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Posts posted by Cork

  1. I think OHS are a good illustrator of whether you can stabilise weight overhead and your shoulder mobility but unless you're doing o-lifting or CF (and need them for your sport, essentially) I feel like there are better barbell squat variations if the goal is strength building or hypertrophy. Most people seem to need months before they can put working weight on the bar.

    I totally agree with this. Overhead squats are pretty pointless for an average athlete. Just not worth the return once you get over the learning curve. I might even be inclined to generalize and say the whole snatch. The clean and jerk translates way better... says some unknown guy on the internet.

    So I join a tattoo forum and I immediately find a lifting thread lol. Combining the best of both worlds.

    I have a few questions for those more decorated than me - do you take gym time off (other than avoiding areas that are fresh and could get irritated like back tattoo & squats) post tattoo? Like avoiding sweat or avoiding the gym with fresh work because its non-sterile? I suppose the same question applies to cardio and / or saunas with fresh work...if this has been asked and answered 1000 times please ignore my rudeness while I read back a few pages.

    As for me, I'm a strongman & powerlifter with a few tattoos. I had a big piece scheduled to start a few days from now but unfortunately my last comp (last weekend) left some nasty friction damage in part of the work area so my artist and I pushed the start date. Boooooo.

    I take time off until I'm ready to move again. But I might be a special case because I'm getting a kame no koh, and I'm a baby. I have to take about 3 full days off before I feel comfortable lifting again. Even then, benching is out of the question for about 7 days.

    What do you have planned? Might want to pick a safer spot that won't have an atlas stone tearing at it?

  2. Alright well I can't really get a good picture, but the ink on top of stretch marks looks fine. Maybe eventually when it starts to fade, the marks on the skin will be less hidden, but the ink will probably still hold up. That's my guess. There was also another user who got tattoos on her lower stomach and upper thighs to cover stretch marks, and I remember her being very excited at how will they were covered. I can't remember her name though...

  3. @Bunny Switchblade @irezumi

    Being that I travel to Read Street every 3rd Monday or so, I'd love to meet you guys. Irezumi, I'd be very interested to know when/where you'll be guest spotting. Might not be able to finagle a tattoo, but I'd enjoy shaking your hand. Bunny, I know you've said it before, but where do you work? My next appointment with Dana is May 13th at 5. Is your shop close to Read Street? I could take a side trip and stop by and introduce myself. And yes Dana is working the convention, he said he was fully booked up except for 1 slot as of Monday.

    I am no where near as deep in the world as you guys are, so I can hardly appreciate what's going down here. I don't mean to derail the thread.

  4. The sunshine and warm spring time temperatures have me very motivated to lift and be active. Right now my schedule is Sunday and Wednesday Olympic lifting program. Right now this involves doing 5x5 of a overhead press, a squat, and a deadlift. The goal is to build strength through these movements then "graduate" into doing cleans, snatches, etc. Monday and Friday are crossfit days. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday are either rest or light running. So far it feels great being more active than I have been in the past 5-6 years.

    The nice weather is always a good motivator. I find myself getting out and trying to play more leisurely sports like beach volleyball and tennis. Weightlifting is still a priority but it's fun to get outside.

    Those crossfit days will probably really help your oly movements provided you have good coaches. Have fun with that.

    Does anybody else have a copy of " Becoming a Supple Leopard " ? For me the stretching and mobility sections are outstanding .

    I've heard that this book is really poorly put together? I was thinking about buying it, but I am hesitant after hearing that.

    I'm doing Pavel Taatsouline's "grease the groove" protocol at the moment because I can't get to the gym. I've picked the pull-up and push-up as movements and basically I'm just doing sets randomly through the day, accumulating volume. No sets to failure. Yesterday I did 55 pull-ups and 92 push-ups. Mostly sets of 5-7 and 10-14 respectively. The only issue is in not sure when 'enough is enough' per day? I've been at it a week so far, still adding reps daily.

    I did something like this for a while too with pull ups. I enjoy a lot of Pavel's writing and the way he explains certain things. I would say 55 pull ups in a day is pretty good. You figure if you were doing them in a normal workout, average would probably be 3 sets of 10-12?

    Anyone else having stretching issues, I highly recommend the Limber 11 by Defranco. It may have been mentioned in this thread already, but I figure it's always good to get a reminder. I really like this routine for hip flexibility. He has one similar for shoulder mobility, but I don't think it is nearly as effective as the Limber 11 is for hips. I prefer Starret's shoulder mobility exercises from what I've seen and used on myself.

  5. @idyllsend When I was getting my back done, it was basically whatever I was comfortable with. They had no problem setting up the screen. As far as looking out the windows... well anyone peering in the windows got lucky. Reverse bathrobe is the best bet. For me I have a fundoshi and a towel. But I don't really have to worry about covering up boobs.

    @Ditch Belgium It's all relative. Fresh hits are the worst, but as soon as the area gets used to being tattooed, the pain eases up as you can acclimate to it.

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