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Everything posted by hogg

  1. Welcome! Jill Bonny did a decent-sized tattoo on me. Excellent choice.
  2. Well, I live in SF, so every now and then, I see some awesome work. I have a buddy at my gym from Northern Ireland (shouts out to @RoryQ!) with work from Theo Mindell, Jason Kundell, Jason Tyler Grace and lots of other great artists. That's how we met, actually. I asked him who did his work. There's another guy I see with a ton of work from the guys at Seventh Son--really impressive stuff (and he's strong as hell).
  3. I've always loved that tiger outside Perfection.
  4. Really? That's incredible. Try some Bulgarian Split Squats and report back in two days. My most hated exercise, by far (which means that it's probably the one I most need to be doing).
  5. It's always nice to celebrate other people's PRs. Less DOMS for you, too. ;)
  6. Also: you dudes should listen to advice from @kylegrey. Unlike many people on the Internets, he actually knows what he's talking about.
  7. I'll admit that I'm a little conflicted about this thread. I post on two fitness-related forums, and I don't discuss tattoos there. Separate spheres and all that. Also, it seems that there's something very anabolic about a keyboard; I've found that everyone's lifts go up by 40-50 pounds as soon as they're typed onto the Internet. However, it's nice to see DAN JOHN mentioned anywhere. I did his high-rep squat program from Mass Made Simple last year (and came close to hurling many times). I'm also a fan of Jim Wendler and have done 5/3/1 for several cycles. I'm currently using it for linear progression on squats. I'm dealing with some medial epicondylitis (golfer's elbow) right now that is fucking with my low-bar squats, but I'm trying to find workaround solutions for it. I have a decent little gym setup in my tiny basement, so I'm down there 2-3 times a week and at a commercial gym once a week. It definitely keeps me sane.
  8. That makes two of us. I've been thinking about shaving lately, but I'm scared of what's under there.
  9. Welcome, and thanks for the introduction!
  10. hogg

    Hey yall

    Phil Sparrow? But more importantly, welcome!
  11. hogg


    Oh, wait...tall Northerner, wears a headband? Yeah. I'm sure it'll be "mint" (I hope I used that correctly).
  12. hogg


    Stewart Robson? Can't say that I'm familiar. Good luck!
  13. @Hrubarb got a few tats on his shin from @Scott Sylvia Friday afternoon. I told him, "No deadlifting for 2 weeks." I'm still waiting to hear if he made it to his workout session the next morning. I've had some bad experiences working out with an unhealed tattoo, mostly due to the omnipresence of staph in commercial gyms. You probably want to keep the tattooed area completely covered in the gym, and like @RoryQ said, don't do anything that would come into contact with it (i.e. shin-scraping deadlifts).
  14. Welcome! Great to have you here.
  15. Damn, Ian! That is really, really nice. So much detail, and that dragon's face is so cool. The goddess' face is gorgeous, too.
  16. Wow! Big baby, big news, and even bigger congratulations. After watching my wife give birth, I stopped complaining about how much tattoos hurt.
  17. Scott who? ;) Welcome! Can't wait to see more pics of your work.
  18. Then allow me to say HOLY SHIT, DUDE. One shot? How long did that take? That shit is sooooo black. You are infinitely tougher than me. Longest I sat for my tigers was 2.5 hours and I left the table drenched in sweat.
  19. hogg


    Welcome, Patrick! I really dig the wolf and tall ship in your gallery.
  20. Glad you accepted my invitation! You have a great collection and we're stoked to have you. Welcome!
  21. I really enjoyed that one. I feel really lucky to get to wake up in SF every day.
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