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Posts posted by Cork

  1. Brewing a Belgian pale. Nothing special with the recipe, but I'm going to be giving a portion of it to Dana Helmuth this Thursday in celebration of completing my back piece. I want to come up with some good labels, but I'm having a hard time coming up with a good pun name. Because that's what all the cool home brewers do. A good pun beer name goes a long way.

    Back Tattoo Brew

    Back Piece Pale

    Yeah, 15 minutes of brainstorming and that's all I have. This is why I don't name any of my beers. This one is a pale, that one is an amber.

  2. @flowergirl

    I can understand how not getting the perfect tattoo that you wanted can be emotional. It's on you forever, and now you see it as something that's messed up. Everyone here is trying to help you come to terms with it and move on. Blowout, migration, whatever, every tattoo is unique. Now so is yours.

    I think the backlash from this community is coming from what it seems your intent is: blame the artist for messing up and proceeding to write a bad review (presumably on Yelp). You'll find that once you get in to the tattoo community and appreciate what artists can do and have to deal with, you'll side with the artist 9 times out of 10, which is basically what everyone in this thread is doing. We've been through it before and experienced the same thing you're experiencing. This is not the crowd to coddle and hand hold though. Since it didn't sink in on the first 2 pages of comments, things got taken to the next level. I've seen the usual suspects post in this thread that have posted in others, and I doubt anyone's intention was to make you cry.

    I'm not going to apologize for anyone, but seriously, don't sweat the minor blowout. Get something bigger around it or over top of it and you'll never even remember it was there. Although you'll forever be emotionally scarred from this thread. (That's a joke.)

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