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    hogg reacted to bongsau in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Got this wicked draw-on zen spider from Jonny Murdoch from Government Street Tattoo (Victoria) who is in Edmonton for the week.
    Also this smug lil bumble bee too:

    the idea of which came to me in a dream 3 nights in a row...then i googled "angry bumble bee" and bam! clipart reference on the first hit.
    These toonie sized tatts are so much fun. Hooray for "recreational tattooing" lol.
    Jonny's hanging at Champion Tattoo, Shawn Hedley's new shop in town. Super dope shop, nice hospitality, guess they got a bunch of ringers guest spotting in the future...better leave some space ;) Great tattoo talk yesterday and I got to see a backpiece Filip Leu and Kurt Wiscombe tag teamed up close. Amazzzzzzzing
  2. Like
    hogg reacted to Scott R in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    my brother got stationed locally and Lives down the block, Havnt really hung out with him in like 12 years. So I didnt do anything but still life dealt me a little awesome
  3. Like
    hogg reacted to Mick Weder in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    Been getting my shit back together :)
    Back training just about everyday, eating clean. Fuck all drinking whiskey etc.
    Dropped close to 15kg.
    Oh, and motorcycles. Riding motorcycles of course :)
  4. Like
    hogg reacted to The Tig in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    Spent some fun time with the twin grandsons last weekend. They just turned 6.

    I finally have had time to really enjoy the new acoustic, a Taylor 522 12-fret mahogany. It is by far the nicest guitar I've ever owned or will ever own. It sounds angelic to my ears. :)

  5. Like
    hogg reacted to Patrick Bateman in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    Well, I finally quit my job of 9 1/2 years. Some may say that is stupid but the stress level was taking a toll on me. The last year was hell and not getting a raise in 4 years was eating away at me. Still living with my grandparents who have raised me, I have to take care of them. But when i'd get home, I wouldn't "de-stress" and would still be in a shitty mood, which isn't fair or nice to them.
    I made plans to quit and had tons of back-up plans set up. Two of my back up plans actually worked. I got a full scholarship to grad school which I applied for back in March. So Now I work on campus 18 hours a week and get a small hourly wage but my tuition is 100% paid.
    Also, my friend purchased a business and immediately had me work with her. We deliver drinks like soda or snapple in NYC twice a week. Starting out, I told her to pay me very very little just to get the ball moving in her court. After about 8 months, is when I'm going to start making some decent money.
    all in all, I am working less hours. Making more money (in 8 months). Tuition is getting paid. Thursdays and weekends off. stress level is at zero. Started going to the gym more. I am emotionally on cloud 9.
  6. Like
    hogg reacted to Graeme in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    @hogg I think in these circumstances I am allowed to show off.
    @SStu Who are we kidding, by the time this kid is old enough to get tattoos they're going to be horribly out of fashion and he's going to be embarrassed by his dad who was tacky enough to get a large portion of his body covered in them. Until that point, however, I hope he views me as some kind of walking and talking story book.
  7. Like
    hogg got a reaction from daveborjes in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    @Graeme: Now you're just showing off. ;)
    @Hands On: If you're asking if I bought anything, I did not. But the temptation was great.
  8. Like
    hogg got a reaction from Fala in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    @Graeme: Now you're just showing off. ;)
    @Hands On: If you're asking if I bought anything, I did not. But the temptation was great.
  9. Like
    hogg got a reaction from Fala in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    Last night, I got to tour Ed Hardy's art studio. I saw countless pieces spanning five decades--everything from porcelain to flash to massive painted scrolls and more. I'm still trying to process everything; it was a truly incredible experience.
    So yeah. That's an awesome thing I did recently.
  10. Like
    hogg got a reaction from SStu in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    Last night, I got to tour Ed Hardy's art studio. I saw countless pieces spanning five decades--everything from porcelain to flash to massive painted scrolls and more. I'm still trying to process everything; it was a truly incredible experience.
    So yeah. That's an awesome thing I did recently.
  11. Like
    hogg got a reaction from Graeme in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    @Graeme: Now you're just showing off. ;)
    @Hands On: If you're asking if I bought anything, I did not. But the temptation was great.
  12. Like
    hogg got a reaction from CultExciter in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    @Graeme: Now you're just showing off. ;)
    @Hands On: If you're asking if I bought anything, I did not. But the temptation was great.
  13. Like
    hogg got a reaction from CultExciter in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    Last night, I got to tour Ed Hardy's art studio. I saw countless pieces spanning five decades--everything from porcelain to flash to massive painted scrolls and more. I'm still trying to process everything; it was a truly incredible experience.
    So yeah. That's an awesome thing I did recently.
  14. Like
    hogg reacted to anirudh in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Decided to post here instead of my intro thread. My first trip to Japan for 10 days. The arm was a coverup and was all done by tebori. Also started on the chest piece. And boy does it hurt! I thought I had a pretty good pain threshold. But the middle of the pecs is a different level altogether! Back to my country and I am already missing the pain though.
  15. Like
    hogg reacted to Fala in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Session 1 of 2 with Brian Kaneko completed last night, leaving in a half hour for session 2! I'm nervous, have never done 2 back-to-back sessions before - and I am SUPER exhausted from sleeping like crap last night. That said, the lining and first bits of shading look phenomenal, and I can't wait to share photos!!!
  16. Like
    hogg got a reaction from Hands On in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    @Graeme: Now you're just showing off. ;)
    @Hands On: If you're asking if I bought anything, I did not. But the temptation was great.
  17. Like
    hogg got a reaction from The Tig in Hey. Tattooist in London.   
    Welcome to LST. I just saw those tattoos you did on your grandma's hands and face. Now she'll never get a job! ;)
  18. Like
    hogg got a reaction from Boiled Dove in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    Last night, I got to tour Ed Hardy's art studio. I saw countless pieces spanning five decades--everything from porcelain to flash to massive painted scrolls and more. I'm still trying to process everything; it was a truly incredible experience.
    So yeah. That's an awesome thing I did recently.
  19. Like
    hogg got a reaction from tatB in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    @Graeme: Now you're just showing off. ;)
    @Hands On: If you're asking if I bought anything, I did not. But the temptation was great.
  20. Like
    hogg reacted to Hands On in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    did you succumb?! i just realized how important emphasizing the right syllable is with that word.
  21. Like
    hogg reacted to Graeme in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    @hogg That sounds okay, but I think I have you beat because I made this guy:

  22. Like
    hogg got a reaction from Graeme in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    Last night, I got to tour Ed Hardy's art studio. I saw countless pieces spanning five decades--everything from porcelain to flash to massive painted scrolls and more. I'm still trying to process everything; it was a truly incredible experience.
    So yeah. That's an awesome thing I did recently.
  23. Like
    hogg got a reaction from polliwog in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    Last night, I got to tour Ed Hardy's art studio. I saw countless pieces spanning five decades--everything from porcelain to flash to massive painted scrolls and more. I'm still trying to process everything; it was a truly incredible experience.
    So yeah. That's an awesome thing I did recently.
  24. Like
    hogg got a reaction from 9Years in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    Last night, I got to tour Ed Hardy's art studio. I saw countless pieces spanning five decades--everything from porcelain to flash to massive painted scrolls and more. I'm still trying to process everything; it was a truly incredible experience.
    So yeah. That's an awesome thing I did recently.
  25. Like
    hogg got a reaction from xcom in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    Last night, I got to tour Ed Hardy's art studio. I saw countless pieces spanning five decades--everything from porcelain to flash to massive painted scrolls and more. I'm still trying to process everything; it was a truly incredible experience.
    So yeah. That's an awesome thing I did recently.
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