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Everything posted by hogg

  1. Welcome from another SFer! And yeah, that's a great list of artists.
  2. BAN THIS GUY. Sorry. I meant, DAN, THIS GUY (rules).
  3. hogg


    Stranger things have happened. :) And that is a great tattoo!
  4. I'm afraid to show my daughter those acorn/twig structures, @irezumi. She already picks up every acorn and pine cone she sees (for her "collection").
  5. Welcome, Gerry! Thanks for introducing yourself. I really dig that snake, eagle, and lettering (VIHC) on your site.
  6. Lookin' really good @Cork. Good on ya for powering through these sessions.
  7. Solid list. Lots and lots of great shops in San Francisco/Oakland/San Jose/San Rafael, too.
  8. hogg


    Welcome to LST! And yes, please share some of your tattoos.
  9. Another Strine joins LST. Welcome!
  10. Really dig that rooster tattoo. Welcome to LST!
  11. @embers, you are filling up that leg with Burk awesomeness.
  12. I went to a guy about 6 years ago, but shortly thereafter, he moved to France. It's a bummer because he also tattooed, so he understood both application and removal.
  13. For real. Now if @Lance comes in here and kicks his feet up....
  14. Very cool! I saw this on Instagram today. Did he do that cool elephant, too? - - - Updated - - - If I didn't like you so much, I would definitely hate you. I have more work from Horitomo than you do, but that doesn't mean I don't feel a deep, visceral jealousy when I look at these (co-sign, @Graeme). Congrats, buddy!
  15. So far, I like every tattoo you've posted. Welcome!
  16. I'm afraid you won't find much encouragement for such a venture here. If someone who is an actual part "the tattoo world" wanted to reproduce a tattoo design on a wall, they would likely go to a tattoo artist, most of whom also paint, and commission them to paint one.
  17. I think you're referring to Casa Sanchez here in SF. $5.8 Million Tattoo / Sanchez family counts the cost of lunch offer - SFGate Many people have ridden the corn rocket. So many, in fact, that they stopped the promotion. But in searching for the above link, I found that they brought it back in 2010 as part of a "stimulus" package. It's not a bad logo as a tattoo, I gotta say. Believe it or not, I've never actually eaten there, but I have easily consumed my weight in their chips and salsa, included the last part of a bag of Casa Sanchez chips just yesterday.
  18. @Shaun1105 and @motsimus: that is truly bizarre. I never would have guessed it could be used that way. According to wiki, it comes from the Dutch "tap toe": Drummers from the garrison were sent out into the towns at 21:30 hrs (9:30PM) each evening to inform the soldiers that it was time to return to barracks. The process was known as doe den tap toe (Dutch for "turn off the tap"), an instruction to innkeepers to stop serving beer and send the soldiers home for the night. The drummers continued to play until the curfew at 22:00 hrs (10:00PM). Tattoo, earlier tap-too and taptoo, are alterations of the Dutch words tap toe which have the same meaning. OK, threadjack over. Go get tattooed by Soap and post it here.
  19. Welcome, Junior. Wanna share some pics of tattoos you have or have done?
  20. Now I'm intrigued, but Google is only pointing me in legitimate directions! Please advise.
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