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Everything posted by Cork

  1. Oh shit I didn't even think about the toilet. Thanks for the insight. This is one more reason why squat toilets are superior.
  2. Holy hell this thread is getting destroyed lately. I love it. So after getting your ass done, how do you work travel? What is it like driving with a flaming ass cheek? Do you get a chauffeur and you lay in the back seat? This is one major concern of mine because when I (hopefully) start mine, I will be travelling up to 3 hours for the sessions. I can't imagine what the drive home would feel like immediately following a long session.
  3. I love the look of these thick black lines. Rachi Park, Black Throne Tattoo. I stole this off Reddit so I don't know if that is true for sure.
  4. Cork

    Funny videos

    Holy hell that lip reading was hilarious.
  5. Probably the worst part of that whole article is the subtitle of the one pic which reads, "The estimated cost of a cover up will be 300 GBP." Which means she is probably going to go to another unskilled artist for a cover up with not enough skill to really do a cover up. Maybe I'm doing the wrong currency exchange in my head, but I would think a truly nice pinup of Monroe would cost more than that.
  6. Video of yourself on the internet? That sounds like a bad idea.
  7. I love your back piece. You are killing it at a decent rate.
  8. Didn't see this anywhere, figured this would be one of the top places who would want to know... considering the fact that I only have Instagram to follow tattoo artists. Instagram says it now has the right to sell your photos | Politics and Law - CNET News There is already a lot of backlash, so things might change. But for now, I figured you guys would want to know.
  9. I'm about ready to get my back piece started right now (in my dreams). I love this thread. Awesome back Werndog.
  10. I have a decently sized tattoo on my thigh (you can see in my gallery), and the worst parts of it were up at the top nearest my hip and down at the bottom on my innermost skin. So I wish you luck with yours, haha.
  11. The guy writing that article is an idiot. He is already taking the position of "Oh I don't have any tattoos so crucify me now." I can't stand that attitude. As if the people with the tattoos are the judgmental ones. Just because you judge us for having tattoos doesn't mean we judge you for not. And I'm going to step off my soap box.
  12. A quick update; called State of Grace yesterday and they say it is still too early to book with Horitomo, call back in a month. Still no word from Grime.
  13. That is going to look sick when it's done. It already looks amazing!
  14. Just a quick update. I e-mailed Grime and have not heard back yet. I called State of Grace and was told that Horitomo isn't taking any new clients until after March, so call back in a month to schedule something So the plan is that Grime has a month to get back to me, otherwise I'm going to Horitomo. But the more I think about it, I have always wanted tebori, so I might just go with Horitomo anyway. I need help on placement!! I think my ideal future situation is a bodysuit, so I need items to blend well with future water/bars background. You can see my gallery, I only have 2 tattoos so far. I'm saving my hamstrings/ass/back for a full piece, ribs for some birds, other pec for another large piece... Where can I jam something small/medium sized where it won't seem out of place?
  15. Dave Fox Photo by davefoxtattoos • Instagram
  16. I would go to Freddy but I'm just not in to Jesus/religious themed tattoos. And if I were to go to him, I would not get anything else. SF is way easier to type, so I'll just go with that. :) I'll send out a couple e-mails today and see what happens. I'll be sure to keep you all posted. Thanks again for your suggestions.
  17. I can't decide argh! Also, those cats with tattoos paintings are freaking awesome. If you don't mind me asking, how much are they, @cvportagee? Also, is horitomo tebori only? That might be perfect for a smaller piece. I've always wanted something hand poked.
  18. So many tough decisions. As far as content goes... Whether it be an ill omen or not, we are both pragmatic and realize that matching tattoos might turn to regret. So nothing of that sort. I am really pushing her to get a maneki-neko. She loves cats. Either that or a wicked awesome spider chrysanthemum (thank you spell check for that one) floral design. I'm good with anything from Japanese lore. Ever since I saw @robz Hyottoko, I had an interest in one of those bad boys or a Daruma doll... just something simple. It depends on which place I pick. That being said, I could also do a 180 and go for a Lehi tiger head. Too many choices!
  19. Definitely solid choices. My first inclination was Grime. I wonder what his booking schedule looks like.
  20. So I'm heading to San Francisco next April for my honeymoon. I told my soon to be wife that San Francisco is home to some of the best tattooers in the world, and that it would be cool to get some squid stains while we are out there. Currently she has none, and I love her because her response first response wasn't "No." So I pose the question to you, with all of the amazing artists out there, if you could only make it to San Fran possibly only once in your life, who would you go to? We aren't looking for big pieces. Maybe nothing bigger than an hours worth of work on her and only a couple hours for myself. We both enjoy the Japanese style. Very open to suggestions!
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