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    robz reacted to Isotope in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    So this got started today. Kelly Edwards.

    Three words for getting all that line work in one sitting: Fuck. That. Shit.
    Worth every second of pain though!
  2. Like
    robz reacted to suburbanxcore in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Finished up my arm with Grez last month. Here are some healed shots (that I also just put in the contest thread).

  3. Like
    robz reacted to Cameron Jose in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Made the trip up to Davis to see George Hernandez and came away with this fun one:
  4. Like
    robz reacted to Killercook76 in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Round 1 by Chris Garver Invisible NYC
  5. Like
    robz reacted to Iwar in The ED HARDY Thread   
    From Mike Rubendall's youtube page:
    This video journal was the introduction from Day 1 of the Ed Hardy Lectures, "Pictures of the Gone World" at Kings Avenue Tattoo. It features Ed Hardy's works throughout his career, some of which have never been made available to the public. It also features never before seen clips of Ed's personal journey.

  6. Like
    robz reacted to UglyButProud in Missed opportunities/The one that got away/Regrets   
    Did you ever have the chance to get work done by someone and passed it up for one reason or another? You shake your head in disgust every time you think about it? I don't mean a wishlist, but actual stories of the one that got away.
    Mine was Ed Hardy around 1992 @ Tattoo City. I had already traveled out to S.F. twice and had work done by Eddy Deutsche, Dan Higgs and guest artist Henk Schiffmacher. Both times I hung around the shop for 2-3 days solid and stayed with Eddy and Alex Herman. Saw my first lungfish show then too....
    The third time I went out to get work done by Marcus Pacheco and have Eddy finish my sleeve, Ed was around the shop for a couple days, which i hadn't seen on my previous visits. I asked Eddy to introduce me if possible. He did, and told Ed I was his old (Eddy's) friend from "the mean streets of Detroit" which wasn't really true. Ed was cordial but all business as he looked up for a second, shook my hand, and went back to his business. I mentioned to him "I would love to get some work done" by him and I was travelling to S.F. a couple times a year to get tattooed. Eddy told me "every once in a while, Ed will come in a do a few walk ins and leave. As I was staying with Eddy, I got invited to go to the movies "with a bunch of guys from the shop". That night Eddy and I went and met Corbin, Higgs, Igor Mortis and a few others at the theater to see American Me. As we were hanging around outside bullshitting, Ed Hardy walks up and we all go in and see the movie.
    The next day, As Eddy was finishing my sleeve, I noticed Ed in the shop again. I went out of my way to say Hi when he came over to see what Eddy was doing. He was polite and hung around for a few minutes,then vanished. Later, when we were done, I saw Ed again. This time he said to me " I have some time later (when he got back from an errand or something) if you wanna get tattooed". I nearly shit myself..... I said, I would talk to him when he got back....
    I was simultaneously flustered/excited/nervous. This was my shot to get tattooed by one of the greats and I had almost NO MONEY! I had already withdrawn all the money in my bank account and my 1 credit card was maxed. I asked Eddy if he would give me back the money I just paid him with the promise i would repay him in a week or two with interest..he said No, he needed what I paid him. I called my mom to wire me money and was again told "NO"!
    When Ed got back to the shop, I had to embarrassingly tell him "thanks. but can't do it this time". I told him I would be out again and would DEFINITELY love to get some work done. He smiled and said "nice meeting you".
    well, you can guess the rest.......... Share your stories about the one(s) that got away!
  7. Like
    robz reacted to MGblues in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Don't post very often, but with @Graeme showing progress on his badass backpiece and the overload of cool stuff here to look at the past week, thought I's show what I've been up to the past year or so.
    Progress on the front side of me. Working on finishing it out and tying it all together with the back. It will be a shirt soon! October 2012 - April 2015 (chest/stomach).

    Got Angus Young put on me by Mr. Bob Tyrrell at the Full Moon Convention in Nashville on May 8th. I'm still blown away that this is on me. It's also the easiest tattoo to heal I've ever had. P.S. It is really hard to get a good pic of this one.

  8. Like
    robz reacted to Marwin3000 in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Hard to get a good picture of the elbow. Done by Chad Koeplinger last night!

  9. Like
    robz reacted to ItsNewport in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    The backpiece is done (for now at least) and i couldn't be more happy with it. Unfortunately i managed to pick up a chest infection which put a bit of a dampener on my trip to Oslo but there's no taking the smile off my face right now.

