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  • Location
    New York, New York, United States
  • Interests
    Skateboarding Tattoo Artist Magazine Hori Smoku Sailor Jerry, Midnight In Paris The Arkhams

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  1. Bill is donating all profits made from his dark black(black as a MOfO) ink this sunday. It's all over the instagram if you live under a rock.
  2. I just got two confirmation emails. I assume I got the print too. I'm giddy like a school girl!
  3. I am sure a few of you have worked in the village in NYC... some nasty shops! I am blessed to have worked at the cleaner street shops. tattooing in a bong shop is "alright" as long as its getting mopped and cleaned daily. the habibis have some nasty habits. stacks of used sharps containers, no garbage pickup, leaky autoclave etc... they dont care who tattoos at thier shops as long as they make money. If you guys want a real scare step foot in "crazy fantasy" or whatever. the owner sits in his dungeon doing lines and hookers while his junkies fuck people up all night long. wood workstations and wood floor... that place is nasty. I dont have to get into detail.
  4. $300 body suits. I wonder what they will think when they realize they are covered in shit? I mean they will eventually see what the difference is right? "tatted shit" is a very suitable name. the word "tatted" means covered in shitty tattoos.
  5. I gave up on speedballs (nibs) I like using faber castell and copic multiliners. arches 400lb cold press and a niji waterbrush are my secret weapons. It took me about 4 years to figure all this out. just barely started painting cool stuff. I will post a koi I did a couple days ago.
  6. I wish man! I am flying out to israel in september so I cant spend any money.
  7. yes! @gougetheeyes and @slayer9019 hit me up dudes. I'll pm you my digits.
  8. also, Oslo reminds me of this Dawn of the Black Hearts - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia WARNING!!! NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART.
  9. revival of the meet-up! I should just shoot you my number so you can text me when it goes down and I will be there.
  10. Rich or Mike Moses at TTW would probably be way into something like that. Zac Schienbaum is quite the metaltastic little dude as well (we went to the same synagogue as youngins lol)
  11. In the defense of dick blick, they only sell to licensed professionals. I was there a week or so ago (in NYC) and the bloodline case was locked and had a clear warning label. As a matter of fact it looked like they haven't even sold a single bottle. I like dick blick and wont stop shopping there just because skincandy sells ink there.
  12. Im not going but my buddy thor is selling his machines there.
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