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Posts posted by Cork

  1. Excellent thread idea. This area is my forte. I'll put it out there that if anyone has any questions about exercise and nutrition, I'll be glad to help out.

    I've been a student of Wendler's 531 for about 3 years, but now I prescribe to the Juggernaut System because of its higher volume and inclusion of sprinting. I don't know how many people are as serious about lifting as I am, so I imagine that that flew over a lot of people's heads. Let's say I lift for strength with a side dose of hypertrophy based on percentages of a 1 rep max. I am a strength sports enthusiast.

  2. When I got my chest done, the skin was very tight and sensitive. I had an upper body day scheduled after my tattoo but I couldn't go through with it because any motion that put any kind of stretch on the pec felt like it was tearing the skin. I couldn't even do push ups.

    Being that the tattoo is on your forearm, there isn't a lot of skin stretching in that area, so you would probably be fine. Just keep it clean!

  3. I get all my important news from Yahoo!

    Nick Hill

    Insert *eyeroll* here.

    The thing had to cost a fortune because the detail is immaculate right down to the adornments on the loin armor.

    The reason I post this is because IMO, it doesn't look nearly as good as it should. The spear isn't even straight. Maybe compared to other college sports tattoos it looks pretty good though I guess.

  4. Sweet, so all I need to do is bring my dad with me to hold me down?

    No no, see, the tattooer comes right to you and does it in your living room. Talk about service!

    When I got my pec done, I was in the laying down position, I had to sit on my hand to stop my shoulder from tweaking out. I'm in the same boat as you with it, it was totally involuntary. Flexing the fingers and making a fist seemed to help too. I think it was just a circulation problem from being locked in to one position for a long time.

  5. Thanks man.. I would if I could get someone to move to middle of nowhere. Actually my good friend Brad Mariachi came out and worked here for a bit. There just wasn't enough good food selection for him to stay. Lol. I will more then likely just start doing more guest spots.

    So what you're saying is that you're going to open up a combination tattoo and sushi parlor? I'll come out for that!

  6. I think the biggest problem with tattoos in the workplace is when trying to acquire a job. I feel as though that a lot of people still view tattoos as an irresponsible thing to do. Just the whole view of "Man, I just had this weekend bender in Vegas, and look at the tattoo I got!" imparts some degree of a lack of intelligence. During the interview process, it's important to show intelligence and responsibility. Honestly, as contradictory as this sounds being that I have a tattoo myself, if I were to interview 2 identical people with identical experience in my field, 1 had no tattoos showing, and the other had several showing, I'd hire the one with no visible tattoos. Maybe I'm also affected by the longstanding bias and view of tattoos.

    I don't know how to put this to not offend anyone... can we break down jobs into higher degree and lower degree? Say for example, jobs where it's common for people to have Masters and/or Doctorates as the higher degree, and then Highschool and/or Bachelors for lower degree? In the higher degree situations, I feel that tattoos will directly have an impact on your career. That's the point I'm trying to get across with regards to the mentality of tattoos showing a lack of education. I have a Bachelors myself, but I work with a ton of Masters and Doctorates. I don't know a single one of them who have a tattoo. I don't know if it is indeed an education level view of it, or just the current generation that is holding those jobs, but there is definitely a bias.

  7. I got my tattoo finished up in October and I won't be going under the gun again any time soon. I'm in Kev's boat with needing to save. Wedding and a house are coming up. Other than that, I did reach out to Dana Helmuth and he said he is interested in my idea. I'll be getting in touch with him once I'm ready financially, which will hopefully be 2013 at the latest.

  8. hawk, well said!

    I'm only a beginner to the tattoo world, so I'm going to speak on a strictly business mindset. It's funny that hawk mentioned McD's as I was going to make the same comparison. No matter how "mainstream" tattooing becomes, there will always be a demand for high quality work from reputable artists. The best thing you can hope to do to survive is be open to all and build a solid reputation. Tattooing is small business. It's no lie that the majority of small businesses (in USA) fail. You have to put the time and energy into it. You can't give up or lose hope because of scratchers and low quality work.

    I'll draw a parallel too. I make home brew beer and I give it to my friends and family, it's good stuff. No matter how much I brew though, I, my family, and friends will always be buying from other craft breweries because of solid reputation and selection.

  9. I feel as though it was subliminal for me to check out this thread. Talk of squat and dead lifting nary sneaks under my radar. I take it one of you is crossfit and the other is a powerlifter? I share your enthusiasm for dot and spider fillers as well as barbell antics.

    I really like the look of fillers, it brings it all together and just makes it look complete.

  10. That Dave Fox piece looks great..You going to have him tie that in to a sleeve?

    Yes, but I don't know what. I need to go conservative and limit it to a 1/2 sleeve. I suggested a baku but he thinks it might be crammed in a limited space. So I'm looking for other ideas at the moment.

    Also, I bought his book, A Novel Idea, it's so badass strange. I need more work from him in the future.

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