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  1. Like
    hogg got a reaction from Wilhell in Matt Arriola: Uncommon Asshole   
    Check out this short video on one of my favorite tattooers (featuring another favorite, Bob Roberts):

    I've said before that Matt has a bit of a Big Liebowski vibe, but now I realize that that comes across as a bit unkind (or at the very least, sells him short). He's both passionate and compassionate, and that comes through in this piece.
  2. Like
    hogg reacted to Piha in Full Back Piece Thread   
    Hi all, started my back piece yesterday...roughly 5 hours lining..a few rough spots but otherwise not to bad !
    Artist is Dan Andersen from Sacred tattoo in New Zealand..Cheers !

  3. Like
    hogg reacted to Piha in Full Back Piece Thread   
    Second session today...3 hours background shading on one side. Thats 8 hours all up so far. Good times !

  4. Like
    hogg reacted to Wilhell in Upcoming Tattoos   
    Ichibay next month at the London tattoo convention, Tim Lehi in November and Chris Trevino in May next year. So stoked!
    - - - Updated - - -
    Nice! What are you getting from him? and tebori? And Mike Rubendall too? ..
  5. Like
    hogg reacted to chrisnoluck in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    got my hand tattooed by mike wilson yesterday @ the pagoda city tattoo convention. soooo stoked on life right now even though my hands the size of a catchers mitt.

  6. Like
    hogg reacted to grahamcordery in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Pin up & black rose last week by Tim Hendricks, photo from his Instagram :D

  7. Like
    hogg reacted to taaarro in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Just got this Jesus Daruma from Walter McDonald. Stoked to get tattoos from two people on my list (Walter and Charlie Roberts) in one summer at my friend's studio right here in Tokyo!
  8. Like
    hogg reacted to CABS in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Just got this from Daniel Albrigo at Port City Tattoo in the LBC.
  9. Like
    hogg reacted to zetroc in Hi from the Bay Area   
    Hey everybody,
    I found this site through Black Heart in SF. I've only ever been on the receiving end of the tattoo machines and have a few pieces from Ron Wells, Heather Bailey, and Maxime Buchi. This site has been very informative and I've learned a lot from it, especially the interview series. Thanks for having me!
  10. Like
    hogg reacted to Dirk Beszia in Hello from The Peoples Republic of Berkeley   
    I am Dirk. I have decided to start my tattoo process (full body suit japanese style). It is a pleasure to be here and thank you for inviting.
  11. Like
    hogg got a reaction from SeeSea in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Thanks @suburbanxcore, @ItsNewport, @polliwog, and @CABS. I had a lot of fun doing that, even though it was kinda weird to just blast two dozen photos of myself all day. It was really nice to revisit all the times I got tattooed and the stories and experiences that went with each piece. And the kind comments from people like you all (and others who I don't even know through LST) really had an impact on me. @Iwar has started something great, and I already have several ideas for people I want him to feature in future takeovers. :)
    - - - Updated - - -
    You saw my bedroom tribal post, right? ;)
    And I didn't show all my tattoos in the takeover, so you can just assume the ones I didn't show are terrible.
  12. Like
    hogg got a reaction from robz in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Thanks @suburbanxcore, @ItsNewport, @polliwog, and @CABS. I had a lot of fun doing that, even though it was kinda weird to just blast two dozen photos of myself all day. It was really nice to revisit all the times I got tattooed and the stories and experiences that went with each piece. And the kind comments from people like you all (and others who I don't even know through LST) really had an impact on me. @Iwar has started something great, and I already have several ideas for people I want him to feature in future takeovers. :)
    - - - Updated - - -
    You saw my bedroom tribal post, right? ;)
    And I didn't show all my tattoos in the takeover, so you can just assume the ones I didn't show are terrible.
  13. Like
    hogg reacted to cltattooing in Cultural appropriation and unintentionally racist tattoos in modern tattoo culture...   
    Ugh I could write so much on this topic but I have to get ready for work soon. I'll put it in a nutshell though. First of all, my opinions on this topic are constantly evolving and changing. I also strongly believe that in the USA, the people in power in this country are deliberately manipulating the media and the police force to create strong racial tension that will eventually break out into rioting, giving the state the opportunity to declare martial law (whole other topic of discussion). So with that being said, cultural appropriation and race are hot topics and very sensitive and close to home for a lot of people, also creating a complex of white guilt among many people (bullshit), which is where a lot of the internet social justice warriors come from. No seriously, next time you see someone yelping on the internet, just for curiosity, take a look at their race. So from my perspective, many of these concerns and emotional triggers are definitely valid, but also being blown up to push the buttons of the public to engage in certain hot topics and ignore other extremely disturbing shit that is happening behind the curtain (GMO engineering, climate engineering, drone warfare, DARPA, CERN, etc).
    So if a tattoo is offensive to you, guess what? The internet isn't the place to get into it. Talk to the person wearing it, you don't know the reason that they got that tattoo. It could be satirical, or it could be legitimately ignorant. You may have the chance to change your own point of view or influence someone else's.
    As for the whole white privilege/guilt thing in regards to cultural appropriation, everyone should be aware of their privilege so as to not capitalize on it and marginalize other people, everyone should generally be good to other people, and nobody should feel guilty about things that their ancestors have done because guess fucking what? You weren't there for it, you had nothing to do with it, and you can't change the past.
  14. Like
    hogg got a reaction from sophistre in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Oh, of COURSE, that's on you, @sophistre. Damn, you make great choices.
  15. Like
    hogg got a reaction from McCaul in Matt Arriola: Uncommon Asshole   
    Check out this short video on one of my favorite tattooers (featuring another favorite, Bob Roberts):

