had began and was not part of this discussion but at that point she turned her head towards us and spoke up "That's a crock of szhit, this beotch was eating my pussy last Saturday and she didn't know what the f*%k she was doing" at which point I couldn't help but burst into laughter.
    I love my job.
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