    Pretty much all the colour is fresh as well as a couple of the darker parts of the skull so it'll look a lot different once everything has settled down i'm sure. I don't mind admitting i barely made it through this session, definitely the hardest one i've had (certainly not helped by illness) but i'm so fucking glad we got to the end.
    By the legendary Marius Meyer.
    Now we await the healing process.... Also that left arm is looking pretty damn bare isn't it... fuck.
  10. Like
    robz got a reaction from Rikhall in Upcoming Tattoos   
    Just confirmed that I'll be off to Denmark to get tattooed by Henning Jorgensen in May. Starting a big old Dragon up my leg and on to my ribs.
    Can't wait. Yay.
  11. Like
    robz got a reaction from polliwog in Upcoming Tattoos   
    Just confirmed that I'll be off to Denmark to get tattooed by Henning Jorgensen in May. Starting a big old Dragon up my leg and on to my ribs.
    Can't wait. Yay.
  12. Like
    robz got a reaction from tatB in Upcoming Tattoos   
    Just confirmed that I'll be off to Denmark to get tattooed by Henning Jorgensen in May. Starting a big old Dragon up my leg and on to my ribs.
    Can't wait. Yay.
  13. Like
    robz got a reaction from ItsNewport in Upcoming Tattoos   
    Just confirmed that I'll be off to Denmark to get tattooed by Henning Jorgensen in May. Starting a big old Dragon up my leg and on to my ribs.
    Can't wait. Yay.
  14. Like
    robz got a reaction from sophistre in Upcoming Tattoos   
    Just confirmed that I'll be off to Denmark to get tattooed by Henning Jorgensen in May. Starting a big old Dragon up my leg and on to my ribs.
    Can't wait. Yay.
  15. Like
    robz got a reaction from Iwar in Upcoming Tattoos   
    Just confirmed that I'll be off to Denmark to get tattooed by Henning Jorgensen in May. Starting a big old Dragon up my leg and on to my ribs.
    Can't wait. Yay.
  16. Like
    robz got a reaction from Graeme in Upcoming Tattoos   
    Just confirmed that I'll be off to Denmark to get tattooed by Henning Jorgensen in May. Starting a big old Dragon up my leg and on to my ribs.
    Can't wait. Yay.
  17. Like
    robz got a reaction from jimmyirish in Upcoming Tattoos   
    Just confirmed that I'll be off to Denmark to get tattooed by Henning Jorgensen in May. Starting a big old Dragon up my leg and on to my ribs.
    Can't wait. Yay.
  18. Like
    robz reacted to Aussie Tom in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Those of you who follow Lee M Knight have probably already seen this one I got from him a few weeks back but here it is anyway. Done at Cult Classic Tattoo on my trip to England. Was a ripper bloke to get tattooed by and he went out of his way to make this tattoo happen!

  19. Like
    robz reacted to ItsNewport in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Just got back to the hotel in Oslo after having Marius Meyer blast me for 4 hours or so.

    Shout out to @Iwar for being an awesome tour guide, host, driver... really the only way he could have made me more welcome is by offering some hand relief. Maybe on the next trip!
  20. Like
    robz reacted to Graeme in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Chipped away a few more hours on my back. I think we're pretty much done the black shading, I think there's some greys to do in the water still, we still have to figure out the scales or patterns on the snake, but we're making progress.
    All work, as always, by Dave Cummings of PSC Tattoo.
  21. Like
    robz reacted to SStu in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Just finished up my second session with THooper on Monday. Have some serious crankle action going on today. Next booked for 2 days in a row in early Feb. Wife also got her 1st tattoo started yesterday, with Joey Ortega. They'll also finish up this one in Feb:

  22. Like
    robz reacted to Graeme in Tattoo silhouette and negative space   
    To be honest, I like your tattoos more than I like that Cripwell body suit. Your arms are fantastic, there are so many good pieces on them from great artists, everything sits really well, the stars and dots filler is great, and they're these perfect traditional arms that don't feel forced or overly deliberate. Maybe part of it is because I've seen your arms mainly through spending time with you instead of seeing pictures of them on the Internet, but I feel that I get a sense of you from them.
    I guess it all comes down to different ways of getting tattooed and people wanting different thing out of tattoos. For me, how I get tattooed has been this fairly gradual process of learning through experience. What I wanted before I first got tattooed is very different than what I want now both in terms of extent of coverage, and what styles and designs I want, and I think that while this inevitably means that I'm going to reach a point where I'll wish that I did things differently, left more spaces open, got fewer little things until I'd gotten more large pieces down, or the thousand other ways I might have done things if only I had the knowledge or foresight, I think there's something cool about tattoos being this record of a process of learning and understanding, even if the results are sometimes less than something that looks incredible in a photo. Japanese tattooing aside, I guess I don't really understand the motivation of somebody who goes from no tattoos to a deliberately planned out (and kind of anachronistic) bodysuit, it almost seems like a fashion statement.
    Anyway, different strokes and all.
  23. Like
    robz got a reaction from PopsBdog in Tattoo silhouette and negative space   
    Yup. I never really planned how it would all turn out and placement would have been different if I did. When I started I just wanted to be able to get tattooed by my favourite artists (and didn't want to go below the elbow) I do plan getting some backgrounds added though.

    Sorry for the crappy picture quality.
  24. Like
    robz got a reaction from polliwog in Tattoo silhouette and negative space   
    Yup. I never really planned how it would all turn out and placement would have been different if I did. When I started I just wanted to be able to get tattooed by my favourite artists (and didn't want to go below the elbow) I do plan getting some backgrounds added though.

    Sorry for the crappy picture quality.
  25. Like
    robz got a reaction from 49531 in Tattoo silhouette and negative space   
    Yup. I never really planned how it would all turn out and placement would have been different if I did. When I started I just wanted to be able to get tattooed by my favourite artists (and didn't want to go below the elbow) I do plan getting some backgrounds added though.

    Sorry for the crappy picture quality.
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