    I've said before that Matt has a bit of a Big Liebowski vibe, but now I realize that that comes across as a bit unkind (or at the very least, sells him short). He's both passionate and compassionate, and that comes through in this piece.
  16. Like
    hogg reacted to Graeme in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    @sophistre Damn. Best morph yet.
  17. Like
    hogg reacted to sophistre in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Prettyyyyyyyyy pumped about this one, not gonna lie. Yesterday:

    There's a vid too: https://instagram.com/p/5075TDTBNR/?taken-by=greggletron
    By Greg Whitehead at Scapegoat in Portland, as usual.
    My thigh feels like a wobbly hot water bottle today, and I don't even care. :o
  18. Like
    hogg reacted to Iwar in July 2015 Tattoo of the Month Contest   
    The winner of Tattoo of the month July 2015 is @suburbanxcore with this bad ass sleeve by Grez from Kings Avenue. Congrats!!

    Please PM @steve1461686340 with your shirt info (size and male or female) along with your address.
    The LST Tattoo of the Month Contest is taking a break for a little while due to low submission rate. We'll be back on a later stage, and maybe in a new format :cool: Stay tuned
  19. Like
    hogg reacted to 9Years in Young tattooers currently killin' it!   
    Laurent for sure. Great dude at a great shop.
    My wife got his first "on the books for cash-money" tattoo and it rules. Be jealous.
  20. Like
    hogg reacted to Synesthesia in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Got this from Chad Koeplinger last night in DC. Sorry the pics are shitty, it's still really swollen and bruised.

  21. Like
    hogg got a reaction from sophistre in Matt Arriola: Uncommon Asshole   
    Check out this short video on one of my favorite tattooers (featuring another favorite, Bob Roberts):

    I've said before that Matt has a bit of a Big Liebowski vibe, but now I realize that that comes across as a bit unkind (or at the very least, sells him short). He's both passionate and compassionate, and that comes through in this piece.
  22. Like
    hogg got a reaction from LanaZellner in Artist not responding - find another?   
    Have you called or visited the shop in person?
  23. Like
    hogg reacted to David Flores in Native American tattoos / designs   
    A Native American client put it in perspective the other day. She was looking around the shop and stopped at a sheet with some Pacific Northwest Native Designs. I asked her if she was interested in getting that type of tattoo, because I have a lot more reference in the back of that stuff. She replied "Anyone who takes a look at me can tell I'm Indian, I don't need a tattoo to say it, I want to get a Unicorn or a Pegasus, do you have any of those?" I told her we could draw one for her and she said "I've never been in a tattoo shop that didn't have a Pegasus or a unicorn on the wall." Fast forward, she leaves stoked with her bitching new tattoo.
    First of all I want to know what shops she's been hanging out at, cause I want to see some awesome unicorn flash. Two I guess it makes sense, while lots of people get tattoos to represent their family cultures and background, others are looking to differentiate themselves and possibly even rebel against the common perceptions. I can see how some people could be sensitive towards stuff from their culture, but with all due respect if we all got tattoos based upon exactly who we are, we would all have the same tattoos (or else we would all have to join the navy or somehow turn Japanese). Look at most tattoo designs. So many animals tattoos are loosely based upon what they would look like in the wild, but very few would be a spot on accurate representation of the species nor is it really intended to be, plus I don't think they wear funny hats or smoke cigarettes either. It's tweaking old ideas that generate new ideas and keep old ideas fresh and new.
  24. Like
    hogg reacted to Scott R in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    IF I see you this october please do not beat me
  25. Like
    hogg got a reaction from kimkong in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Thanks @suburbanxcore, @ItsNewport, @polliwog, and @CABS. I had a lot of fun doing that, even though it was kinda weird to just blast two dozen photos of myself all day. It was really nice to revisit all the times I got tattooed and the stories and experiences that went with each piece. And the kind comments from people like you all (and others who I don't even know through LST) really had an impact on me. @Iwar has started something great, and I already have several ideas for people I want him to feature in future takeovers. :)
    - - - Updated - - -
    You saw my bedroom tribal post, right? ;)
    And I didn't show all my tattoos in the takeover, so you can just assume the ones I didn't show are terrible.
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