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    robz got a reaction from joakim urma in London Convention 2015, 25:th - 27:th of September   
    I'll be there on the Friday. I have a session with Henning J in the late afternoon. It will be my fourth year in a row and I can't wait.
    So if you happen to come across a pale Scottish guy getting his ribs hammered from 5pm onwards on Friday feel free to say hello to help me take my mind off the pain.
  2. Like
    robz got a reaction from Kingdomhearts25 in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Had a whirlwind trip to Demnmark this weekend for my second session with Henning Jørgensen. I am extremely happy with how it's turning out.

  3. Like
    robz reacted to ItsNewport in London Convention 2015, 25:th - 27:th of September   
    Just got my confirmation from Tony Hundahl so i'm now a definite for the Friday. Looking forward to seeing anyone who's around from LST!
  4. Like
    robz reacted to Graeme in Daughter got tattoo on a high school trip to Belieze   
    On the bright side, it is now more likely than ever that your daughter is going to get a panther tattoo, so it's not all bad.
  5. Like
    robz reacted to joakim urma in London Convention 2015, 25:th - 27:th of September   
    Flight booked and all three artists confirmed (Rico Daruma , Mike Rubendall, Horikitsune) Time to buy convention tickets :)
  6. Like
    robz got a reaction from Petri Aspvik in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Had a whirlwind trip to Demnmark this weekend for my second session with Henning Jørgensen. I am extremely happy with how it's turning out.

  7. Like
    robz reacted to smoz in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Got a new one yesterday, done by Valerie Vargas at Modern Classic from some Ed Hardy flash.

  8. Like
    robz got a reaction from PopsBdog in Tattoo silhouette and negative space   
    Yup. I never really planned how it would all turn out and placement would have been different if I did. When I started I just wanted to be able to get tattooed by my favourite artists (and didn't want to go below the elbow) I do plan getting some backgrounds added though.

    Sorry for the crappy picture quality.
  9. Like
    robz got a reaction from Rob I in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Had a whirlwind trip to Demnmark this weekend for my second session with Henning Jørgensen. I am extremely happy with how it's turning out.

  10. Like
    robz got a reaction from suburbanxcore in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Had a whirlwind trip to Demnmark this weekend for my second session with Henning Jørgensen. I am extremely happy with how it's turning out.

  11. Like
    robz got a reaction from joakim urma in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Had a whirlwind trip to Demnmark this weekend for my second session with Henning Jørgensen. I am extremely happy with how it's turning out.

  12. Like
    robz got a reaction from UglyButProud in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Had a whirlwind trip to Demnmark this weekend for my second session with Henning Jørgensen. I am extremely happy with how it's turning out.

  13. Like
    robz got a reaction from pidjones in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Had a whirlwind trip to Demnmark this weekend for my second session with Henning Jørgensen. I am extremely happy with how it's turning out.

  14. Like
    robz reacted to peterpoose in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    My new pieces by Victor over last 2 days, he is bored shitless with faces, eyes etc so we tried some dotwrok and a little towards bio.
    He made the girl/demon face light to try and contrast Robert Hernandez's far too dark skull.
    He worked super fast, first day 5 hours, today 6 hours. :)
    We also had a funny convo about my back piece. He said when I had the Jesus done he had no clue I wanted my whole back done, nor did I.
    He said he would have done things a lot differntly had he known that, so we have now booked 2 more sessions as he wants to go rght over my back and change as much stuff as is possible to flow better and improve it, to me its fine lol
    Pics taken on my phone with my arse red raw lol
    Anyhow sorry for the arse shot again and I also covered the hanging penis nudity part :P

  15. Like
    robz got a reaction from Fala in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Had a whirlwind trip to Demnmark this weekend for my second session with Henning Jørgensen. I am extremely happy with how it's turning out.

  16. Like
    robz got a reaction from cltattooing in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Had a whirlwind trip to Demnmark this weekend for my second session with Henning Jørgensen. I am extremely happy with how it's turning out.

  17. Like
    robz reacted to exume in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    My latest from Mike Aul from when I was in Michigan a few weeks ago.
  18. Like
    robz got a reaction from Scott R in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Had a whirlwind trip to Demnmark this weekend for my second session with Henning Jørgensen. I am extremely happy with how it's turning out.

  19. Like
    robz got a reaction from ironchef in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Had a whirlwind trip to Demnmark this weekend for my second session with Henning Jørgensen. I am extremely happy with how it's turning out.

  20. Like
    robz got a reaction from kimkong in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Had a whirlwind trip to Demnmark this weekend for my second session with Henning Jørgensen. I am extremely happy with how it's turning out.

  21. Like
    robz reacted to Joey Ryan in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Got a few more hours in on my custom dragon chest piece! So close to being finished but so stoked on how it's come together.
    London Reese is a pleasure to get tattooed by. Very easy going and cool to talk to.
    The shop is great, everyone there is a really friendly, cool, and talented as hell.
    After this last session, I now understand why some people say the chest sucks.
    15hrs down so far, only a little bit more to go.

  22. Like
    robz got a reaction from Lance in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Had a whirlwind trip to Demnmark this weekend for my second session with Henning Jørgensen. I am extremely happy with how it's turning out.

  23. Like
    robz got a reaction from Iwar in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Had a whirlwind trip to Demnmark this weekend for my second session with Henning Jørgensen. I am extremely happy with how it's turning out.

  24. Like
    robz got a reaction from SeeSea in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Had a whirlwind trip to Demnmark this weekend for my second session with Henning Jørgensen. I am extremely happy with how it's turning out.

  25. Like
    robz got a reaction from sophistre in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Had a whirlwind trip to Demnmark this weekend for my second session with Henning Jørgensen. I am extremely happy with how it's turning out.

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