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Everything posted by hogg

  1. My wife and I were just admiring that yesterday, @Piers Suckling. She's getting a (much smaller) sun dancer on her thigh next month. Yours is one of the best I've ever seen.
  2. We had a blast, dude! Thanks so much for making it happen. Come visit any time.
  3. @Mick Weder, that is one sweet Trump! Congratulations. And @Social66, your bike is dead sexy.
  4. Ha! First, I have to admit that "while looking between hogg's legs" is not a phrase I've heard before. Second, I have to admit that those are my wife's books. #SoIMarriedAHistorian
  5. I've told you this twice now, but damn, I love that tiger, Avery.
  6. July is officially the hottest month of the year.
  7. My buddy Aaron Hodges started doing "ship faces" a while back and they've really taken off. "Let's get shipfaced!" as he likes to say. I've seen a few other artists pick up on it, too. He's @aaronhodgesart on IG if you wanna check some out. I think they're great.
  8. Experience tells me otherwise, but I'm happy for you.
  9. Great introduction! Welcome to LST.
  10. Welcome, Sparky! I think you'll fit in nicely here.
  11. Right on! You may be interested to know that I thought my tigers would be roughly the size of yours, maybe a little smaller. Not what the artist had in mind, obviously.
  12. Best intro in a minute! Welcome to LST, man. I look forward to meeting you and @CultExciter. On the note of street food: http://somastreatfoodpark.com/ has a great variety of trucks, all in one place.
  13. That's beautiful, @sighthound! I was admiring it on IG yesterday. Yoni did a really nice full color tiger sleeve on my friend a few years ago.
  14. This seems like a good place to post my friend's stickers:
  15. That reminds me of a quote from the late great Rollo Banks: "...the basic premise of tattooing is pretty goofy. It's like, here you have this human body, like a beautiful piece of sculpture...like somebody owns Michelangelo's David and goes 'I just bought this and I want to get some fire and devils and things on it.'"
  16. I just stared at that for a long time, @Boxing Gloves. So weird, so well done, and so cool. I can't wait to see the additions.
  17. That's gorgeous, @growltiger. His peonies are so distinctive.
  18. Great story, @Mick Weder. Keep 'em coming!
  19. I feel like those are going to age incredibly well, @rozone. Not that they don't look incredible now.
  20. Slightly off-topic, but is "bikie" actually strine slang for "biker"? Because that is adorable. Also, I'm with @Mick Weder when it comes to hands and neck tattoos. Not to sound like an old guy (too late!), but there used to be rules to this shit.
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