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Everything posted by Cork

  1. I had meant to ask you if that was from a woodblock! Thanks for sharing.
  2. I'm a glutton for punishment so I have back to back appointments March 3rd then the 10th.
  3. $30 of Tegaderm later, my ass and fire spots are mostly covered. Hopefully they hold well while under flexion.
  4. Just don't pick at them after the fact.
  5. I feel like everyone with a back piece is just biding their time waiting for their month to come.
  6. Sure thing, best of luck. Have fun with it! @TaeTae I mean it's 6' long. 3' is not enough fabric. It was initially 9' but that was just too long so I cut a portion off.
  7. A fabric store. It's just a piece of white cloth, 12" wide and about 3' long.
  8. I go Fundoshi for any ass session. Covering up your hole should be required, and not just considered a courtesy. I bring a towel or 2 to stay modest while walking around the shop. The towels also help a little with warmth if the shop is chilly. You can drape them over the area that isn't being hit to conserve some body heat. I know @hogg recommends the reverse bathrobe, but it is hell trying to find a men's bathrobe. The stores just don't sell them unless it's Christmas time. I even tried looking for women's sizes but they just don't come big enough. Maybe you can find one on online. The towels worked for me so I just gave up the bathrobe search, especially since I will never use it anyways once my back is done. If all you are doing is going down to the top of the ass, just wear some light sweatpants and boxers that can be moved easily. Boxers can be manipulated to almost any position if you are uncomfortable about taking the dive and going full fundoshi.
  9. Stalker. On top of me faster than I can edit. I fixed the link, haha.
  10. But those Ukiyo prints are completely acceptable (and awesome). I would say the criticism is lent to the most awkward ones, nothing special than the criticism that any weird looking art receives. For example, Suikoden vs Kabuki; The character portrayal in kabuki is much more cartoonish than the other. That's my opinion. I'm not going to pretend that I really know anything about art, but I just think it's something to consider. Because on the other hand, one could argue that the snake looks goofy. I'm good at destroying my own arguments. VS http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/26/Sharaku_%281794%29_Sawamura_Yodogor%C5%8D_II_as_Kawatsura_H%C5%8Dgen_and_Band%C5%8D_Zenji_as_Oni_Sadob%C5%8D_%28compressed%29.jpg Good lord that second picture did not embed properly. I'll have to suffice with hyperlink.
  11. @TaeTae Forget the lower leg pain. I think once you get your ass done, you have a good point of reference as to how bad something can hurt. @ironchef @Russ you guys both have some great looking work. Thanks for sharing!
  12. There will always be people who say that stuff about the Japanese style. "It's too cartoony for me", but that's just the way it is.
  13. I think if the OP were to split his body down the middle, which he is suggesting, with color on one side and black and grey on the other, it would make his black and grey side look unfinished. Just IMO.
  14. Here's a fully of the progress so far, not just butt teasers from Dana's Instagram (though no one was complaining.....). I had a little fun and struck my best rear "relaxed" pose from my bodybuilding days. My internet personality is way more interesting than in real life. But hey, we're all just in it for the "likes" anyhow, amirite?! :cool:
  15. Hmm, well I've been going at a steady clip with 1 session a month since last May. Average session maybe about ~5ish hours. I'd guess I'm about 40 hours in. It's all that black! Really all that is left is 2 little strips on my hamstring of wind bar, then ALL color and touch ups. Dana says color sessions fly by, so even though it looks there is still a ton left, he doesn't think it will take long.
  16. Thanks all. It was a tough session and it always perks me up to get your compliments, haha. I'd say the worst part about sitting is the actual action of either sitting down or standing up. Like ironchef says, the spot gets pretty swollen so, to me, the constant pressure while sitting is comfortable
  17. My fuggin ass. From Dana's Instagram. I'll post healed pics later.
  18. Ha it's a valid question though. We all know tattoos fade over time, so you would think that something light and highly detailed wouldn't hold up. Truth is, this highly detailed style either hasn't been around long enough, or hasn't been prominent enough that there aren't a lot of great examples out of ones that are aged, I'm basing this solely off of what I have seen thus far. I have to say though, I am glad that @peterpoose started a thread where he is updating the aging of his arm. It sounds silly, but I don't think anything has been documented like that before so it will be a good thing to take note of. Also I think that comment started off as a backhanded compliment from people who just don't like the style, and then people who don't know any better keep perpetuating it. "That looks great, but how will it age?" can also be read as "That is going to fade and look shitty in a year, so that means my solid line tattoos are better." Not to derail the thread.... I guess we can discuss it more here. http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/forum/general-tattoo-discussion/2672-healed-new-pics.html
  19. Damn @peterpoose you have been getting nailed!
  20. Tattoos are for degenerates and evildoers.
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