Thank you for the link to the thread, it confirmed what I had researched prior and did give me more new info. As you can see, if I attached the pictures correctly, most of the lettering is white and exactly what I wanted. Some of the lettering is bluish/grayish, there were more areas that had this color when I first got it 2 weeks ago but they have disappeared.
I realize some people don't think this is a 'proper' tattoo. I had my reasons for doing it exactly like this; just like other people who design their own tattoos and put a lot of thought and effort into it, I wanted it how I wanted it knowing the risks involved. It has deep meaning to me.
What I'm wondering is, if the stencil ink is 'degradable'. As a nurse I know that some things degrade in the body and some things do not. The research I've done, Internet, forums, asking artists, give me differing information. Some insist the stencil ink degrades and some say it's permanent.
I know it hasn't fully healed but my quest for knowledge just won't let me let it go. A friend told me about this site and how this community is so knowledgeable, and did warn me I might get some flack for my non traditional tattoo :p.
So does anyone know if stencil ink degrades if it gets pushed into the body?