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Everything posted by Cork

  1. It's been a couple months since some serious butt work, I forgot how fun it was. My glorious buttocks create quite the shadow in that lighting, but I've got myself a nice new pink and purple lotus. Also referred to as the big ass lotus, or the big ass ass lotus. Whichever you prefer. Also the blue is finished, and the snake got touched up a little. Very productive. Picture is as always from Dana's Instagram because I'm lazy, and I can't really get a better picture either. Damn my rear end constitution.
  2. Jeez, you guys know phone cameras have timers right? Prop that thing up and set the timer.
  3. I'm excited for when I have more leg tattoos to warrant posting pictures in this thread. Until then, keep on with the hairiness!
  4. @misterJ Those are some solid wind bars. I love the ones that look like that. Very traditional. That guy over your shoulder, straight 'mirin. Ah boy, tattoo anxiety settling in. The back is such a mind game. Even a few beers deep and I'm still apprehensive. I'm going to be so happy when this is over with. Anyone else who has a completed back piece ever get to that stage where you just want it over with? I've been pretty patient with this whole process, and it's completely worth it, but damn, it would be nice to have this thing done, ha. Been 13 months so far.
  5. I'm going in on Tuesday for more work on Kongo Yasha. And hey I was looking all over, maybe who ever originally posed the question will see this post; Who ever asked why sometimes Fudo's eyes/teeth are portrayed as one up and 1 down, I happened to be flipping through Monmon cats and remembered this page.
  6. If I didn't think most newbies would take it seriously and/or offensive, we should have an "Ask @Graeme" thread where you propose your new age idea, and he comes up with a badass traditional alternative.
  7. Money mallet, oh man that is way cooler than Uchide no kazuchi.
  8. Boy are you in for some fun! Good luck, and be sure to post your progress in the back piece thread. Full back can mean different things to different people. Are we talking Japanese shoulders to thighs? And who are you going to?
  9. I just saw a post from Grime saying that Andre Malcolm is moving to Skull and Sword. I never heard of the guy, so I check out his Instagram... all back pieces. This one is intense. I bet it takes someone to be very strong in character to get this on their back.
  10. Is this another Futurama reference to the binary tattoo on Fry's ass that happens to have the key to time travel, or parallel universe, or whatever it was? Or was it a birthmark?
  11. @MikeL one of us is Instagramming incorrectly. I don't see it!
  12. @MikeL Not even an Instagram snapshot from Rodrigo... Looking forward to seeing the color!
  13. Oh boy that sounds like a rough one @EmmaB Good job getting through it. I've never heard of Richard before so I had to look him up. Looks like he has good experience with big work, can't wait to see some pics! http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/forum/tattoo-designs-books-flash/492-full-back-piece-thread.html
  14. Haha, sorry Bunny, definitely not letting you in on what day that will be. It's going to be bad enough for the both of us (Dana and I) as it is.
  15. Try healing your ass. Definitely makes things difficult.
  16. @Ragen thats rough, sorry to hear that. I got lucky with the blue. The first round healed better than any other part so far.
  17. Heavy blue session. Not a great pic, but you get the idea. From Dana's instagram. Also, @Bunny Switchblade it was a pleasure to meet you and your husband yesterday. Again, sorry I wasn't a great conversationalist, I thought I'd be doing better off than how I really was!
  18. Well, it's complicated because since it's her first tattoo, she thinks she has an obligation to make it mean something. All said and done, though, I know she will be happy as long as it's pretty, which is a guarantee. Because of my obvious Japanese art preference, she has come to feel the same way. So hers will be something along those lines. I would guess that either botan, chrysanthemum, or maneki neko are her top 3. I want to convince her to get a little maneki-neko popping out of a botan, but we'll see. Now if she backs out and it's up to me to fill the slot, I want a heikegani. I bet Wendy would kill it. Assuming I wasn't too slow and we get a spot :( What are you thinking about getting @ironchef?
  19. Wendy Pham finally coming to USA. @ironchef I emailed her for as pot in New York. My wife always said that if Wendy came stateside then Wendy would get the honor of giving her her first tattoo. And if my wife chickens out, I'll take the time slot :) "Hello Americans! Matthew_gordon and I are heading your way and working with these lovely folks! Email [email protected] , [email protected], with subject: USA! I will respond in the next few weeks :)"
  20. @Chap way to tough it out. It's not an easy road and IMO if anything makes it slightly better, it's worth it. FYI, painkillers really don't do shit for the pain anyways, but they will help you zone out easier. So don't feel guilty like you're getting off easy. It's still going to suck :) Have fun!
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